2016 BMW M4 COUPE idrive

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BMW M4 COUPE 2016 F82 Owners Manual ContentsThe fastest way to find information on a partic‐
ular topic or item is by using the index, refer to
page  214.6Notes
At a glance
14Cockpit18iDrive27Voice activation system30Integrated Owner

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BMW M4 COUPE 2016 F82 Owners Manual iDriveVehicle features and options
This chapter describes all standard, country-
specific and optional features offered with the
series. It also describes features that are not
necessarily available i

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BMW M4 COUPE 2016 F82 Owners Manual 1.Turn.2.Press.3.Move in four directions.
Buttons on controller
Press buttonFunctionMENUOpen the main menu.RADIOOpens the Radio menu.MEDIAOpens the Multimedia menu.NAVOpens the Navigation menu.TELOpen

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BMW M4 COUPE 2016 F82 Owners Manual Buttons on controllerPress buttonFunctionMENUOpen the main menu.AudioOpen audio menu last listened
to, switch between audio me‐
nus.TELOpens the phone menu.BACKOpen previous panel.OPTIONOpens the Op

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BMW M4 COUPE 2016 F82 Owners Manual White arrows pointing to the left or right indi‐
cate that additional panels can be opened.
Display of an opened menu
When selecting a menu, it generally opens with
the panel that was last selected

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BMW M4 COUPE 2016 F82 Owners Manual ▷For the input of upper/lower case letters
and numbers, it may be necessary to reel
via the controller to the corresponding In‐
put mode, refer to page  25, e.g. when the
spelling of upper and low

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BMW M4 COUPE 2016 F82 Owners Manual 6.Turn the controller to set the hours and
press the controller.7.Turn the controller to set the minutes and
press the controller.
Status information
Status field The following information is displaye

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BMW M4 COUPE 2016 F82 Owners Manual Switching the split screen on and offOn the Control Display:1.  Press button.2."Split screen"
Selecting the display
On the Control Display:
1.  Press button.2."Split screen"3.Move the controller until
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