2016 AUDI S8 load capacity

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Page 73 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual -When  not  in use,  to  reduce fuel  consumption, 
wind noise  and  to  guard  against  th eft. 
- Use of an unapproved  roof rack or  incorrect 
mounting  of an approved  roof rack can 

Page 77 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual compartment exceeds 131 °F  (55  °C) . Once  the 
temperat ure falls  below  131  °F (55  °C) again, 
the  cooler  switches  on again  automatically. 
- the  battery  is adequately  charged . The

Page 138 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual Driving safety 
-Never  leave  your  vehicle  unattended  espe­
cially with  the  rear  lid  left  open.  A child 
could  crawl  into  the  vehicle  through  the  lug­
gage  compartment  and  close

Page 241 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual Bead 
means the part  of  the  tire  that  is 
made  of  steel  wires,  wrapped  or 
reinforced  by  ply  cords  and  that  is 
shaped  to  fit  the  rim. 
Bead separation 
means  a  breakdown  of  th

Page 242 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual Wheels 
(a) Curb  weight 
(b) Accessory  weight 
(c) Vehicle  capacity  weight,  and 
(d)  Production  options  weight 
Maximum  (permissible ) 
inflation  pressure 
means  the  maximum  cold  infla­

Page 244 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual Wheels 
Uniform  Tire Quality  Gr ading 
is a tire  information  system  devel ­
oped  by the  United  States  Nation­
al Highway Traffic Safety  Admin­
istration  (NHTSA) that  is designed 
to  he

Page 252 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual Wheels 
-Always  make  sure  that  the  to­tal  load  being  transported  -
including  the  weight  of a trail ­
er  hitch  and  the  tongue 
weight  of  a loaded  trailer  -
does  not  make  the  v

Page 280 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual Tech nical  data 
Gross Axle Weight  Rating 
The G ross Ax le We ight  Rating  is the  max imum 
load that  can b e applied  at  each axle of  the  vehi ­
cle ¢& . 
Vehicle  capacity weight 
The veh