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Failure, External Light Failure, Fuel Cut-Off Intervention,
Fuel Cut-Off Not Available, Parking Sensor Failure.
9. Air Bag Warning Light
This light will turn on for four seconds as a
bulb check when the ignition switch is first
turned to ON/RUN. If the light is either not on
during starting, stays on, or turns on while
driving, have the system inspected at an authorized
dealer as soon as possible. Refer to “Occupant Restraints”
in “Things To Know Before Starting Your Vehicle” for
further information.
10. Cruise Indicator — If Equipped
This indicator shows that the Speed Control
system is on.
11. Seat Belt Reminder Light
When the ignition switch is first turned to ON/
RUN, this light will turn on if the driver’s seat belt
is unbuckled, a chime will sound. When driving,
if the driver’s seat belt remains unbuckled, the Seat Belt
Reminder Light will illuminate and the chime will sound.
Refer to “Occupant Restraints” in “Things To Know
Before Starting Your Vehicle” for further information.
12. Charging System Light
This light shows the status of the electrical charg-
ing system. The light should come on when the
ignition switch is first turned to ON/RUN and remain on
briefly as a bulb check. If the light stays on or comes on
while driving, turn off some of the vehicle’s non-essential
electrical devices or increase engine speed (if at idle). If
the charging system light remains on, it means that the
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vehicle is experiencing a problem with the charging
system. Obtain SERVICE IMMEDIATELY. See an autho-
rized dealer.
If jump starting is required, refer to “Jump Starting
Procedures” in “What To Do In Emergencies”.
13. Power Steering System Warning
This light is used to manage the electrical
warning of the EPS (Power Steering System).
Refer to “Power Steering” in “Starting and
Operating” for further information.
14. Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) Light
This light informs you of a problem with the
Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) system. If a
problem is detected, the light will come on
while the engine is running. Cycle the ignition
key when the vehicle has completely stopped and the
shift lever is placed in the NEUTRAL position. The light
should turn off. If the light remains lit with the engine
running, your vehicle will usually be drivable; however,
see an authorized dealer for service as soon as possible. If
the light is flashing when the engine is running, imme-
diate service is required and you may experience reduced
performance, an elevated/rough idle or engine stall and
your vehicle may require towing. The light will come on
when the ignition is first turned to ON/RUN and remain
on briefly as a bulb check. If the light does not come on
during starting, have the system checked by an autho-
rized dealer.
15. Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale Light
Each tire, including the spare (if provided),
should be checked monthly when cold and
inflated to the inflation pressure recommended
by the vehicle manufacturer on the vehicle
placard or tire inflation pressure label. (If your vehicle
has tires of a different size than the size indicated on the
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1. Set the parking brake, shift the transmission into gear
and turn the ignition to OFF/LOCK.
2. Turn off the heater, radio, and all unnecessary electri-
cal accessories.
3. Remove the protective cover over the positive (+)
battery post. To remove the cover pull upward on the
4. If using another vehicle to jump-start the battery, park
the vehicle within the jumper cables reach, set the
parking brake and make sure the ignition is OFF.
Do not allow vehicles to touch each other as this
could establish a ground connection and personal
injury could result.
Jump-Starting Procedure
Failure to follow this procedure could result in per-
sonal injury or property damage due to battery ex-
Failure to follow these procedures could result in
damage to the charging system of the booster vehicle
or the discharged vehicle.
1. Connect the positive(+)end of the jumper cable to the
positive(+)post of the discharged vehicle.
2. Connect the opposite end of the positive(+)jumper
cable to the positive(+)post of the booster battery.
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If frequent jump-starting is required to start your vehicle,
you should have the battery and charging system in-
spected at your authorized dealer.
Accessories plugged into the vehicle power outlets
draw power from the vehicle’s battery, even when not
in use (i.e., cellular phones, etc.). Eventually, if
plugged in long enough without engine operation,
the vehicle’s battery will discharge sufficiently to
degrade battery life and/or prevent the engine from
If your vehicle becomes stuck in mud, sand or snow, it
can often be moved using a rocking motion. Turn the
steering wheel right and left to clear the area around the
front wheels. Then shift back and forth between 2nd gear
and REVERSE while gently pressing the accelerator. Use
the least amount of accelerator pedal pressure that will
maintain the rocking motion, without spinning the
wheels or racing the engine.
Racing the engine or spinning the wheels may lead to
transmission overheating and failure. Allow the en-
gine to idle with the transmission in NEUTRAL for at
least one minute after every five rocking-motion
cycles. This will minimize overheating and reduce
the risk of clutch or transmission failure during
prolonged efforts to free a stuck vehicle.