0 I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
Never allow the engine to run in confined
spaces - danger of asphyxiation.
@ Tips
If you shift into the 0, N or S positions af
ter shift ing into reverse, the vehicle must
be driven faster than 6 mph (10 km/h) in
order for the engine to switch off again .
Switching the Start-Stop-System on/off
Applies to vehicles: with Start-Stop-System
If you do not wish to use the system, you can
switch it off manually .
Fig. 82 Cente r console : Sta rt-Stop -System button
.., To sw itch the Start-Stop-System off/on
manua lly, press the
16'> .. I button. The LED in
the button turns on when the system is
switched off.
{t) Tips
If you switch the system off during a stop
phase, the engine will start again auto
mat ically.
Messages in the instrument cluster
Applies to vehicles: with Start-Stop -System
Start-Stop system deactivated: Please re
start engine manually
This message appears when specific condi
tions are not met during a stop phase and the Start-Stop-System will
not be able to restart
the eng ine. If the D or R selector lever posi
tions were engaged, P will be selected auto-
On the road 81
matically. The engine must be started with
Start-Stop system: System fault! Function
There is a malfunction in the Start-Stop-Sys
tem. Drive the vehicle to an author ized repa ir
facility for servicing as soon as possible to cor
rect the malfunction .
Speed warning system
The speed warning system helps you to stay
under a specified maximum speed .
The speed warning system warns you if you
are exceeding the maximum speed that you have set. You will hear a warning tone when
your speed exceeds the stored value by ap proximately 3 mph (3 km/h) . An indicator
light. (USA models)/ . (Canada models) in
the instrument cluster disp lay also turns on at
the same time. The indicator light./.
turns off when the speed decreases be low the
stored maxim um speed.
Setting a threshold is recommended if you
would like to be reminded when you reach a
certain maximum speed . Situations where you
may want to do so incl ude driving in a country
with a general speed limit or if there is a
specified maximum speed for winter tires .
@ Tips
Even though your vehicle is eq uipp ed w ith
a speed warning system, you sho uld still
watch the speedometer to make sure you
are not driving faster than the speed limit.
Setting the threshold
You can set, change and delete the threshold
in the MMI.
.., Select: !CAR ! function button> (Car)* sys
control button > Driver assist > Speed
198 Intelligent technology
Winter tires
When dr iv ing in the w inter, your ve hicl e w ith
a ll-whee l drive has an advantage,
even with
regular ti res . In winter road conditions it may
be advisable to mount winter tires (o r all-sea
son t ires) for improved driveability and brak
ing: these tires must be mounted on
all four
whe els .
See also c:> page 264, Winter tires.
Tire chains
Where tire cha ins are mandatory on certa in
roads, th is normally a lso applies to vehicles
with a ll-wheel drive
c:> page 265, Snow
Replacing wheel s/tir es
Vehicles w ith all-wheel drive must a lways
have tires of the same size . Also avoid tires
with d ifferent tread depths. For details see
c:> page 257, New tires and replacing
tires and wheels.
Off-Road driv ing?
Your Audi does not have enough ground clear
ance to be used as an off-road ve hicle . It is
therefore best to avoid rough tracks and un
even terrain as much as possible. Also refer to
c:> page 201.
Always adjust your driving to road and traf
fic conditions . Do not let the ext ra safety
afforded by all-wheel dr ive tempt you into
taking extra risks.
- Alt hough the all-whee l dr ive is
very ef
fec tive, a lways remember that b raking
c ap aci ty is limited by tire traction. Yo u
sho uld the re fo re not dr ive at excessive
speeds on icy or slippery road su rfaces.
- O n wet road s urfa ces, be c areful not to
drive too fast because the front wheels
cou ld begin to sli de on top of the water
(aq uaplaning) . If this sho uld occ ur, you
will have no warn ing from a sudden in
crease in engine speed as with a front
w heel d rive vehicle. A lways drive at
speeds w hich are suited to the road con
ditions -risk of c rash.
Energy management
Starting ability is optimized
Energy management controls the distribution
of electrical energy and thus optimizes the
availability of electrical energy for starting the engine.
If a vehicle with a conventiona l energy system
is not driven for a long period of t ime, t he bat
te ry is discharged by idling current consume rs
(e .g. immobili ze r). In certa in circumstan ces it
ca n res ult in the re be ing insu ffic ien t energy
available to start the eng ine.
