Unintentional alarm 48
Units of measure 100
Universal remote control 172
Unlock button, Steptronic transmission 80
Unlocking/locking via door lock 39
Unlocking/locking with re‐ mote control 37
Unlocking, settings 46
Updates made after the edito‐ rial deadline 7
Upholstery care 253
USB interface 177
Vanity mirror 174
Variable steering, Integral Ac‐ tive Steering 139
Vehicle battery 243
Vehicle battery, replac‐ ing 243
Vehicle, break-in 188
Vehicle care 252
Vehicle features and op‐ tions 6
Vehicle identification num‐ ber 9
Vehicle jack 243
Vehicle paint 252
Vehicle storage 254
Vehicle wash 251
Ventilation 168
Ventilation, refer to Parked- car ventilation 171
Venting, see ventilation 168
Vent, see ventilation 168
VIN, see vehicle identification number 9
Voice activation system 26 W
Warning and indicator lamps, see Check Control 88
Warning displays, see Check Control 88
Warning messages, see Check Control 88
Warning triangle 246
Warranty 7
Washer fluid 78
Washer nozzles, wind‐ shield 78
Washer system 77
Washing, vehicle 251
Water on roads 190
Weights 259
Welcome lamps during un‐ locking 37
Welcome lights 103
Wheel base, vehicle 258
Wheel cleaner 253
Wheels, changing 223
Wheels, everything on wheels and tires 211
Wheels, Flat Tire Monitor FTM 115
Wheels, Tire Pressure Moni‐ tor TPM 111
Width, vehicle 258
Window defroster, rear 167
Windows, powered 48
Windshield, climate con‐ trol 189
Windshield washer fluid 78
Windshield washer noz‐ zles 78
Windshield washer sys‐ tem 77
Windshield wiper 77
Winter diesel 207
Winter storage, care 254
Winter tires, suitable tires 224
Winter tires, tread 222
Wiper 77 Wiper blades, replacing 238
Wiper fluid 78
Wiper, fold-out position 78
Wiper system 77
Wood, care 253
Word match concept, naviga‐ tion 24
Wrench, see Onboard vehicle tool kit 238
xDrive 137
Xenon headlights, bulb re‐ placement 239 Seite 271Everything from A to ZReference271
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