272 What do I do no w?
• Always store the vehicle too l kit, the jack*
and the replaced tire in the luggage com
¢ page 132.
• Unhook the cargo floor before clos ing the
rear lid.
Using th e spare tir e (compac t spare tir e)
The compact spare tire is on ly intended for
emergencies until yo u can reach a repair shop.
Replace it as quickly as possible with a stand
ard wheel and tire.
There are some restrictions on the use of the compact spare tire. The compact spare tire has been des igned specifically for your type of
vehicle. It must not be swapped with a com pact spare tire from another type of vehicle.
Sn ow chain s
For technical reasons, the use of snow chains
on the compact spare tire is
not permitt ed .
If you do have to dr ive with snow cha ins and a
front tire fails, mount the spare wheel with
tire instead of a rear tire . Install the snow
chains on the rear tire and use it to replace
the defective front tire.
- Never use the spare tire if it is damaged
or if it is worn down to the tread wear in
dicators .
- If the spare tire is more than 6 years o ld,
use it only in an emergency and with ex
t reme caution and careful driving .
- The spare tire is intended only for tem
porary and short-term use. It should be
replaced as soon as possible w ith the
normal wheel and t ire.
- After mounting the compact spare tire,
the tire pressure must be checked as
soon as poss ible. The tire pressure of the
c ompact spare tire must be 4.2 bar; oth
erwise, you risk hav ing an accident .
- Do not drive faster than 50 mph (80 km/
h). You risk having an acc iden t.
- Avoid full-throttle acce le rat ion, heavy
braking, and fast corner ing . You risk hav
ing an a cc ident. -
Never drive using more than one spare
wheel and tire. You r isk having an acci
- Normal summer or winter tires must not
be mounted on the compact spare wheel
- For technical reasons, the use of tire
chains on the spare tire is not permitted.
If it is necessary to drive with tire chains,
the spare wheel must be mounted on the
front ax le in the event of a flat in a rear
tire. The new ly available front wheel
m ust then be installed in place of the
rear whee l w ith the flat tire. Installing
the tire chain before mounting the whee l
and tire is recommended.
- Loose items in the passenger compart
ment can cause serious personal injury
during hard braking or in an accident. Never store the inflatable spare tire or
jack and tools in the passenger compart ment.
Changing a wheel
Before changing a wheel
Observe the following precautions for your
own and your passenger's safety when chang
ing a wheel.
• After you experience a t ire failure, pull the
car well away from mov ing traffic and t ry to
l e vel ground before you stop ¢ ,&.
• All passengers should leave th e car and
move to a safe location ( for instance, behind
the guardrail) ¢,& .
• Engage the
par king brake to prevent your
vehicle from rolling unintentionally c> _& .
• Move
selector le ver to pos it ion P c> _& .
• If you are towing a trailer, unhitch the trailer
from your vehicle.
• Take the
jack and the spare tir e out of the
luggage compa rtment c>
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