Intelligent energy management in your vehi
cl e ha ndles the dist rib ution o f electr ica l ene r
gy. Start ing abili ty is m arke dly improved and
the life of the battery is extended .
Bas ica lly, energy management consists of
battery diagnosis , idling current manage
and dynamic energy management .
Battery diagnosis
Battery diagnosis continuously determines
the state of the batte ry. Sensors determine
batte ry voltage, batt ery cu rr e nt and battery
tempe ratu re. This de termines the cur ren t
sta te o f cha rge and t he power o f th e battery.
Idling current management
Idli ng cur rent management reduces energy
consumpt ion while the vehicle is standing .
With the ig nition sw itched off, it controls the
energy supp ly to the variou s ele ctri ca l compo
nen ts. Da ta from ba ttery d iagnos is is co nsid
Depend ing on the batte ry's state of cha rge,
i ndivid ual con sume rs are g radually turned off
to prevent excessive discharge o f the battery
and th us main tain starting capabi lity.
Dynamic energy management
While the vehicle is being d riven, dynamic en
ergy ma nagement distr ib utes the energy ge n
era ted a ccord ing to t he needs of the indivi du-
al components .
It regula tes consumption, so
t h at more electrical energy is not being used ..,.
0 <.J 'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
-If you notice unusual vibration or if the vehicle pulls to one side when driving, al
ways stop as soon as it is safe to do so and check the
wheels and tires for dam age.
(D Note
-Please note that summer and winter tires are de
signed for the conditions
that are typical in those sea
sons. Audi recommends using winter tires during the
winter months. Low tem peratures significantly de
crease the elasticity of
summer tires, which affects
traction and braking ability.
Tires and wheels 239
If summer tires are used in
very cold temperatures, cracks can form on the tread bars, resulting in perma
nent tire damage that can
cause loud driving noise and unbalanced tires. Audi is not
responsible for this type of
damage .
-Burnished, polished or chromed rims must not be used in winter road condi
tions. The surface of the
rims does not have suffi
cient corrosion protection
for this and could be perma
nently damaged by road salt
or similar substances.
Glossary of tire and loading terminology
Accessory weight
means the combined weight (in
excess of those standard items
which may be replaced) of auto matic transmission, power
steering, power brakes , power
windows, power seats, radio, and heater, to the extent that
these items are available as fac
tory-installed equipment (whether installed or not).
Aspect ratio
means the ratio of the height to
the width of the tire in percent. Numbers of 55 or lower indi
cate a low sidewall for im proved steering response and
better overall handling on dry
242 Tires and whee ls
Recommended inflation Sidewall
pressu re
means that portion of a tire be -
c:::> page 240, Cold tire infla-tween the tread and bead.
tion pressure.
Spe ed rating (letter code )
Reinforced tire
means the speed at which a tire
means a tire design to operate
is designed to be driven for ex-
at higher loads and at higher tended periods of time. The rat-
inflation pressures than the ings range from 93 mph (150
corresponding standard t ire .
km/h) to 186 mph (298 km/h)
Reinforced tires may be identi -
c:::> page 260. You may not find
fied as "XL", "xl", "EXTRA
this information on all tires be-
LOAD", or "RF" on the sidewall.
cause it is not required by law.
Rim The speed rating letter code,
means a meta l support for a where applicable
, is molded on
tire or a tire and tube assembly the tire sidewall and indicates
upon which the tire beads are the
maximum pe rmissible road
seated . speeds
c:::> A in Winter tires on
Rim diameter
page 264.
nominal diameter of the
Tire pressure monitoring
bead seat. If yo u change your
means a system that detects
wheel size, you will have to pur-
chase new tires to ma tch the when one or more of a vehicle's
new rim diameter . tires a
re underinflated and illu-
Rim size designation
m inates a low tire pressure
warning telltale.
means rim diameter and width.
Rim width
means that portion of a tire
means nominal distance be-
that comes into contact with
tween rim flanges. the road.
260 Tires and wheels
"DOT ... 2214 ... " means, for ex-
ample, the tire was produced in
the 22nd week of 2014.
Speed rating (letter code)
The speed rating letter code on
the wheels indicates the maxi-
mum permissible road speeds
c:> .&. in Winter tires on
page 264.
