Downloaded from manuals search engine OPERATIONS
The sequence of operations has been devised in order to obtain the best standard of work in the
shortest possible time.
The numbering of the operations is made up as follows
a) The code letter for the car (/ MA 3) for all CX vehicles except
b ) A number made up of three figures denoting the unit or its component.
c ) A figure code designating the type of repair
- the figures 0 0 0 indicate the characteristics of the car
the figures 0 0 indicate the characteristics of the unit
- the figure 0 indicates checks and adjustments
the figures 1 4. 7 indicate removal or fitting
- the figures 2. 5. 8 indicate dismantling or reassembly and
the figures 3 6 9 indicate reconditioning
The thumb-indexing which corresponds to the list of operations enables the particular operation
to be found without difficulty. TOOLING
Special tooling is denoted in the text by a number followed by the letter ‘I
The part-numbers inferior to the 6000 series concern tools aiready in use and common to vehicles
previously introduced and to CX vehicles.
The 6000 series refers to tools specially designed for CX vehicles
Additional tools of local manufacture are indicated in the text by a number preceded by the index
MR manufacturing drawings for these tools appear at the end of the particular volume filed in
numerical order. TIGHTENING TORQUES :
Torques are expressed in the following units
either in metres Newton ( m.N ) the legal unit for measuring torque. with the corresponding
amount in metre-kilogrammes ( )
or in decanewtonmetres ( da Nm ) 9.8i Nm 1 ci.981 daNm
The numbers corresponding to the torques are (t rounded off 1)
Examples 2 m.N 0.2 60 m.N 6
IMPORTANT When a tightening torque figure is followed by the words 11 torque wrench 11 the
operution must without fail be carried out with a torque wrench.
IMPORTANT WlTHOUT FAIL after each operation or group of operations there is a chapter
headed (, TIGHTENING TORQUES ,,; the screws nuts or studs which are underlined
that they are of a special grade ,c SECURITY HARDWARE 1). When refitting it is ESSENTIAL
For a!1 technical information concerning these vehicles please contact
The Service Department,
Citroen Cars Ltd..,
Mill St.,
Slough Berks. GE. Tel. Slough 23808
92000 NANTERRE - FRANCE - Tel. 204 40 00 :
.- ---
Downloaded from manuals search engine Operation
VIA. 000
VIA. 00
VIA. 00-600
vlA. 00-655
VIA. 01
WA. 02
MA. 03
MA. 100-00
MA. 112-O
MA. 120-O
MA. 142-000
MA. 142-00
MA. 142-00 a
MA. 142-00 b
MA. 142-00 SI
MA. 142-O
MA. 142-O SD
MA. 144-00
MA. 144-O
MA. 173-O
MA. 210-00
MA. 210-00 a
MA. 210-O
MA. 210-O a
MA. 220-O
MA. 221-O
MA. 230-00
MA. 230-O
MA. 236-O
MA. 312-00
MA. 314-O
MA. 320-00
cc CX Petrol )) uehicles
General characteristics
Jacking and towing points
Exterior and interior dimensions
Fitting the rubbing rails
Protection of the electrical units
Working on the hydraulic system : fitting precautions
Recommended materials ENGINE - CA,RBURATlON - IGNITION - COOLING
+O 2
Characteristics and special features of the engine (M 20/616, M 22/ 617,
M 23/623 and M 23/622 )
Checking and adjusting the valve operation :
- Adjusting the rocker clearance
Checking the engine timing
General features of the carburation
Characteristics and special features of the carburettor (M 20/616 engine )
Characteristics and special features of the carburettor ( M 22/617 engine )
Characteristics and special features of the carburettor ( M 23/ 623 engine )
Characteristics and special features of the anti-pollution system
I SWEDISH Jlurket r,c~kicles )
Adjusting the carburettor - adjusting the idling speed
Checking and adjusting the anti-pollution system
(SIVI:‘DfSH Mdrkct rvhicles J
Characteristics and special features of the electronic fuel injection system
(L.~etKJnic )
Checking and adjusting the electronic fuel injection system (1..Jetrolzic)
Checking the petrol feed system
- Petrol pump, and petrol filter
Characteristics and special features of the ignition system
Characteristics and special features of the electronic ignition system
Checking and adjusting the ignition
Checkinq and adjusting the electronic ignition
Checking the oil pressure (on
the rvhicle )
Filling and adjusting the pneumatic oil gauge
Characteristics and special features of the cooling system
Working on the cooling system
Aligning the pulleys CLUTCH - TORQUE CONVERTER
*O 3
Characteristics and special features of the pedal-operated clutch
Checking and adjusting the pedal-operated clutch control
- Checking the clutch clearance
Characteristics and special features of the torque converter
- Characteristics
- Operating diagram of the torque converter
Checking and adjusting the gap of the contacts controlling the electro-valve
- Checking the pressure in the converter oil-feed system
Downloaded from manuals search engine 4 OPERATION N” MA. 000 : General characteristics
Weights in kg ( lb )
- Kerb weight ( with full tallk oj fuel ) . . . . . . . . . .
