USA models:
Anti-lo ck brak ing system (AB S) de
fect ive
r=> page 18
Canada models:
Ant i-lock brak ing system (ABS) de
fect ive
r::!> page 18
Worn bra ke pads
r=> page 19
Electromechanical pa rking brake
r=> page 15
Tire press ure mon itoring system ../
r=>page 254
Tire p ress ure mon itor ing system
r=> page 254
Elect ronic power control (a lterna
t ive
to ll )
r=> page 19
Glow plug system
(a lterna tive to
lla )
r::!> pag e 20
Malfunct ion indicator Lamp ( MIL)
r=> page 20
Di ese l pa rt ic ulat e filter* clogged
r=> page 20
Eng ine speed limi ta ti on
r::!> page 20
Eng ine o il level
r::!> page 1 7
Engine oi l sensor
r::!> page 21
Request to warm engine by dr iv ing
r=> page 21
r=> page 15
Tank system
r=> page 21
W indshie ld washer fluid level
r::!> page 21
W indshie ld w ipers
r=> page 21
Instruments and ind icator lights
Ad Blue /9
Ad Blue,/'
Remote contro l key
r::!> page 81
Remote contro l key
r=> page 81
Battery i n remote control key
r=> page 31
Defec tive ligh t bu lb warning
r=> page 21
F og ligh ts*
r=>page 21
Rear fog lights*
r::!> page 21
Head ligh t range cont rol
r=> page 21
adaptive light*
r=> page 2 2
light-/ra in sensor fa ulty
r=> page 2 2
Audi act ive lane assist *
r=>page 100
r=> page 116
r=> page 11 6
Electro nic s teer ing colum n lo ck
r=>p age 17
Engine sta rt syste m
r=>page 17
Brake booster
r=> pag e 18
Electromechanical steering ,dy
nam ic steer ing* ../
r=>page 194
Air suspension*
r=>page 17
Sport d ifferential *
Refi ll Ad Blue*
r::!> page 21 6
AdBlue malfunc tion*
r=> page 216
a. By then, your engine may already have
suffered serious damage.
~ .. Engine oil level
• WARNING : Please add oil immediately
If the indicator lig ht and the drive r message ap
pear, add engine oil immediately
¢ page 223 .
II Add oil , max . x qt (l) . You may continue
W hen t he symbol and the dr ive r message appear,
add the amount of o il appea ring in the display at
the next op portun ity
¢ page 223.
@ -Steering column lock
• Do not drive vehicle : Steering defective
If the indicator light turns on and t he message
a ppear s, there is an ele ctron ic steer ing column
l o ck ma lf u nct io n. You c annot sw itch t he ignit ion
D o
not tow your vehicle beca use it ca nnot be
s teered . See k profess io na l assistan ce.
!II Steering lock: system fault . Please contact
I f the indicator lig ht t urns on and the message
appears, there is an electron ic steer ing column
l ock malfunct ion.
Drive to yo ur autho rize d Aud i dea le r immediately
to have the malfunct ion corrected.
Your vehicle must not be towed in the eve nt
o f a malfunction i n the elect ronic steering
co lu m n lock because it canno t be s teered d ue
t o the lock ed steering. If it is towed wi th the
steer ing loc ked, the re is the r is k of a n ac ci
de nt.
© -Engine start system
• Engine start system fault . Plea se contact
Instruments and ind icator lights
If the indicator ligh t turns on and the message
appea rs, do
not sw itch the ignition off beca use
yo u may not be able to switch it on again.
Dr ive to your au thor ized A udi dea ler imme diately
to have the mal func tion cor rected .
11:J Engine start system fault . Please contact
If the indicato r ligh t turns on and the message
appea rs , the re is a ma lf u nction in t he e ngine
sta rt sys te m .
D rive to your author ized A udi dealer immediate ly
to have the mal func tion cor rec ted .
0 Air suspension
• Air suspension : system fault. Can continue
slowly with max. 35 mph .
