----------------------------------------------TABLE OF C ONTENTS
Engine data
Capacities .
Weights ...
Vehicle identification 286
. ' . . .•. .. 287
. 289
. 290
Reporting safety defects ....... 292
Outside the U.S. A. or Canada ... 292
Service Repair Manuals o • 0 • • 293
Index 296
When disconnecting and
connecting the battery ...
When you disconnect the vehicle battery
please note the following:
- some data stored in the driver informa-
tion system are erased,
- the clock goes out,
- the factory installed radio locks up,
- the Engine management system,
- the one-touch-u p and one-touch-down
functions of the power windows no lon
ger work,
- all stored seat positions in the memory*
are erased.
Af teryou reconnect the battery, you must
reset the clock. � page 118.
You also have to reset the Engine manage
ment system -see "Starter Switch "
�pa ge 113.
You also have to reset the one-touch-up and
one-touch�down feature on power win
dows -see "Power windows "
�p age 71.
248 You
have also reset the seat memory* -see
� page 81.
The radio must be re-coded with the correct
radio code - see your radio Operating In
Replacement battery
A replacement battery must have the same
specifications and dimensions as the origi
nal equipment battery. Specifications are
listed on the battery housing.
When installing the battery, make sure the
ignition and all electrical consumers are
switched off.
r.Gb. Because of the problem of �proper di
sposal of a battery, we
recommend that you have your au
thorized Audi Dealer change the
battery for you. Batteries contain
sulfuric acid and lead and must al
ways be disp osed of properly ob
serving all environmental regula
tions. Air
A dir ty air cleaner element not only reduces
the engine output and increases fuel con
sumption considerably but can also cause
premature engine wear.
Normally, it is not necessary to service the
air cleaner more often than recommended
in the Maintenance booklet. If the vehicle is
driven on very dusty roads, the air cleaner
must be serviced more frequently, even dai
If your air cleaner element must be
changed mora frequently, we rec
ommend that you have the air clean
er serviced by your authorized Audi
Dealer or a qualified workshop.
The air cleaner element must never
be cleaned or soaked with gasoline,
cleaning solvents or oil.
g Always heed all WARN INGS
t!!3 on page 232.
when tires show unusual wear such as
feather-e dging should they be rotated diag
� nall y. Yo ur vehicle may be equipped with
trres which have a specified rotation direc
tion. The rotation direction is identified by
arrow markings on the sides of the tires.
The rotation direction must not be revers ed.
Therefore, these tires cannot be switched
diagonally. If in doubt, discuss any unusual
tire wear with your authorized Audi Dealer's
service department.
After rotation adjust tire pressure and
torque wheel bolts diagonally to 90 tt lb
(120 Nm). Refer to "Changing a wheel" on
page 267 for details. Tire
Wheels and tires approved by the manu fac
turer have been specially matched to your
vehicle and contribute greatly to the road
holding, driving characteristics and safety of
the vehicle.
Make sure that the new tires also meet the
specifications listed on the label located on
the inside of the fuel filler flap or on the driv
er's door lock jamb.
It's �mporta nt to remember that in spite of
h �vrng the same tire designation, the actual
s1ze of a tire can vary from tire man ufacturer
to tire man ufacturer. Using different tire and
wheel rim combinations can result in re
duced clearance between the tire and the
vehicle body.
Therefore, never mount tires that
are of a different designation or
have different dimensions from
those of the factory supplied tires
which came equipped on your ve
hicle. VE
• If you must replace tires different from
those which were originally factory supplied
on your vehicle, always use the specific
brands, specifications and dimensions
which were specified by Audi for your ve
Yo ur authorized Audi dealer or Audi Client
Relations have information regarding the
t1res and wheel rims specified for your car,
and can tell you which tires and tire
man ufacturers were approved by the fac
tory for original equipment installation.
• We recommend that you have your tires
changed by an authorized Audi Dealer, be
cause they have the special tools and nec
essary expertis e.
Furthermore, your authorized Audi Dealer
stocks a range of tires and wheels.
• If the spare tire is different from the tires
that you have mounted on your vehicle (for
example winter tires or wide profile tires),
then use the spare tire for a short period of
time only and drive with extra care. Replace
the flat tire with a tire matching the others
on your vehicle as soon as possible.
Dimensions (approx.) 1 I
Width across mirrors
Height unloaded
- Low level
- Hig hest level
Ground clearance loaded
- Low level
- Highest level
Tu rning circle diameter
1J The specifications refer to the basic model.
Differences may occur depending on the
model type and options ordered, for example,
tire sizes.
288 18
9.4 in 4810 mm
76.1 in 1932 mm
60.1 in 15
26 mm
62.7 in 15
92 mm
5.6 in 142 mm
8.2 in 208
38.3 ft 11
.70 m
When driving up steep ramps, on rough
roads, over curbs, etc. it is important to re
member that some parts of your vehicle,
such as spoilers or exhaust system compo
nents, may be close to the ground.
Be careful not to damage them.
Capacities ...• ••.•. .......• o o 287
Care of
-e xterior . 212
-i nterior . . 217
Cargo net . .
earphone . . •
• . . • • 190
Catalytic converter •
. . . • • o 197
CB radios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 189
CD changer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Central locking system .. ... . 0 • • 59
- Rear lid . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . • . 63
Changing a wheel . . . . . . . .. o • • 267
Changing engine oil . . . . . . . . • 236
Checking engine oil level . . . . . . . 235
Child restra int anc horages . . . . . . . 53
Child safety ... ........... .. ... 44
Child safety lock for rear doors . . . 62
Child seat bench . . . . 92
Child seats
- Booster seats . . . . . . • • • • • . . 48
-C onvertible seats .. • .. o •• 47
- Infant seats . . . . .
. .. ... .. . 45
-O lder children . . . • . . . . . . . . 49 Chime
Ciga rette lighter
Cleaning 57,
113, 14 9
18 1
- Engine compartment ..... . 219
Glass ............. ... .. . .
- Inside of vehicle . . . . 217
- Leather upholstery . . . . . . . 217
-O utside of vehicle .... . • .. 212
- Safety belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
-W indows· . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 215
Cleaning and protection . . . . . . . . 212
Clima te controls . . . . . . . . .... o • 16 2
Clock .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .
Coat hooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . •
Com partment for Service
Literature Wallet ......... .... 18 3 .,)
Convenient entry function . . . . . . 1 01
Convertible locking retractor .... . 51
Convertible seats......... . ... 47
Coolant temperature gauge . . . . . 118
Cooling system . . . . . . . .
- Expansion tank 0 • • • • • • • • • 239
Cruise control . . . . 15
Cup holder . . . . . . . . . • . • . . • . . 182
Curb weight . . . . . . . . _. . . . ... 289 ALP
Dashboard ...... •••• .••.• .... 8
Data . . . . . . . o • • • • • • • • • • • • • 286
Date display . . . . . .
• .. 0 • 117
Daytime running lights .
Deflated full size spare tire ..... 266
Defrosting windows . . . . . . . • . . . 151
Difficult operating conditions . . . . 262
Digital clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
Doors ....................... 0. 59
Driver information system . . . . . . 130
-C alling up the menu ....... . 131
- Display types . . . . . . . . . • . • 133
- Entering settings . . . . • . • . . . 134
- Menu display . . . . . . . • • • . . . 131
- Navigation display ..... _ . . . . 130
Driving economically . . . . 19
Dri ving in foreign countries . . . . . 292
Driving on slopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Driving under difficult conditions
Driving with Four-Wheel Drive . . 207
Dupl icate key ....... .... ....... 57