ContentsThe fastest way to find information on a partic‐
ular topic or item is by using the index, refer to
page 214.6Notes
At a glance
14Cockpit18iDrive27Voice activation system30Integrated Owner's Manual in the vehicle
34Opening and closing49Adjusting58Transporting children safely62Driving76Displays93Lights98Safety114Driving stability control systems120Driving comfort134Climate control139Interior equipment147Storage compartments
Driving tips
154BMW M4 technology156Things to remember when driving160Loading163Saving fuelMobility168Refueling170Fuel172Wheels and tires181Engine compartment183Engine oil186Coolant188Maintenance190Replacing components199Breakdown assistance205Care
212Technical data214Everything from A to Z
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iDriveVehicle features and options
This chapter describes all standard, country-
specific and optional features offered with the
series. It also describes features that are not
necessarily available in your car, e. g., due to
the selected options or country versions. This
also applies to safety-related functions and
systems. The respectively applicable country
provisions must be observed when using the
respective features and systems.
The concept
The iDrive combines the functions of many
switches. Thus, these functions can be oper‐
ated from a central location.
Using the iDrive during a trip
To avoid becoming distracted and pos‐
ing an unnecessary hazard to your vehicle's
occupants and to other traffic, never attempt
to use the controls or enter information unless
traffic and road conditions allow it.◀
Control elements at a glanceControl elements1Control Display2Controller with buttons and, depending on
the equipment version, with touchpadControl Display
Hints▷To clean the Control Display, follow the
care instructions.▷Do not place objects close to the Control
Display; otherwise, the Control Display can
be damaged.▷In the case of very high temperatures on
the Control Display, e.g. due to intense so‐
lar radiation, the brightness may be re‐
duced down to complete deactivation.
Once the temperature is reduced, e.g.
through shadow or climate control system,
the normal functions are re-established.
Switching on
1.Switch on the ignition.2.Press the controller.
Switch off
1. Press button.2."Turn off control display"
Controller with navigation system
The buttons can be used to open the menus
directly. The controller can be used to select
menu items and enter the settings.
Some iDrive functions can be operated using
the touchpad on the controller.
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1.Turn.2.Press.3.Move in four directions.
Buttons on controller
Press buttonFunctionMENUOpen the main menu.RADIOOpens the Radio menu.MEDIAOpens the Multimedia menu.NAVOpens the Navigation menu.TELOpens the phone menu.Press buttonFunctionBACKDisplays the previous panel.OPTIONOpens the Options menu.
Controller without navigation system
The buttons can be used to open the menus
directly. The controller can be used to select
menu items and enter the settings.
1.Turn.2.Press.3.Move in two directions.Seite 19iDriveAt a glance19
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Buttons on controllerPress buttonFunctionMENUOpen the main menu.AudioOpen audio menu last listened
to, switch between audio me‐
nus.TELOpens the phone menu.BACKOpen previous panel.OPTIONOpens the Options menu.
Operating concept
Opening the main menu Press button.
The main menu is displayed.
All iDrive functions can be called up via the
main menu.
Selecting menu items
Highlighted menu items can be selected.1.Turn the controller until the desired menu
item is highlighted.2.Press the controller.
Menu items in the Owner's Manual
In the Owner's Manual, menu items that can be
selected are set in quotation marks, e.g.,
Changing between panels
After a menu item is selected, e.g., "Radio", a
new panel is displayed. Panels can overlap.
▷Move the controller to the left.
Closes current display and shows previous
Reopens previous display by pressing
BACK button. In this case, the current
panel is not closed.▷Move the controller to the right.
Opens new display on top of previous
screen.Seite 20At a glanceiDrive20
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White arrows pointing to the left or right indi‐
cate that additional panels can be opened.
Display of an opened menu
When selecting a menu, it generally opens with
the panel that was last selected in that menu.
To display the first panel of a menu:▷Move the controller to the left repeatedly
until the first panel is displayed.▷Press the menu button on the controller
Opening the Options menu
Press button.
The "Options" menu is displayed.
Additional options: move the controller to the
right repeatedly until the "Options" menu is
Options menu The "Options" menu consists of various areas:
▷Screen settings, e.g., "Split screen".
This area remains unchanged.▷Control options for the selected main
menu, e.g., for "Radio".▷If applicable, further operating options for
the selected menu, e.g., "Store station".
Changing settings
1.Select a field.2.Turn the controller until the desired setting
is displayed.3.Press the controller.
Activating/deactivating the functions
Several menu items are preceded by a check‐
box. It indicates whether the function is acti‐
vated or deactivated. Selecting the menu item
activates or deactivates the function.