There is a ma lf u nct ion that can res ult in restrict
ed dr iving stab ility .
Carefu lly drive at a ma ximum speed of 35 mph
(60 km/h) to your a uthori zed Audi dea ler or
qualifi ed works hop to have t he malfunct io n cor
r ec ted .
• Air suspension: service mode. Vehicle can
only be moved with restrictions
Caref ully drive to yo ur aut horize d Aud i dea le r or
qualified wo rks hop immediately to have the serv
ice mode deact ivated.
II Air suspension fault
T he re is a syste m malfu nction t hat can resul t in
re strict ed dr iv ing st abilit y or re duced g ro und
cl ear ance.
D rive to your author ized A udi deal er imm ediate ly
t o have the m alfunc tion cor rec ted .
II Air suspension: vehicle too low. Ground
clearance reduced
The gro und clearance is ve ry low due to a system
malfunction . Wait u nti l th e a ir s uspension sys
tem has resto red normal ground clea rance . Oth
erwise , cond itions s uch as an uneven road surface
ca n le ad to ve hicle damage.
Audi drive select
Audi drive select
Driving settings
Aud i drive select makes it possib le to experience
d ifferent types of veh icle sett ings in one veh icle.
The driver ca n select three
Comf ort, Aut o and
Dyn am ic modes in the MMI to switch between a
sporty and a comfortable driving mode.
You can a lso adjust the setting accord ing to your
p references in the
indi vidual mode. For example,
you can combine settings such as a sporty engine tuning with comfortable steering.
Improper use of the Audi drive select can
cause collisions, other accidents and serious
personal injury.
The follow ing systems are affected by drive se
Engine and t ransm is sion
Depending on the mode, the engine and the
transmission respond quicker or in a more ba l
anced manner to accelerator pedal movements.
In the sporty dynamic mode, the transmission
shifts at h igher RPMs.
Air suspe nsion
The adaptive air suspension/adaptive air suspen
sion sport*
(Air suspension in the MMI) is an
electronically controlled air suspens ion and
damping system . They are adjusted depending
on the se lected dr iving mode, the driver's steer
ing, b raking and acceleration input and the road
surface, vehicle speed and load. A spo rty setting
is gene rally used in veh icles with adaptive air sus
pens ion sport*.
The vehicle clearance va ries depending on these
lected mode and the speed .
The highway setting is activated automatically
when yo u drive above 75 mph (120 km/h) for
mo re than 30 seconds in the
au to or dynamic
mode. The ground clea rance is increased auto
matically if the speed drops below 44 mph (70
km/h) for more than 120 seconds.
The steering adapts in terms of steering effort
and steering rat ios. Indirect stee ring that moves
easily, like the steering in com fort mode, is best
suited to long drives on a highway. In contrast,
dynamic mode provides sporty, direct steering .
The following app lies to veh icles with dynamic
steering*: the steering ratio changes based on
vehicle speed in order to maintain optimum
steering effort for the dr iver at a ll times . This
sets the steering to be less sensitive at higher
speeds in order to provide improved vehicle con
trol. At reduced speeds, however, steering is more d irect in order to keep t he steering effort as
min imal as possible whe n the dr iver is maneuve r
i ng the vehicle. A t low and ave rage speeds, dy
namic steeri ng addit ionally prov ides more re
spons ive steering performance.
Sport differential*
As a component of the all whee l dr ive sys tem
~ page 195, the Sport differe ntia l*
dist ributes t he d riving powe r to the rear axle de
pend ing on the s ituation. The distr ib ution of
power va ries depending on the selected mode,
from ba lanced (comfort) to agile (dynamic). The
goal is a high level of agility and ability to accel
erate on curves. The vehicle is very responsive to
Cur ve light *
The curve light adapts to driving on curves . The
pivoting action and the lighting are also adapted
to the mode.
Adapt ive cruise control*
The behavio r whe n accelerating ca n be adjusted
from comfortable to sporty, depending on the
drive select mode. Adaptive cruise contro l also
responds to the driving behavior of the vehicle
ahead in a more conservative or sporty manner . ..,_
Engine sound *
The sou nd of the engine is adapted to the select
ed mode and ranges from subt le to sporty.
