24 Instruments and warning/indicator lights
Driver information
Fig. 4 Driver information system in the instrument
Fig. S Display: example of th e information line
The driver information system contains infor
mation @ that is displayed on tabs @
c:;, fig. 4. The following content is possible de
pending on vehicle equipment:
Tab Content
1 Vehicle functions :
On-board computer c::> page 25
Efficiency program* c::> page 26
Digital speedometer
Cruise control*
c;, page 82
Adaptive cru ise con trol and braking
r::;, page 84
Audi active lane assist* c;, page 93
Display darkened
2 Indicator lights and messages
Warning when a door, the hood or the rear lid is not closed
Service interval display
c::> page 2 7
Speed warning system c;, page 81
@ ®
Tab Content
3 Night vision assistant* c;, page 103
4 Audio/video
s Telephone*
6 Navigation*
T he second and th ird tabs are only vis ible if at
least one indicator light or message is shown
or if that system is sw itched on.
The status line © is located in the bottom
part of the display
c::> fig. 4. It displays the ex
terior temperature , time, selector lever posi
t ion, trip odometer and odometer.
For some vehicle functions, you can access the
trip information from the temporary memory
c::> page 26 in the line (D c::> fig. 5.
= -
- Never rely exclusively on the outside
temperature display to determine if a
road surface is icy or not. Keep in mind
that road surfaces, especially bridges
and overpasses, could be ice covered and
slippery even at an outside temperature
above 41 °F
(+5 °().
-Always remember, even if the "snow
flake" symbol (ice warning) does not ap
pear in the d isplay, black ice could be on
the road.
- Always reduce your speed and drive with special care in cold weather cond itions
when the chance of encountering icy
road surfaces increases.
(D Tips
-If the vehicle is stationary, or if you are
dr iving at a very low speed, the tempera
ture shown in the d isplay m ight be
slightly higher than the actual outside
temperature . Thi s is caused by the heat
being radiated from the engine.
- Yo u can select the units used for temper
ature, speed and other measurements in
the MMI.
26 Instruments and warning /indicator lights
-Distance d riven in mi les (km) from the
short-term memory
- Current fue l co nsumption in MPG (l/100
k m)
- Sho rt-t erm memo ry overview
- Long -term memo ry overview
The sho rt-term memo ry co llects d riving i nfo r
mat ion from the time the ignition is switched
on un til it is switched off . If yo u con tinue dr iv
i ng wi thin two hou rs a fter switching the igni
tion off, the new val ues are i ncl uded when cal
culating the current trip informa tion .
Unlike the short-term memory , the long-term
memory is no t erased au toma tically. You can
se lec t t he time period fo r eval uat ing trip in
formation yo urself.
For some ve hicle fu nctions, you can access the
tr ip info rmat ion from the tempor ary memory
in t he line
Fuel consumption
The cu rrent fuel consumpt ion can be dis
p layed using a bar
c::> fig. 8 . The average con
sumpt ion (mpg) stored in the short-term
memory is a lso di splayed. Whe n the bar tur ns
g reen, you r vehicle s aves fuel by one of the
followi ng fun ctions:
- Recuperation : When the vehicle is coasting
o r dr iv ing downh ill, ele ctrical energy ca n b e
store d in t he b atte ry. The bar w ill move to
ward 0.
-Cylinder on demand System* : when the de
ma nd for power is low a nd other conditions
are met, the en gine automa tica lly deac ti
vates four cylinde rs . T he driver and passen
gers w ill not eve n notice th is . T he message
4 cylinder mode appears under the bar . T he
cylinders switch on again when more power
is needed .
@ Tips
Fuel cons umpti ons (average an d cur rent),
ra nge and speed are displaye d in metr ic
un its o n Ca nadian mode ls .
Efficiency program
Applies to vehicles: wit h effic ie ncy program
Fig . 9 Trip comp uter : ot her eq uipment
Fig. 10 Display: exa mple of a fue l econo my message
The efficiency program can he lp you to use
less fue l. It shows othe r equipment influenc
ing consumption and fuel economy messages
provide t ips for eff icient driving. The eff ic iency
program uses distance and co nsump tion data
from t rip computer 1 .
To d isp lay the eff ic iency p rogram , call up
hide functions and select t he menu opt io n
Efficiency program .
Other equipment
Other equipment that is cu rrently affecti ng
fuel consumpt io n is liste d in the view
sumer . The display shows up to three other
items of eq uipme nt @
c::> fig . 9. The equ ip
ment using the most fuel is lis ted first. If
more than th ree items us ing f uel are sw itched
o n, the equipmen t that is cu rren tly us ing the
m os t fue l is disp layed .
A scale @also s hows the current total co n
sumption of all othe r equipmen t.
0 I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
Instrument s and warning /indicator lights 2 7
Fuel economy messages
Fuel economy messages are disp layed when
fuel consumption is increased by certain con
ditions ~
fig. 10 . If you follow these fuel
economy messages, you can reduce your vehi
cle's consumption of fuel. The messages ap
pear automatically and are only displayed in
the efficiency program. The fuel economy messages turn off automatically after a cer
tain period of time .