P up to 93 mph (150 km/h)
Q up to 99 mph (158 km/h)
R up to 106 mph (170 km/h)
s up to 110 mph (180 km/h)
T up to 118 mph (190 km/h)
U up to 124 mph (200 km/h)
H up to 130 mph (210 km/h)
V up to 149 mph (240 km/h)
Z over 149 mph (240 km/h) l)
W up to 168 mph (270 km/h)1
Y up to 186 mph (298 km/h)1
Your vehicle is normally factory
equ ipped with tires, which pos-
sess excellent driving character- istics and give your Audi opti-
mum driv ing comfort. An elec-
tronic speed limiter
c:> page 30
will normally prevent your vehi-
1) For tires with a maximum speed ca
pability ov er 149 mph (240 km/h) ,
tire manufacturers sometimes use
the letters "ZR."
cle from going faster than the
tire speed rating
c:> A .
U.S. DOT Tire Identification
Number (TIN) and tire
manufacture date
This is the tire's "serial num-
ber". It begins with the letters
"DOT" and indicates that the
tire meets all federal stand- ards. The next two numbers or letters indicate the plant where
it was manufactured, and the
last four numbers represent the
week and year of manufacture.
For example, the numbers
2214 mean the tire was pro-
duced in the 22nd week of
2014. The other numbers are
marketing codes that may or
may not be used by the tire
manufacturer. This information
is used to contact consumers if
a t ire defect requires a recall.
Audi Original tire
T ires with the identification
"AO" or "RO" have been special-
Ly matched with your Audi. We
recommend using on ly these
262 Tires and wheels
sure of their "previous histo-
and sudden deflation and
ry." Old used tires may have loss of control.
been damaged even though -Temperature grades apply
the damage cannot be seen to tires that are properly in-
that can lead to sudden tire flated and not over or un-
failure and loss of vehicle derinflated.
control. -For technical reasons it is
-All four wheels must be fit- not always possible to use
ted with radial tires of the wheels from other vehicles -
same type, size (rolling cir- in some cases not even
cumference) and the same wheels from the same vehi-
tread pattern. Driving with cle model.
different tires reduces vehi- -If you install wheel trim
cle handling and can lead to discs on the vehicle wheels,
a loss of control. make sure that the air flow
-If the spare tire is not the to the brakes is not blocked.
same as the tires that are Reduced airflow to the
mounted on the vehicle -for
brakes can them to over-
example with winter tires -
heat, increasing stopping
only use the spare tire for a distances and causing a col-
short period of time and lision.
drive with extra care. Refit -Run flat tires may only be
the normal road wheel as used on vehicles that were
soon as safely possible. equipped with them at the
- Never drive faster than the
factory. The vehicle must
maximum speed for which have a chassis designed for
the tires on your vehicle are run flat tires. Incorrect use rated because tires that are of run flat tires can lead to
driven faster than their rat- vehicle damage or acci-
ed speed can fail suddenly. dents. Check with an au-
-Overloading tires cause heat thorized Audi dealer or tire build-up, sudden tire fail -specialist to see if your vehi -
ure, including a blowout cle can be equipped with
0 <.J 'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
run flat tires. If run flat tires
are u sed , they must be in
stalled on all four wheels. Mixing tire types is not per
(D Note
-For technical reasons, it is not generally possible to
use the wheel rims from
other vehicles. This can hold
true for wheels of the same
vehicle type.
- If the spare tire is different
from the tires that you have mounted on your vehicle
(for example winter tires or
wide profile tires), then use
the spare tire for a short pe riod of time only and drive
with extra care. Replace the
flat t ire with the tire match
ing the others on your vehi
cle as soon as possible.
- Never drive without the
valve stem cap. The valves
could get damaged .
@) For the sake of the environment
Dispose of old tires in accord
ance with the local require ments.
Tires and wheels
Uniform tire quality grading
- Tread wea r
- Traction AA A B C
- Temperature AB C
Quality g rades ca n be foun d where applicab le
on the t ire s ide wall between t read sho ulder
and maximum section width
c> page 257,
fig. 199 .
For example : Tread wear 200, Traction AA,
Temperat ure A .