(D Note
- Make sure there is enough cle arance above
and below t he vehicle when parking. The
height of the vehicle can change once it is
parked due to temperature f luctuations,
changes to the load conditions and changes
to the driving modes, which can affect clear
- When transporting the vehicle on a car car
rier, tra in, ship or by other means, only t ie
the vehicle down at the running surface of
the tires, which is the outer circumference.
Securing the vehicle at the axle compo
nents, suspe ns ion struts or towing eyes is
not permitted be cause the press ure in the
air suspension struts can change dur ing
transport . The vehicle may not be secured
sufficiently if this happens .
-If yo u are going to tow a tra ile r, you m ust
activate the trailer operation mode
<:!;>page 202.
(D Tips
- In some models, the maximum vehicle
speed can only be reached in the
auto and
dynamic modes.
- Se lecting the
d ynami c mode resu lts i n spor
ty shifting characteristics. The S gear posi
tion engages a utomatically.
- In vehicles that have dynamic steering*, op
erating noise is heard when starting or stop ping the engine. This does not indicate a
Audi driv e se lect
- In vehicles w ith sport differential*, the dy
namic mode is deactivated when towing a
trailer .
Selecting the driving mode
You con choose between Comfort, Auto , Dynamic
and Individual .
Fig. 116 MMI: Dr ive select
.,. To select the mode , select the follow ing in the
MMI: ICAR !function button>
Comfort , Auto ,
Dynamic or Indi vidual.
You can change the driv ing mode when the vehi
cle is stationary or while driving . If traff ic per
mits, afte r changing modes, briefly take your
foot off the accelerator pedal so that the recently
selected mode is also activated for the engine.
comfort -provides a comfort-oriented vehicle
setup and is suited for long drives on h ighways.
auto -provides an overall comfortable yet dy
nam ic dr iving feel and is suited for every day use.
dynamic -gives the driver a sporty driving fee l
and is suited to a sporty driving style.
individual-<:!;>page 108.
Pay attention to t raffic when operating Audi
drive select to prevent potentia l risk of an ac
cident .
Audi drive select
Adjusting the Individual mode
You can adjust the vehicle settings to your personal preferences.
"'Se lect : I CAR I function button > Set individual
cont rol button. You can now adjust the individ
ual systems.
individual driving mode will automatically be
activated when you have finished configuring the
settings .
Systems Comfort
and Transmission balanced
Air suspension comfortable
Steering comfortable T
he equipment in your vehicle will determine
which settings you can adjust. The following ta ble provides an overview of the characteristics of
each driving mode .
Auto Dynamic
balanced sporty
balanced sporty
balanced sporty
steering* comfortable/ind i r ec1t balanced/di rect sporty/direct
Sport differential * balanced agile sporty
Adaptive cruise control* comfortable balanced sporty
Engine sound* subtle
subtle/sportyal sporty
•> Sub tle in the dri ving posit ion D a nd sp or ty in the driving posi tion S
(D Tips
Your individual mode sett ings are automati
cally stored and assigned to the remote con
trol key being used.
Raising/lowering the
Raising the vehicle
You can raise your vehicle temporarily, for exam
p le to drive over a tall curb .
"' Se lect the following in the MMI :
ICARI funct ion
Raise control button.
"'Wa it for the arrows in the display to stop blink
ing and the vehicle to reach its fina l position.
Lowering the vehicle
"'T o lower the vehicle, select the following in the
ICARI function button > Lower control
"' Wait for the arrows in the display to stop blink
ing and the vehicle to lower completely.
(D Note
- Remember that your vehicle is not suitable
for driving offroad even when it is ra ised .
There is not enough ground clearance.
- If the vehicle is raised, it will lower auto
matically when driving 62 mph (100 km/h)
or faster.