- Weight on
front axle ...............................................
- Weight on rear axle ................................................
- G.V.W. ( Gross Vehicle Weight, all optional
ecpiip777ei7t i77cluded )
- Maximum authorised weight on front axle ..........
- Maximum authorised weight on rear axle ............
I G.T.W. ( Gross Train
Weight )
Towing : ( Weights in kg ( lb ) cx 2000
1265 ( 2789
) 1285
( 2833 )
( 1863 ) 860
( 1896)
420 ( 926
1 425
( 937 1
1740 ( 3836
) 1760 ( 3880 )
1020 ( 2249 ) 1020 ( 2249 )
750 ( 1653 ) 750 ( 1653)
2370 ( 5225
) I i77cI77rfi77!: n Ir.oiler 2405 ( 5302 )
( i/7t/ur/i77g
rc,i/hou/ brnkes cc,eighiug 630 kg o trc7ilcr rt~ithou t brakes
( 1389 Ihs ) rc~ei$iu~ 645 kg ( 1422 Ibs)
n) Vehicles equipped with a single electric cooli,f,c /c[i7 :
Maximum trailer weight ( gradient of 1 h 10 ) .__._..,...__,_____............
- Maximum
weight for bailer without brakes _.., .__._. ,. _._..,.,_..,__.._...... . . . . . . . . . . . .
Vehicles equipped with tu& electric cooling /ans :
Gross Train. Weight ( zc:ith 1300 kg ( 2866 lb ) trailer with brakes ) .....-.’
- Maximum authorised trailer weight (within limits o/ C. 7‘. W’. ) ~..~~...~.....~~~
- Maximum starting gradient ( at G. ‘f. IV, )
cx 2200
cx 2000
900 ( 1984 )
630 ( 1389 )
3040 ( 6702.)
1500 ( 3307)
1 in8 l/3
- cx 2200
900 ( 1984)
645 (,I422 )
3060 ( 6746 )
1500 ( 3307 )
1 in8 l/3
IMPORTANT NOTE : Referehces to trailers without brakes DO NOT APPLY in U.K.
Capacities :
- Fuel tank
. . .._....__........................................................................................... 68 litres ( 15 galls )
- Cooling system
(including beater unit ) 16 dm2 ( 248 ) radiator 11 litres ( 19.3 pts )
20 dm2 ( 310 ) radiator 10.6 litres ( 18.6 pts )
- Heater unit alone :
i . . ..___.___.._.._.._..........................,..,.,..................................... Cl.6 litres ( 1.05 pt )
- Engine oil :
- After Oil Change _......_._.,_....,..,....,.......,....,................~.,.........................,
4.650 litres ( 8.2 pts )
Difference between Min and Max on dipstick 1.1 litre ( 1.9 pts )
- Hydraulic system ( Approx ) 4 litres ( 7 pts )
- Gearbox
a) ‘11 mud ~earlmx :
- Overall capacity ( TOTAL EP 80 ) _.__.__._..._..._._................................... 1 .6 litres ( 2.8 pts )
Difference between Min and Max on dipstick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._................... 0.150 litres ( a.26 pts )
b) Ccarbos with
/orque: con7jerter :
- Overall capacity ( TOTAL Fluide T ) . ..__.,_.____________....,.,....,....,,.......... 5.5 litres ( 9.7 pts )
- After Oil Change . . 2 to 3 litres ( 3 l/2 to 5.2 pts )
( according to draining time )
Difference between Min and Max on dipstick (with oil
cold ) .0..150 litres ( 0.26 pts )
- Usable volume of boot
325 dm3 ( 11.48 cu. ft ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._................................................................
Downloaded from manuals search engine 6 OPERATION No MA. 000 : Gezcral characteristics :
Weights : ( in kg ( Ib ) )
- Kerb weight ( with full tank of fuel ) ................................................................................
1385 ( 3053 )
- Weight on front axle ............................................................................................................. 880 ( 1940 1
- Weight on rear axle ..............................................................................
, ...................... ., ...... 505 ( 1113 )
- Gross Vehicle Weight ( including all optional equipment ) ............................................