All passenge r ca r tir es must con form to Feder
a l Safety Re quirements in add ition to these
Tread wear
T he tread wear g rade is a c omp arat ive rating
based on the wear ra te of the tire when tes te d
u nder con tro lled conditions o n a specifie d
government test course .
F o r example, a tire gr aded 1S 0 wo uld wear
one a nd one h alf ( 11/ 2) times as well on the
governmen t course as a ti re g raded 100 .
T he re lative perfo rman ce of tires depe nds
up on the actu al c ondition s of the ir u se, how
ever, and m ay depa rt s ignificantly from t he
no rm due to va ria tions i n driving ha bits, se rv
ice p ractices and differences in road c haracter
istics and cl imate.
T he trac tio n gr ad es, from hig hest to lowes t,
a re AA, A, Ban d
C. Those g rades represe nt the
ti re 's ability to stop on wet pavement as
measured u nder cont rolled conditions on
specified government test surfaces of aspha lt
and concrete. A t ire mar ked C may have poor
traction performance
c> ,&. .
The temperature gr ades are A (the highest),
B, and C, represent in g the tire's resistance to
the generation of heat and its ab ility to d issi
pate heat when tested un der controlled condi
tions on a specif ied indoo r labo rato ry test
whee l.
264 Tire s and wheel s
Sustained high temperature can cause the
materia l of the tire to degenerate and reduce
tire life, and excessive temperature can lead
to sudden tire failure<=>,& .
The grade C corresponds to a level of perform
ance which a ll passenger car tires must meet
under the Federa l Motor Veh icle Safety Stand
ard No.
109. Grades Band A represent higher
levels of performance on the laboratory test
wheel than the m inimum required by law .
The traction grade assigned to this t ire is
based on stra ight-ahead braking traction
tests, and does not include acceleration,
corne ring, hydrop lan ing o r peak traction
character istics .
A WARNING ,.,.____
The temperature grade for this tire is es
tablished for a tire that is p roperly inflated
and not overloaded. Excessive speed, un
derinflation, or excessive loading, either
separate ly or in combination, can cause
heat buildup and possible tire fa ilure.
Winter tires
Winter tires can improve vehicle handling on
snow and ice. At temperatures below 45 °F
(7 °C) we recommend changing to winter
tires .
In some heavy snow areas, loca l governments
may require true winter or "snow" tires, those
with very deeply cut tread. These t ires should
only be used in pairs and be installed on all
four wheels. Make sure yo u purchase snow
tires that are the same size and const ruct ion
type as t he other tires on your ve hicle.
If your vehicle is equ ipped with all -wheel
drive*, this will improve t ract ion during w inter
d riving, even wit h the standard tires. Howev
e r, we strong ly recommend that you always
eq uip a ll four w heels on yo ur vehicle wi th cor
rectly fitted win ter tires or a ll-season tires,
when winte r road conditions are expected . This also improves the veh
icle's brak ing per
formance and reduces stopping distances.
Summe r tires p rovide less gr ip on ice and
Winter tires (snow tires) must always be fitted on all fou r wheels .
Ask your authorized Audi dealer or qualified
workshop for perm itted
winter tire siz es. Use
o n ly rad ial winter t ires .
Winter tires lose their effectiveness when the
tread is worn down to a depth of
0 .157 inch
(4 mm).
Only drive w ith w inter t ires under winter con
ditions. Summer t ires handle better when
there is no snow or ice on the roads and the
temperature is above 45 °F (7 °() .
If you have a flat tire, see notes on spare
<=>page 257.
Please a lways remember that winter tires may
have a lower speed rating than the tires origi
nally installed on your vehicle at the time it
was manufactured. P lease see<=>
page 260,
Speed rating (letter code)
fo r a listing of the
speed rating lette r codes and the max imum
speed at which the tires can be d riven .
The speed rating letter code (<=>
page 242) is
on the side wall of the t ire
c> page 257.
W inter t ires have maximum speed lim its
that may be lower than yo ur vehicle's max
i mum speed. Always know the max imum
speed before dr iv ing off. Never dr ive faster
than the speed permitted for yo ur specific
winter tires . This wi ll ca use damage to the
tires leading to an accident and ser ious
personal injury to you and your passen
Driving faster than the maximum speed
for which the winter tires on your vehicle were designed can cause t ire failure in
cluding a blowout and sudden deflation,