Driver messages
Air suspension: vehicle currently too low. Level
control running
Air suspension: vehicle currently too high. Level
control running
The driver message switches off when the level
control process is complete.
Airbag syste m
@ For the sake of the en vironment
Undep loyed airbag modu les and pretension
ers might be classified as Perchlorate Materi
al -special handling may apply, see rate . When the vehicle or parts of the re
straint system including airbag modules and
safety belts w ith pretensioners are scrapped,
all applicable laws and regu lations must be
observed. Your authorized Audi dealer is fa
m iliar with these requirements and we recom
mend that you have your dealer perform this
service for you.
Other things that can affect Advanced
Airbag performance
Changing the vehicle's suspension system can
cha nge the way that the Advanced Airbag System
pe rforms in a crash. For example, using tire-r im
comb inat ions not approved by Audi, lower ing the
veh icle, chang ing the stiffness of the suspens ion,
including the spr ings, suspension struts, shock
absorbers etc . can change the forces that are
measured by the airbag sensors and sent to the
electronic control unit . Some suspens ion changes
can, for example, increase the force levels meas
ured by the sensors and make the airbag system
deploy in crashes in wh ich it would not deploy if
the changes had not been made. Other ki nds of
changes may reduce the force levels measured by
the sensors and preven t the airbag from deploy
ing when it should .
Changing the vehicle's suspension including
use of unapproved tire-rim combinations can
change Advanced A irbag performance and in
crease the risk of serious personal injury in a
- Never install suspension components that do not have the same performance charac
teristics as the components originally insta l
led on your veh icle .
- Never use tire-rim comb inations that have
not been approved by Audi.
Items stored between the safety belt buckle
and the center console can cause the sensors in the buckle to send the wrong information
to the electronic contro l module and prevent
the Advanced A irbag System from wo rking
p roperly.
- Always make sure that noth ing can inte rfe re
w ith the safety belt buckles and that they
are not obst ructed.
Knee airbags
Description of knee airbags
The knee airbag system can provide supplemen
tal protection to properly restrained front seat
Fig. 167 Driver's kn ee ai rbag
The driver knee airbag is in the inst rument panel
u nderneath the s teer ing whee l
~ fig. 16 7, the
airbag fo r the passenger is at about the same
height in the instrument panel underneath the
glove compartment.
The knee airbag offers add itiona l protection to
the d river's and passenge r's knees and uppe r and
l ower thigh areas and supp lements the protec
tion prov ided by the safety belts .
If the front airbags deploy, the knee airbags a lso
deploy in frontal coll is ions when the deployment
th reshold stored in the control unit is met
~ page 154, More important things to know
about front airbags.
In add ition to their normal safe ty f unct ion, safe-
ty belts help keep the driver or front passenger in ..,
Driving through water on
Note the following to avoid vehicle damage when
driving through water, for example on flooded
- The water must not be any higher than the bot
tom of the vehicle body.
- Do not drive faster than wa lking speed.
After driving through water, mud, slush, etc.,
the brakes may be slow to take effect because
of wet brake rotors and pads . Dry the brakes
first by brak ing carefully to restore the full
brak ing effect.
([) Note
-Vehicle components such as the engine,
transm ission, suspension or electrical sys
tem can be severely damaged by driving
th rough water.
- Always switch off the Sta rt-Stop-System*
whe n driving through water¢
page 85 .
(D Tips
-Check the depth of the water before driving
through it.
- Do not stop the veh icle, dr ive in reverse or
switch the eng ine off when dr iving through
wa ter .
- Keep in mind that oncoming ve hicles may
create waves that raise the water level and
make it too deep for your vehicle to drive
th rough safely.
- Avo id driving through salt water because it
can cause corrosion.
Driving and the envir onment
Economical and environ
mentally-friendly driving
Your personal style of driving will determine the
economy of your vehicle, as well as exhaust and
nois e levels .
