2001 BMW 540i spare tire

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Page 11 of 1002

BMW 540i 2001 E39 Workshop Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine 
01 0-1 
010 General 
General ........................... .01 0.2 
How to Use  this  Manual ............ .01 0.2 
Warnings.  cautions and notes

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BMW 540i 2001 E39 Workshop Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine 
BMW special tools 
Many repairs covered  in this manual call for the use  of BMW 
special  tools. Many of the  BMW  special tools

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BMW 540i 2001 E39 Workshop Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine 
Cars with discharged or dead batteries can be jump-started 
using the good battery from another  car. See owners  manual 
for proper

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BMW 540i 2001 E39 Workshop Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine 
Table b. Inspection I Service (continued) 
Checlt transmission and differential for 
external  lealts. 
Check  CV joint  boots  for damage  or

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BMW 540i 2001 E39 Workshop Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine 
300-1 4 
I Susoension. Steerina and Brakes - General 
DSC system I 
Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) 
Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) utilizes

Page 705 of 1002

BMW 540i 2001 E39 Workshop Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine 
C. -- -- - -- Rear ~us~ensionl 
Depending on year  and  model  applications,  the Sport  Wagon 
rear  suspension  may be equipped  with:

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BMW 540i 2001 E39 Workshop Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine 
Rear Suspension 
Air spring,  removing  and installing 
If vehicle  is driven with  airspring depressurized, the  airspring 
will be

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BMW 540i 2001 E39 Workshop Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine 
Rear Suspension Swing arm, removing and installing 
(Sport Wagon models) 
- Raise rear end of car and  remove wheel. 
Make sure the
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