Function is activated.
Function is deactivated.
Touchpad Some iDrive functions can be operated using
the touchpad on the controller:
Selecting functions
1."Settings"2."Touchpad"3.Select the desired function.▷"Speller": enter letters and numbers.▷"Interactive map": viewing the interac‐
tive map.▷"Browser": enter Internet addresses.▷"Audio feedback": pronounces entered
letters and numbers.
Entering letters and numbers
Entering letters requires some practice at the
beginning. When entering, pay attention to the
Seite 21iDriveAt a glance21
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▷For the input of upper/lower case letters
and numbers, it may be necessary to reel
via the controller to the corresponding In‐
put mode, refer to page 25, e.g. when the
spelling of upper and lower case letters is
identical.▷Enter characters as they are displayed on
the Control Display.▷Always enter associated characters, such
as accents or periods so that the letter can
be clearly recognized. Possible input de‐
pends on the set language. Where neces‐
sary, enter special characters via the con‐
troller.▷To delete a character, slide to the left on
the touchpad.▷To enter a blank space, slide to the right in
the center of the touchpad.▷To enter a hyphen, slide to the right in the
upper area of the touchpad.▷To enter an underscore, swipe to the right
in the lower area of the touchpad.
Using interactive map and Internet
Via touch-pad move the interactive map in the
navigation system and Internet sites.
FunctionControlsMove interactive map or
Internet sites.Swipe into re‐
spective direc‐
tion.Enlarge/shrink interactive
map or Internet sites.Drag in or out on
the touchpad with
fingers.Display the menu or open
a link in the Internet.Tap once.
Changing settings
You may change control display settings via
touchpad. Swipe left or right accordingly.
Example: setting the clock
Setting the clock
On the Control Display:1. Press button. The main menu is dis‐
played.2.Turn the controller until "Settings" is high‐
lighted, and then press the controller.3.If necessary, move the controller to the left
to display "Time/Date".4.Turn the controller until "Time/Date" is
highlighted, and then press the controller.5.Turn the controller until "Time:" is high‐
lighted, and then press the controller.Seite 22At a glanceiDrive22
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6.Turn the controller to set the hours and
press the controller.7.Turn the controller to set the minutes and
press the controller.
Status information
Status field The following information is displayed in the
status field at the top right:
▷Time.▷Current entertainment source.▷Sound output, on/off.▷Wireless network reception strength.▷Phone status.▷Traffic bulletin reception.
Status field symbols
The symbols are grouped as follows.
Radio symbols
SymbolMeaning HD Radio station is being received. Satellite radio is switched on.
Telephone symbols
SymbolMeaning Incoming or outgoing call. Missed call. Wireless network reception
Symbol flashes: network search. Wireless network is not available. Bluetooth is switched on. Roaming is active.SymbolMeaning Text message was received. Check the SIM card. SIM card is blocked. SIM card is missing. Enter PIN.
Entertainment symbols
SymbolMeaning CD/DVD player. Music collection. Gracenote® database. AUX-IN port. USB audio interface. Mobile phone audio interface.
Additional symbols
SymbolMeaning Spoken instructions are turned off.
Split screen
General information Additional information can be displayed on the
right side of the split screen, e.g., information
from the on-board comupter.
In the divided screen view, the so-called split
screen, this information remains visible even when you change to another menu.
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Switching the split screen on and offOn the Control Display:1. Press button.2."Split screen"
Selecting the display
On the Control Display:
1. Press button.2."Split screen"3.Move the controller until the split screen is
selected.4.Press the controller or select "Split screen
content".5.Select the desired menu item.
Programmable memory
General information
The iDrive functions can be stored on the pro‐
grammable memory buttons and called up di‐
rectly, e.g., radio stations, navigation destina‐
tions, phone numbers and menu entries.
Settings are stored for the profile currently in
Without navigation system and
Only radio stations can be stored on the but‐
tons, refer to user's manual for Navigation, En‐
tertainment, Communication.
Saving a function1.Highlight the function via the iDrive.2. Press and hold the desired button,
until a signal sounds.
Running a function
Press button.
The function will work immediately.
This means, e.g., that the number is dialed
when a phone number is selected.
Displaying the button assignment Touch buttons with bare fingers. Do not wear
gloves or use objects.
The key assignment is displayed at top edge of
Deleting the button assignments
1.Press buttons 1 and 8 simultaneously for
approx. five seconds.2."OK"Seite 24At a glanceiDrive24
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