2016 BMW 428I CONVERTIBLE traction control

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BMW 428I CONVERTIBLE 2016  Owners Manual Sport program and manual mode
Activating the sport program
Press the selector lever to the left out of selec‐
tor lever position D.
The sport program of the transmission is acti‐

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BMW 428I CONVERTIBLE 2016  Owners Manual Gears will only be shifted at appropriate engine
and road speeds, for example downshifting is
not possible if the engine speed is too high.
The selected gear is briefly displayed in the in‐

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BMW 428I CONVERTIBLE 2016  Owners Manual To start with Launch Control do not steer the
steering wheel.
Start with launch controlWhile the engine is running:1.  Press button or select Sport+ with
the Driving Dynamics Control.
TRACTION is disp

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BMW 428I CONVERTIBLE 2016  Owners Manual If a collision with a person detected in this way
is imminent, the symbol lights up and a signal
Orange lights Active Cruise Control The number bars shows the selected
distance from the vehicl

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BMW 428I CONVERTIBLE 2016  Owners Manual When a flat tire is indicated, DSC Dynamic Sta‐
bility Control is switched on if needed.
System limits Sudden tire damage
Sudden serious tire damage caused by
external circumstances cannot be recogn

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BMW 428I CONVERTIBLE 2016  Owners Manual Acute warning with braking function
Warning of the imminent danger of a collision
when the vehicle approaches another object at
a relatively high differential speed.
The driver must intervene actively

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BMW 428I CONVERTIBLE 2016  Owners Manual The warning prompts the driver himself/herself
to react. During a warning, the maximum brak‐
ing force is used. Premise for the brake boos‐
ter is sufficiently quick and hard stepping on
the brake

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BMW 428I CONVERTIBLE 2016  Owners Manual Switch offPress button: the systems are turned
off. The LED goes out.
Press button: the systems are turned on. The
LED lights up.
Warning with braking function
If a collision with a person det
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