2015 BMW 5 SERIES SEDAN tire type

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Page 6 of 277

BMW 5 SERIES SEDAN 2015  Owners Manual Addendum
by it as appropriate for use in your vehicle  
and that can be properly fixed in place.” 
10. At page 196, under the heading: “Have  
maintenance carried out,” the sentence 

Page 227 of 277

BMW 5 SERIES SEDAN 2015  Owners Manual In case of tire damage
If there are indications of tire damage, re‐
duce your speed immediately and have the
rims and tires checked right away; otherwise,
there is the increased risk of an accident.

Page 232 of 277

BMW 5 SERIES SEDAN 2015  Owners Manual Snow chains
Fine-link snow chains Only certain types of fine-link snow chains
have been tested by the manufacturer of the
vehicle, classified as road-safe and approved.
Information about the approved

Page 266 of 277

BMW 5 SERIES SEDAN 2015  Owners Manual Everything from A to Z
IndexA ABS, Antilock Brake Sys‐ tem  135 
ACC, Active Cruise Control with Stop & Go  143 
Acceleration Assistant, refer to Launch Control  82 
Accessories and parts  7 

Page 269 of 277

BMW 5 SERIES SEDAN 2015  Owners Manual EfficientDynamics 199 
Electronic displays, instru‐ ment cluster  84 
Electronic oil measure‐ ment  231 
Electronic Stability Program ESP, refer to DSC  135 
Emergency detection, remote control  3

Page 272 of 277

BMW 5 SERIES SEDAN 2015  Owners Manual Neutral cleaner, see wheelcleaner  253 
New wheels and tires  223 
Night Vision  126 
Night Vision device, see Night Vision  126 
Nylon rope for tow-starting/ towing  249 
O OBD Onboard Diagnosis  237

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BMW 5 SERIES SEDAN 2015  Owners Manual Remote control, univer‐sal  172  
Replacement fuse  244 
Replacing parts  238 
Replacing wheels/tires  223 
Reporting safety defects  9 
RES button  146 
RES button, see Active Cruise Control, ACC