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Downloaded from manuals search engine Citroën BX
Service and Repair Manual
Models covered
Citroën BX Hatchback & Estate models with petrol engines (inc. GTi, 16 valve & special/limited editions)
1360 cc, 1580 cc & 1905 cc
Does not cover diesel engine variants or 4x4 models
I M Coomber and Christopher Rogers
© Haynes Publishing 1997
A book in the Haynes Service and Repair Manual Series
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any
information storage or retrieval system, without permission in
writing from the copyright holder.
ISBN 1 85960 190 1
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British LibraryPrinted by J. H. Haynes & Co. Ltd, Sparkford, Nr Yeovil, Somerset
BA22 7JJ, England
Haynes Publishing
Sparkford, Nr Yeovil, Somerset BA22 7JJ ,England
Haynes North America, Inc
861 Lawrence Drive, Newbury Park, California 91320, USA
Editions Haynes S.A.
147/149, rue Saint Honoré, 75001 PARIS, France
Haynes Publishing Nordiska AB
Fyrisborgsgatan 5, 754 50 Uppsala, Sverige(908 - 336 - 1AA12)ABCDE
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Downloaded from manuals search engine LIVING WITH YOUR CITROEN BX
Safety First!Page0•5
Roadside Repairs
Introduction Page0•6
If your car won’t startPage0•6
Jump startingPage0•7
Wheel changingPage0•8
Identifying leaksPage0•9
Weekly Checks
Underbonnet check points Page0•10
Engine oil levelPage0•11
Coolant levelPage0•11
Hydraulic fluid levelPage0•12
Screen washer fluid level Page0•12
Tyre condition and pressure Page0•13
Electrical systemsPage0•14
Wiper bladesPage0•15
Tyre pressuresPage0•15
Lubricants, fluids and capacitiesPage0•16
Routine Maintenance and Servicing
Servicing Specifications Page1•2
Maintenance schedule Page1•4
Maintenance procedures Page1•8
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Downloaded from manuals search engine REPAIRS & OVERHAUL
Engine and Associated Systems
150 engine repair procedures Page2A•1
171 and 159 engine repair procedures Page2B•1
K1G engine repair procedures Page2C•1
D6C engine repair procedures Page2D•1
Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems Page3•1
Fuel and exhaust systems - carburettor models Page4A•1
Fuel and exhaust systems - Bosch LE3 Jetronic injection Page4B•1
Fuel and exhaust systems - Motronic injection Page4C•1
Fuel and exhaust systems - Magneti Marelli injection Page4D•1
Ignition system - carburettor models Page5A•1
Ignition system - fuel injection models Page5B•1
Starting and charging systems Page5C•1
Manual gearboxPage7A•1
Automatic transmission Page7B•1
Brakes and Suspension
Hydraulic systemPage9•1
Braking systemPage10•1
Suspension and steering Page11•1
Body Equipment
Bodywork and fittingsPage12•1
Body electrical systems Page13•1
Wiring DiagramsPage13•16
REFERENCEDimensions and weights PageREF•1
Conversion factorsPageREF•2
Buying spare partsPageREF•3
Vehicle Identification PageREF•3
General repair procedures PageREF•4
Jacking and vehicle support PageREF•5
Tools and working facilities PageREF•6
MOT test checksPageREF•8
Fault findingPageREF•12
Glossary of technical terms PageREF•19
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Downloaded from manuals search engine The Citroën BX was introduced in France in October of 1982 and
became available in the UK in September 1983. The original models
available in the range were the BX, BX 14 E, BX 14 RE, BX 16 RS and BX
16 TRS. The types of engine, transmission and equipment fitted being
dependent on the model and the body design being that of a Hatchback.
For the 1985 model year, the BX 19 GT was made available for the
driver requiring a higher performance model. Also in 1985, the BX
Leader replaced the BX and BX 14 models, the Leader being fitted with
the same engine and transmission as the BX 14. In the second half of
1985 the Estate was introduced, two versions being available, the BX
16 RS Estate and the BX 16 TRS Estate.
Changes for the 1987 model year included the introduction of the BX
16 RE Hatchback, the BX 19 GTi (fuel injection and ABS braking), the
BX 19 GTi 16v (16 valve engine) and the replacement for the BX 19 GT,
the BX 19 TRS. Also, a BX 19 TRS Estate fitted with automatic
transmission became available. The facia and instruments were
modified on all models, with round instruments being used. Other
aesthetic improvements were made to improve the external
appearance of certain models.For the 1988 model year, all BX 14 models were equipped with the
K1G engine with 2CA type 4 or 5-speed manual gearbox.