2070 ( 4564 )
- Maximum authorised weight on front axle .......................................................................
1050 ( 2315 )
- Maximum authorised weight on rear axle ........................................................................
1030 ( 2271 )
- Gross Train Weight with 690 kg ( 1521 Ib ) trailer without brales .................................. 2700 ( 5952 )
Towing :
- Maximum authorised trailer weight ( gradient of 1 in 10 ) :
. a)u Standard D riehicle ......................................................................................................... 900 ( 1984 )
b) Vehicle equipped with twin electric cooling fans ........................................................ 1300 ( 2866 )
- Gross Train Weight with a 1300 kg ( 2866 lb ) trailer with brakes ................................
3370 ( 7429 )
- Maximum authorised trailer weiqht, within limits of G.T.W. .............................................
1500 ( 3307 )
- Maximum starting gradient ( at G. T. It’. ).
.............................................................. ..~ ................ 1 in 9 ( 11 % )
IMPORTANT NOTE : References to trailers without brakes bc) NOT APPLY in U.K.
Capacities :
- Fuel tank .._......................................,............................................................... : . . . . . 68 litres ( 15 galls )
- Cooling system ( Heater unit included) ( 20 dm2 - 310 ) . . . . . .
10.6 litres ( 18.6 pts )
- Heater unit alone . . . . . . . . . . . .
0.6 litres ( 1.05 pts )
- Engine oil :
- after draining * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.650 litres ( 8..2 pts )
- difference between Min and Max on dipstick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.1 litres ( 1.9 pts )
- Hydraulic system ( approx ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 litres ( 7 pts )
- Gearbox :
- after draining . .._._._......................................................... :.................................... 1.6 litres ( 2.8 pts )
- difference between Min and
Max on dipstick . . . . . . . . . . . . . :.
0.150 litres ( 6.26 pts )
- Boot volume :
- with rear seat in position ................................................................................. 1100 dm3 ( 38.85 cu.ft )
- with rear seat folded .......................................................................................... 2030 dm3 ( 71.70 cu.ft )
Downloaded from manuals search engine 8 OPERATION No MA. 000 : G~v2~~rnl characteristics
Weights in kg ( Jb ) :
- Kerb weight ( with /hll fmk oipc~trol ) :
.............................................................. 1450 (3197 )
- Weight on the front axle .... .._
.................................................................................... 970 ( 2138 )
- Weight on the rear axle ..................................
480 ( 1058 )
- Gross Vehicle Weight ( inclr~cli22~ all optimaal eq~ipmm f )
.............................. 1890 ( 4167 )
- Maximum authorised weight on front axle
.............................................. . ............. lllO( 2447 )
- Maximum authorised weight on rear axle ............................................................... 790 ( 1742
- Gross Train Weight
( with ~2 1300 kg ( 2866 lb 1 frailer u'ith hmkes I ................ 3190 ( 7033 ) III. GENERAL INFORMATION :
Capacities :
- Fuel tank . . . .._._.............., .._.._._. . .._...__................................ ._................,...... 68 litres ( 15 galls )
- Cooling system (i22cludi22g hcc?ter ul2it 1 :
- Manual gearbox ( 20 dm2 - 310 radiator ) . . .._.....................
10.6 litres ( 18.6 pts )
Torque converter gearbox ( 23 dm2 - 356 radiator ) . 12.5 litres (22 pts )
- Heater unit alone _, :. I.
0.6 litres ( 1.05 pts )
- Engine oil :
- after draining . . .._._._......._._........................................................-..........
4.650 litres ( 8.2 pts )
.. difference between Min and Max. ,.n dipstick 1 .l litres ( 1.9 pts )
- Hydraulic system ( approx. ) .._._..._.__.._._._...,,..,........,.,......................................
4 litres (
7 pts 1
- Gearbox :
a) ~Z~UI/I~U/ gcarho.~ ( TOTAL EP 80 ) _,.,__.___.,.,_._....,,,...................,...........,. 1.600 litres ( 2.8 pts )
- difference between Min. and Max. on dipstick . . . . . . . . . ..__...................
0.150 litres ( 0.26 pts )
Torque corztwrter gcarhox ( TOTAL FLUIDE T ) ._.___._...,,___.._....,...,.....,., 5.5 litres
- after draining
_ 2 to 3 litres ( 3.5 to 5.3 pts )
(qccording to draining time)
- difference between Min. and Max. on dipstick
(with rhc oil cold) . . . . .’ 0.150 litres ( 0.26 ‘pts )
w Usable volume of boot ..___._._.......___................,.............,.............,.......,.,.....,............ 325 dm3 - 11.48 cu.ft.