To turn an economy message off immediately after it appears, press any button on the mul
tifunction steering wheel.
@ Tips
- If the data are deleted in the efficiency
program, those values are also reset in
trip computer .
- Once you have turned a fuel economy
message off, it will only appear again af
ter you turn the ignition on aga in .
- The fuel economy messages are not dis
played in every instance, but rather in in
tervals over a period of ti me .
Fig. 11 Instrument cluster: O domete r an d rese t but
to n
The odome ter shows you how many miles
(kilometers) yo u have d riven . You can switch
the display from mi les to kilometers and vice
versa via the MMI.
Upper odometer
The trip odometer shows the distance driven since it was last reset. It can be used to meas- ure
short distances. The last digit indicates
1/10 of a mile (100 meters).
You can reset the trip odometer to zero by
pressing the Reset button
Lower odometer
The lower odometer shows the total number
of miles (kilometers) dr iven .
Malfunction message
If there is a malfunct ion in the instrument
DEF will appear in the trip odometer
display area . Contact your authorized Audi
dealer to have the problem corrected .
Time and date display
Fig. 12 Instrume nt cluster: clock and date
You can set the time and the date disp lay in
the MMI. Refer to the MMI owner's manual
for instructions .
When you open the dr iver's door, the date and
time appear in the instrument cluster display
for 30 seconds.
Service interval display
T he service interval display reminds you when
your next service is due .
Fig. 13 Instrumen t cl uster: Serv ice interva l display
300 Index
Cell phone package .... ... .. .. .... . 295
Convenience key ....... ... .. .. .... . 295
Elect ronic immobilize r ... .. .. .. .... . 295
Garage door opener (Homel ink) . ..... 295
Remote control key ......... .. .... . 295
D ecorative parts/ trim
C leaning .... .. .. ..... ... .. .. .... . 21 1
What does t his mean when it appea rs in
the trip odometer display? ..... .. .. .. 27
Defect ive light bulb warning . . . . . . . . . . . 22
D efrosting (w indows)
automatic climate control ...... .. .. .. 71
climate contro l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
D etermin ing correct load limit ... .. .. . 25 4
D iese l fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Diese l partic ulate fi lter . . . . . . . . . . 21, 202
Di mensions .. .. . .......... .. .. .. .. . 290
D imm ing the rearview mirro r .. .. ...... 51
D isp lays
C leaning
Di stance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Door/rear lid warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
D oors
P ower child safety lock . ... .. .. .. .. . . 39
D river info rmation system
C D/radio display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
D oor/ rear lid warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
E xte rior tempe rat ure d isp lay ..... .. . . 24
On-boa rd computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
D river seating position .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .
drive select
. . .. . .......... .. .. .... .
adaptive a ir suspension/sport . .. .. .. .
Adaptive dampe rs ......... ... .. .. .
Curve light .... .... .... .. .. .. .. .. .
E ng ine sound ............. ... .. .. .
Safety bel t tensioner ...... .... .... .
Sport different ia l ......... .. .. .... .
Driving safely
Driving through water 127
Dr iving t ime .............. .... ...... 25
Dup licate key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
D ust filter
refer to Po llutant filte r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
D ynamic stee ring 197
Easy entry fea ture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4
E fficie ncy prog ram
Fuel economy messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
O ther equ ipment .............. .. .. . 26
E lectr ica l accessories (sockets) ...... .. . 59
El ec tromechanica l pa rking brake
Emergency brak ing ..... .... ... .. .. . 78
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Pa rking ... .. .. .. .. ........... .... . 77
Re leas ing and closing .............. . 77
Starting assist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Starting from rest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Start ing off w ith a t railer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Wa rning/ind icator lights ........ .. .. . 16
E lectromechanical power assist .. .. .. .. 197
El ectronic differential lock
Warning/ind icator lights ..... ... .. .. . 19
El ectronic d ifferential lock ( EDL) . .. .... 193
Warning/ind icator lights ........ .. .. . 19
E lectronic i mm ob i Lizer . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7, 3 2
El ec tronic power contro l (EPC)
warning/indicator light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
El ectronic speed limi ter .......... .. .. . 30
E lectronic Stabilization Contro l (ESC) ... 193
Warning/ind icator lights .. ... .... _ . _ . 19
Emergency actuation Doors . ... .... .. .. ... .. ..... ... .. . 37
Power sunroof ... ................. . 41
E merge ncy bra king .............. .... . 78
Emergency flashe r .... .. ..... ... .. . _ . 44
Warning/ind icator lights . ....... .. .. . 23
Emergency re lease
Se lector lever ................. .... 113
E mergency s tart ing
E mergency towing
Emergency un locking 2
Rea r lid . .. .. .. .. ............... .. . 38
E mergency warni ng triangle .... .. .. . .
E n ergy management .... .. ... .... .
Engine Compartment .. .. ... .......... ... .
... .... ...................
2 70
Data . .... .... ................... 291
Start-Stop -System ..... .. ... .... _ . _ . 79
sta rting ...... ... .. .......... ... .. . 74