For the 1989 model year, BX 16 and BX 19 models were equipped
with the BE3 5-speed manual gearbox to replace the earlier BE1 5-
speed type.
In early 1990, BX 19 TZi Hatchback and Estate models became
available, these being equipped with catalytic converters.
In late 1992, BX 16 TXi catalytic converter equipped Hatchback and
Estate models were added to the range.
On all models, the engine and transmission is mounted transversely
and drives the front wheels through two driveshafts. The transmission
available (depending on model type) is a 4 or 5-speed manual gearbox
or a 4-speed automatic unit.
All models are extremely comfortable to ride in, thanks to the
hydropneumatic suspension and luxurious interior trim. The unique
design suspension is self-levelling and the ride height is maintained
automatically over all road conditions. A ground clearance lever inside
the car may be used to adjust the ride height when travelling over
rough ground, this also makes changing a roadwheel much simpler.
Your Citroën BX Manual
The aim of this Manual is to help you get the best value from your
vehicle. It can do so in several ways. It can help you decide what work
must be done (even should you choose to get it done by a garage),
provide information on routine maintenance and servicing, and give a
logical course of action and diagnosis when random faults occur.
However, it is hoped that you will use the Manual by tackling the work
yourself. On simpler jobs it may even be quicker than booking the car
into a garage and going there twice, to leave and collect it. Perhaps
most important, a lot of money can be saved by avoiding the costs a
garage must charge to cover its labour and overheads.
The Manual has drawings and descriptions to show the function of
the various components so that their layout can be understood. Then
the tasks are described and photographed in a clear step-by-step
Thanks are due to Champion Spark Plug who supplied the illustrations
showing spark plug conditions, and to Duckhams Oils, who provided
lubrication data. Certain other illustrations are the copyright of Citroën
(UK) Limited and are used with their permission. Thanks are also due to
Sykes-Pickavant Limited, who supplied some of the workshop tools,
and to all those people at Sparkford who helped in the production of
this Manual.
We take great pride in the accuracy of information given in this
manual, but vehicle manufacturers make alterations and design
changes during the production run of a particular vehicle of which
they do not inform us. No liability can be accepted by the authors
or publishers for loss, damage or injury caused by any errors in, or
omissions from the information given.
The Citroën BX Team
Haynes manuals are produced by dedicated and
enthusiastic people working in close co-operation. The
team responsible for the creation of this book included:
Authors Ian Coomber
Christopher Rogers
Sub-editors Sophie Yar
Carole Turk
Editor & Page Make-up Steve Churchill
Bob Jex
Workshop manager Paul Buckland
Photo Scans John Martin
Paul Tanswell
Steve Tanswell
Cover illustration & Line Art Roger Healing
We hope the book will help you to get the maximum
enjoyment from your car. By carrying out routine
maintenance as described you will ensure your car’s
reliability and preserve its resale value.
Citroën BX 19 GTiCitroën BX 16 TRS
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Downloaded from manuals search engine Safety first!0•5
Working on your car can be dangerous.
This page shows just some of the potential
risks and hazards, with the aim of creating a
safety-conscious attitude.
General hazards
• Don’t remove the radiator or expansion
tank cap while the engine is hot.
• Engine oil, automatic transmission fluid or
power steering fluid may also be dangerously
hot if the engine has recently been running.
• Beware of burns from the exhaust system
and from any part of the engine. Brake discs
and drums can also be extremely hot
immediately after use.
• When working under or near
a raised vehicle,
supplement the
jack with axle
stands, or use
under a car which
is only supported by a jack.
• Take care if loosening or tightening high-
torque nuts when the vehicle is on stands.
Initial loosening and final tightening should
be done with the wheels on the ground.
• Fuel is highly flammable; fuel vapour is
• Don’t let fuel spill onto a hot engine.
• Do not smoke or allow naked lights
(including pilot lights) anywhere near a
vehicle being worked on. Also beware of
creating sparks
(electrically or by use of tools).
• Fuel vapour is heavier than air, so don’t
work on the fuel system with the vehicle over
an inspection pit.