Downloaded from manuals search engine 10 OPERATION No MA. 000 : (;vt/c~ra/ chorac/vris/ics
Weights in kg ( lb )
- Kerb weight I wit/~ iLlI /m/k. oi !IIVI )
- Weight on the front axle .......................
........................ ........... .......................
- Weight on the rear axle ......................... ....................................................................
- Gross Vehicle Weight
....... ...........................................................................
........... 1300 ( 2866 )
870 ( 1918 )
430 ( 948 )
1790 ( 3946 )
- Maximum authorised weight on the fr-ont axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._..._..._._......._._._....._..._.. 1050 ( 2315 )
- Maximum authorised weight on the rear axle
. . . . . . . . . ..~.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 ( 1653 )
- Gross Train Weight (with a 1300 kg ( 2866 lb ) trailer ) . . . . . . . . .
3090 ( 6812 )
- Gross Train Weight ( with a 650 kg ( 1433 lb ) trailer without brakes ) . . . . 2440 ( 5379 )
Towing :
- Maximum weight of trailer without brakes
..... __ ......................................................... 650 ( 1433 )
- Maximum weight of trailer ( within G.T.W. limit of 3090 kg ( 6812 lb ) .....................
1500 ( 3307 )
- Maximum starting gradient ( at G.T.W. ) ..................................................... ..............
12% (1 in8 l/2)
NOTE For towing a trailer heavier than 900 kg ( 1984 lb ). ‘t . 1 1s necessary to fit a second lo-blade electric
cooling fan.
IMPORTANT NOTE : References to trailers without brakes DO NOT APPLY in U.K.
Capacities :
- Fuel tank .__._.___..._....__..__...,.._.,.....__________.___.___.___.__.__.__._...................,..... : ._.___.____._. 68 litres ( 15 galls )
- Cooling system f
itfcltrrlivg hcatcr rirlil ) :
- Manual or torque converter gearbox .._..._..__._._,.._..._._.. _..._._._......._......._._._...... 10.6 litres ( 18.6 pts )
- Optional torque converter t air-conditioning unit .._...............................
12.5 litres ( 22 pts )
- Heater unit alone _. _..._._._..,_ _..._.........,....._._._....__.___......... ._. _._._._._....._., .,,._......._. 0.6 litres ( 1.05 pts )
- Engine oil :
- after draining
_..,.._._._....___..._.__....................._._._..._..._....._..._._._................... 4.650 litres (8.2 pts )
- difference between Min. and Max. on dipstick 1.1 litres ( 1.9 pts )
- Hydraulic system ( approx ) _....,_._.__.._._.........,..._..._._.___._......._._._._._._._..................... 4 litres ( 7 pts )
- Gearbox :
_ Overall cspacity ( TOTAL EP 80 ) . . . . . .._.... .._._._..._._._....._._._..._..._... 1.600 litres ( 2.8 pts )
- Difference between Min. and Max. on dipstick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0.150 litres ( 0.26 pts )
h) Torque con7~c~rter grarbos :
- Overall capacity ( TOTAL FLUIDE T ) _._._._._.,_...._........_.._.................... 5.5 litres ( 9.7 pts )
- After draining _._,_,_,_.,._.._......_._._._._._._..._..._._._._..._._..__._..._._..................... 2 to 3 litres ( 3.5 to 5.3 pts )
according to draining time
- Difference between Min. and Max. on dipstick (r!,ith
the oil cold) _._,...... 0.150 litres ( 0.26 pts )
-Usable volume of boot .~...............,.........,,............................................. . . 325 dm3 ( 11.48 cu.ft )
Downloaded from manuals search engine 12 OPERATION No MA. 000: Gcvc,d chnmcteristics _.
Weights in kg ( lb )
- Kerb weight ( with full tar/k of ihd ) _
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._..............__._._......._._..__.___....._._..._....... 1405 ( 3097 )
- Weight on front axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900 ( 1984 )
- Weight on rear axle .._. .._._.... .._. .._.................
505 ( 1113 )
- Gross Vehicle Weiqht
(i~~rl~lrlir~g ctll optinnnl c,quipv/<,t/t ) . . . . . . .._................................. 2095 ( 4619 )
- Maximum authorised weight on front axle . . . . . . _..._._............._..__......._......._._._._.,.,.,..._....... 1075 ( 2370 )
- Maximum authorised weight on rear axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..__._........ 1030 ( 2271 )
- Gross Train Weight ( with a 700 kg ( 1543 lb ) trailer without brakes ) .” ~~.....~....~.~~...~
2795 (6162 )
Towing :
- Maximum trailer weight ( gradient of 1 in 10 )
cl) K Stmclurd )) twhic-le ._..... . . .._..._..._._......,.._...._.._.,.,............,...._....._._....,,...................,.... 900 ( 1984 )
b ) Vchiclc jittcil with n second IO-hladc clcctric cooli7lg /atI ................. ................
