2015 BMW 5 SERIES SEDAN night vision

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BMW 5 SERIES SEDAN 2015  Owners Manual CockpitVehicle features and options
This chapter describes all standard, country-
specific and optional features offered with the
series. It also describes features that are not
necessarily available

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BMW 5 SERIES SEDAN 2015  Owners Manual vated. All settings stored in the profile are au‐
tomatically applied.
If several drivers use their own remote control,
the vehicle will adjust the personal settings
during unlocking. These settings

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BMW 5 SERIES SEDAN 2015  Owners Manual a collision. The intervention can bring the vehi‐
cle to a complete stop.
Manual transmission: During a braking inter‐
vention up to a complete stop, the engine may
be shut down.
The braking inter

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BMW 5 SERIES SEDAN 2015  Owners Manual ▷In heavy fog, rain, sprayed water or snow‐
fall.▷In tight curves.▷If the driving stability control systems are
deactivated, e.g. DSC OFF.▷If the camera viewing field or the front

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BMW 5 SERIES SEDAN 2015  Owners Manual ▷Pedestrian detection: up to approx.
330 ft/100 m▷Detection of large animals: up to approx.
490 ft/150 m▷Detection of medium animals: up to ap‐
prox. 230 ft/70 m
Environmental influences can l

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BMW 5 SERIES SEDAN 2015  Owners Manual Display in the Head-up DisplayThe warning is displayed simultane‐
ously in the Head-up Display and on
the instrument cluster. The displayed
symbol can vary with the people detected.
When animals are

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BMW 5 SERIES SEDAN 2015  Owners Manual Everything from A to Z
IndexA ABS, Antilock Brake Sys‐ tem  135 
ACC, Active Cruise Control with Stop & Go  143 
Acceleration Assistant, refer to Launch Control  82 
Accessories and parts  7 

Page 272 of 277

BMW 5 SERIES SEDAN 2015  Owners Manual Neutral cleaner, see wheelcleaner  253 
New wheels and tires  223 
Night Vision  126 
Night Vision device, see Night Vision  126 
Nylon rope for tow-starting/ towing  249 
O OBD Onboard Diagnosis  237
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