• Another cause of fire is an electrical
overload or short-circuit. Take care when
repairing or modifying the vehicle wiring.
• Keep a fire extinguisher handy, of a type
suitable for use on fuel and electrical fires.
Electric shock
• Ignition HT
voltage can be
especially to
people with heart
problems or a
pacemaker. Don’t
work on or near the
ignition system with
the engine running or
the ignition switched on.• Mains voltage is also dangerous. Make
sure that any mains-operated equipment is
correctly earthed. Mains power points should
be protected by a residual current device
(RCD) circuit breaker.
Fume or gas intoxication
• Exhaust fumes are
poisonous; they often
contain carbon
monoxide, which is
rapidly fatal if inhaled.
Never run the
engine in a
confined space
such as a garage
with the doors shut.
• Fuel vapour is also
poisonous, as are the vapours from some
cleaning solvents and paint thinners.
Poisonous or irritant substances
• Avoid skin contact with battery acid and
with any fuel, fluid or lubricant, especially
antifreeze, brake hydraulic fluid and Diesel
fuel. Don’t syphon them by mouth. If such a
substance is swallowed or gets into the eyes,
seek medical advice.
• Prolonged contact with used engine oil can
cause skin cancer. Wear gloves or use a
barrier cream if necessary. Change out of oil-
soaked clothes and do not keep oily rags in
your pocket.
• Air conditioning refrigerant forms a
poisonous gas if exposed to a naked flame
(including a cigarette). It can also cause skin
burns on contact.
• Asbestos dust can cause cancer if inhaled
or swallowed. Asbestos may be found in
gaskets and in brake and clutch linings.
When dealing with such components it is
safest to assume that they contain asbestos.
Special hazards
Hydrofluoric acid
• This extremely corrosive acid is formed
when certain types of synthetic rubber, found
in some O-rings, oil seals, fuel hoses etc, are
exposed to temperatures above 400
0C. The
rubber changes into a charred or sticky
substance containing the acid. Once formed,
the acid remains dangerous for years. If it
gets onto the skin, it may be necessary to
amputate the limb concerned.
• When dealing with a vehicle which has
suffered a fire, or with components salvaged
from such a vehicle, wear protective gloves
and discard them after use.
The battery
• Batteries contain sulphuric acid, which
attacks clothing, eyes and skin. Take care
when topping-up or carrying the battery.
• The hydrogen gas given off by the battery
is highly explosive. Never cause a spark or
allow a naked light nearby. Be careful when
connecting and disconnecting battery
chargers or jump leads.
Air bags
• Air bags can cause injury if they go off
accidentally. Take care when removing the
steering wheel and/or facia. Special storage
instructions may apply.
Diesel injection equipment
• Diesel injection pumps supply fuel at very
high pressure. Take care when working on
the fuel injectors and fuel pipes.
Warning: Never expose the hands,
face or any other part of the body
to injector spray; the fuel can
penetrate the skin with potentially fatal
• Do use eye protection when using power
tools, and when working under the vehicle.
• Do wear gloves or use barrier cream to
protect your hands when necessary.
• Do get someone to check periodically
that all is well when working alone on the
• Do keep loose clothing and long hair well
out of the way of moving mechanical parts.
• Do remove rings, wristwatch etc, before
working on the vehicle – especially the
electrical system.
• Do ensure that any lifting or jacking
equipment has a safe working load rating
adequate for the job.
A few tips
• Don’t attempt to lift a heavy component
which may be beyond your capability – get
• Don’t rush to finish a job, or take
unverified short cuts.
• Don’t use ill-fitting tools which may slip
and cause injury.
• Don’t leave tools or parts lying around
where someone can trip over them. Mop
up oil and fuel spills at once.
• Don’t allow children or pets to play in or
near a vehicle being worked on.
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Downloaded from manuals search engine 0•6Roadside repairs
The following pages are intended to help in dealing with
common roadside emergencies and breakdowns. You will find
more detailed fault finding information at the back of the
manual, and repair information in the main chapters.
If your car won’t start
and the starter motor
doesn’t turn
MIf it’s a model with automatic transmission, make sure the
selector is in ‘P’ or ‘N’.
MOpen the bonnet and make sure that the battery terminals
are clean and tight.