1300 ( 2866)
- Gross Train Weight with a 1300 kg ( 2866 lb ) trailer with brakes ............................. 3395 ( 7485 )
- Maximum trailer weight within limit of G.T.W. ( 3395 kg - 7485 lb ) .............................
1500 ( 3307 )
- Maximum starting gradient .C at.G. T. W. J ........................................................................ llS(lin9)
IMPORTANT NOTE : References to trailer without brakes DO NOT APPLY in U.K. III. GENERAL lNFORMATlOt!4
Capacities :
- Fuel tank __ .,.,........._._______...__.____._.,.,..._,_._..,._..._._.._._..._.........................................
- Cooling system ( itzcludivg heater fluit ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- Heater unit alone _. ,.,, ., ,. ,,....__. ._._.._.._.__..._. __...........................
- Engine oil :
- after draining . _._.,.......___.._.____..__..._._._....._...................................................
- difference between Min. and
Max. on dipstick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- Hydraulic system ( approx ) _....,.,,......._.___..._.._.._.............................................
- Gearbox :
- after draining . . .._..._......,,_,....._...._...._._._................................ _.....,.,.........
- difference between Min. and Max. on dipstick _.._,.............,....._._._._._......._.,
- Volume of boot :
- with rear seat in position ............................................................................
- with rear seat folded back ......................................................................... 68 litres ( 15 galls )
16.6 litres ( 18.6 pts )
0,6 litres ( 1.05 pts )
4.650 litres ( 8.2 pts )
1.1 litres ( 1.9 pts )
4 litres ( 7 pts )
1.6 litres ( 2.8 pts )
0.150 litres (0.26 pts )
1100 dm3 ( 38.85cu.ft )
2030 dm3 ( 71.70cu.ft )
Downloaded from manuals search engine OPERATION No MA. 000 : General characteristics
CX 2400
( Vehicles fitted with the M 23/622 - 2350 cc fuel injection engine )
- Commercial symbol .................................................................................................................. CX 2400 GTI - Official symbol ..........................................................................................................................
series ME
- Factory symbol (
Wdrranty symbol J ......................................................................................... ME
_ Introduction date ....................................................................................................................... May i977
- French fiscal rating ................................................................................................................
13 hp
- Number of seats .....................................................................................................................
Wheels and tyres :
- Wheelrims ..,.__......_..._............................._.........._.._.,_____......................
MICHELIN 5 l/2 J x 14 FHA 5.49 D
Tyres :
- Tyres ( tubeless
- Pressure in bars Front
1 . 185 HR 14 XVS
( psi ) . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1 ( 30.5 )
Authorised Alternative :
- Tyres ( special, equipment ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 R 14 X(M+S) 185 R 14 X (M+S ) 185 HR14 X (M+S)
- Pressure in bars ( psi ) . . . . ..__................. 2.1 ( 30.5 ) 2.2
( 32
1 2.4
( 35 1
NOTE : - Vehicles are fitted with TUBELESS tyres as standard equipment. They can be fitted with tyres with
inner tubes of the same type, the pressures remaining the same.
- Tyre pressures are indicated on a label located on the panel at the front of the door (on the driver’s
s id,e ) .
- Front track ............................................................................................................. . ..
- Rear track ..............................................................................................................
- Wheelbase ..............................................................................................................
- Overall length
.............................................. . ...............................................................
- Front overhang ........................................................................................................
- Rear overhang ... . ............................................................. . .......................................
- Overall width ......................................................................................................
-Height of vehicle I in normal dtiuing position ) ......................................................
- Ground clearance ( in normal dtiuing position ) ....................................................... 1.474 m
( 4 ft. 10 ins )
1.360m(4ft.S 1/2ins)
2.845 m ( 9 ft. 4
ins )
4.670 m ( 15ft. 3 3/4 ins)
1.057 m ( 3 ft. 5 l/2 ins )
0.764 m ( 2 ft. 6 ins )
1.734 m ( 5 ft. 8 l/4 ins )
1.366 in ( 4.ff. 5 .1/2 ins )
Q.155m ( O.ft. 6.1 ins ) .
. 8 1