Fuel economy, e nv ir onmental impact, and wear
o n your eng ine, brakes and tires large ly depend
on three factors:
- your personal driving style
- operat ing cond itions
- technical limitations
If you anticipate what you need to do next and
drive economically, you can easily cut your fuel
consumption by 10-15 percent. Th is section will
give you some tips on how you can help the envi
ronment and your pocketbook .
(D Tips
The consumption estimates as published by
(EPA) and Transport Canada may not corre
spond to your actual consumption on the
r oad, which w ill vary depending upon vehicle
l oad and speed, road and weather conditions,
trip length , etc.
Drive smoothly and keep a lookout ahead
Vehicles use the most fuel when they are acceler
.,. Avoid unnecessary accelerat ing and braking .
Vehicles use the most fuel when they are acceler at ing . If you anticipate what is going to happen
next, you w ill need to brake less and, thus, accel
erate less. Let the vehicle coast whenever possi
ble - for example when you see that the next traf
fic lig ht is red.
Trailer mod e
conditions are unfavorable - particularly when
going downhill.
Red uce veh icle speed
imm ediatel y if the tra ile r
shows the s lightest sign of swaying.
Do not try
to stop the sway in g b y accele rating .
Observe speed lim its . In some areas, speeds for
ve hicl es towing tra ilers are lower than for reg ula r
veh icles.
A lways apply brakes early . When dr iving down
h ill , sh ift into a lower gear to use the engine
b raking effect to slow the veh icle. Use of the
brakes a lone can cause them to overheat and fail.
Air suspension*
When driving with a tra iler, activate the trailer
mode of the air suspension . Switch the air sus
pens ion tra iler mode on when you a re towing a
tra ile r. This will limit the regulat ion by the air
suspens ion while driving . Select in the MM I:
ICARI function button > (Car )* sys tem s control
button >
Vehicle setting s > Air su sp .: to wi ng >
On .
Coolant temperature
The coolan t temperature gauge¢ page 10 must
be observed carefully. The coo lant temperature
can increase if you drive on long inclines in a low
gear at high engine speeds. Reduce your speed
immed iate ly if the LEDs in the top part of the dis
p lay turn on.
For more information about indicator lights, re
fer to.
¢page 15.
Anyone not properly restrained in a moving
vehicle is at a much greater risk in an acci
dent. Never let anyone ride in your car who is
not properly wearing the restraints provided
by Audi.
Trailer mode notes
Important to know
Your vehicle hand les different ly when towing a
trai ler because of the additiona l weight and dif
ferent weight distr ibut ion. Safety, performance
and economy will g reatly depend on how carefu l
l y you load your trai ler and operate your rig .
Befo re yo u actually tow yo ur t railer, pract ice
turning, stopping and backing up in an area away
from traffic. Keep practicing unti l you have be
come complete ly familiar with the way your vehi
cle-tra iler combination behaves and responds .
Backing up is diff icult and requ ires practice.
Backing up with a trailer genera lly req uires steer
ing action opposite to that when backing up your
vehicle witho ut a trailer .
Maintain a greater distance between yo ur vehicle
and the one in front of you. You will need more
room to stop . To compensate for the trailer, you
will need a larger than normal turning radius .
When passing, remember tha t you canno t accel
erate as fast as you normally wou ld because of
the added load . Make sure you have enough room
to pass. After passing, allow p lenty of room for
your trailer before changing lanes again.
Avoid jerky starts, sharp turns or rapid lane changes.
(D Tips
- Do not tow a trailer du ring the break-i n pe ri
od of your vehicle.
- If you tow a tr aile r, your A udi may requi re
more frequent ma intenance due to the ex
tra load ¢
page 281.
Parking on a slope
Do not park on a slope with a trailer . If it cannot
be avoided, do so only after doing the following:
When parking:
.,. App ly the foot brake.
.,. Have someone p lace chocks unde r both the ve
hicle and the trailer wheels .
.,. With chocks in place, slowly release the brakes
until the wheel chocks abso rb the load .
.,. Turn the whee ls towards the curb.
.,. App ly the parking brake .
.,. Select the P selector lever posit ion.