MSwitch on the headlights and try to start the engine. If the
headlights go very dim when you’re trying to start, the
battery is probably flat. Get out of trouble by jump starting
(see next page) using a friend’s car.
If your car won’t start
even though the starter
motor turns as normal
MIs there fuel in the tank?
MIs there moisture on electrical components under the
bonnet? Switch off the ignition, then wipe off any obvious
dampness with a dry cloth. Spray a water-repellent aerosol
product (WD-40 or equivalent) on ignition and fuel system
electrical connectors like those shown in the photos.
Pay special attention to the ignition coil wiring connector
and HT leads.
Check that the HT lead connections at
the distributor are clean and secure.ACheck that the HT lead connections at
the spark plugs are clean and secure.BCheck that the HT and LT lead
connections at the ignition coil are clean
and secure.C
Check the security and condition of the
battery connections.D
Check all wiring block connectors are
clean and secure.ECheck that electrical connections are secure (with the ignition switched off) and spray them
with a water dispersant spray like WD40 if you suspect a problem due to damp
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Downloaded from manuals search engine Roadside repairs0•7
When jump-starting a car using a
booster battery, observe the following
4Before connecting the booster
battery, make sure that the ignition is
switched off.
4Ensure that all electrical equipment
(lights, heater, wipers, etc) is
switched off.
4Make sure that the booster battery is
the same voltage as the discharged
one in the vehicle.
4If the battery is being jump-started
from the battery in another vehicle,
the two vehcles MUST NOT TOUCH
each other.
4Make sure that the transmission is in
neutral (or PARK, in the case of
automatic transmission).
Jump starting will get you out
of trouble, but you must correct
whatever made the battery go
flat in the first place. There are
three possibilities:
1The battery has been drained by
repeated attempts to start, or by
leaving the lights on.
2The charging system is not working
properly (alternator drivebelt slack
or broken, alternator wiring fault or
alternator itself faulty).
3The battery itself is at fault
(electrolyte low, or battery worn out).
Connect one end of the red jump lead to
the positive (+) terminal of the flat
batteryConnect the other end of the red lead to
the positive (+) terminal of the booster
battery.Connect one end of the black jump lead
to the negative (-) terminal of the
booster battery
Connect the other end of the black
jump lead to a bolt or bracket on the
engine block, well away from the
battery, on the vehicle to be started.
Make sure that the jump leads will not
come into contact with the fan, drive-
belts or other moving parts of the
Start the engine using the booster
battery, then with the engine running at
idle speed, disconnect the jump leads in
the reverse order of connection.6
Jump starting
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Downloaded from manuals search engine 0•8Roadside repairs
With the handbrake applied and engine
set to idle, move ground clearance
selector lever to maximum height position.
Wheel changing
Some of the details shown here will vary
according to model. For instance, the location
of the spare wheel and jack is not the same
on all cars. However, the basic principles
apply to all vehicles.Warning: Do not change a wheel in a situation where you risk being hit by
other traffic. On busy roads, try to stop in a lay-by or a gateway. Be wary of
passing traffic while changing the wheel – it is easy to become distracted by
the job in hand.
MRemove the wheel chocks.
MStow the jack and tools in the correct
locations in the car.
Check the tyre pressure on the wheel just
fitted. If it is low, or if you don’t have a
pressure gauge with you, drive slowly to
the nearest garage and inflate the tyre to
the right pressure.
MHave the damaged tyre or wheel repaired
as soon as possible.
Use the wheel brace to slightly loosen the
bolts of the wheel to be removed.Locate the jack in the correct jacking
point and raise the vehicle so that the
wheel is clear of the ground.Undo and remove the wheel bolts and
remove the wheel.
Remove the spare wheel and jack.Turn the wheelbrace 6 to 8 turns to lower
the spare wheel carrier.123
Fit the spare wheel, nipping tight the
bolts. Lower to the ground and tighten
the bolts to correct torque setting.7Reset the ground clearance lever to
normal driving position before using the
MWhen a puncture occurs, stop as soon as
it is safe to do so.
MPark on firm level ground, if possible,
and well out of the way of other traffic.MUse hazard warning lights if necessary.
MIf you have one, use a warning triangle to
alert other drivers of your presence.
MApply the handbrake.MChock the wheel diagonally opposite the
one being removed – a couple of large
stones will do for this.
MIf the ground is soft, use a flat piece of
wood to spread the load under the jack.
Changing the wheel