ContentsThe fastest way to find information on a partic‐
ular topic or item is by using the index, refer to
page 256.6Notes
At a glance
12Cockpit16iDrive23Voice activation system26Integrated Owner's Manual in the vehicle
30Opening and closing47Adjusting59Transporting children safely63Driving78Displays98Lamps103Safety129Driving stability control systems136Driving comfort163Climate control170Interior equipment179Storage compartments
Driving tips
186Things to remember when driving190Loading193Saving fuelMobility202Refueling204Fuel209Wheels and tires224Engine compartment226Engine oil229Coolant231Maintenance233Replacing components240Breakdown assistance246Care
252Technical data256Everything from A to Z
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Displaying stored Check Control
messages1."Vehicle Info"2."Vehicle status"3. "Check Control"4.Select the text message.
Messages after trip completion
Special messages that are displayed during
driving are displayed again after the ignition is
switched off.
Fuel gauge The vehicle inclination may
cause the display to vary.
US models: the arrow beside the
fuel pump symbol shows which
side of the vehicle the fuel filler
flap is on.
Hints on refueling, refer to page 202.
Always avoid engine speeds in the red warning
field. In this range, the fuel supply is inter‐
rupted to protect the engine.
Engine oil temperature
▷Cold engine: the pointer is at
the low temperature end.
Drive at moderate engine
and vehicle speeds.▷Normal operating tempera‐
ture: the pointer is in the
middle or in the left half of
the temperature display.▷Hot engine: the pointer is at the high end of
the temperature range. A Check Control
message is also displayed.Coolant temperature
If the coolant along with the engine becomes
too hot, a Check Control message is displayed.
Check the coolant level, refer to page 229.
Odometer and trip odometer Display▷Odometer, arrow 1.▷Trip odometer, arrow 2.
Show/reset kilometers Press the knob.
▷When the ignition is
switched off, the time, the
external temperature and
the odometer are displayed.▷When the ignition is switched on, the trip
odometer is reset.
External temperature
If the indicator drops to
+37 ℉/+3 ℃ or lower, a signal
A Check Control message is displayed.
There is an increased risk of ice on roads.
Ice on roads
Even at temperatures above
+37 ℉/+3 ℃, there can be a risk of ice on
Therefore, drive carefully on bridges and
shaded roads, for example, to avoid the in‐
creased risk of an accident.◀
Seite 87DisplaysControls87
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Engine compartmentVehicle equipmentAll standard, country-specific and optional
equipment that is offered in the model series is
described in this chapter. Therefore, equip‐ment is also described that is not available in a
vehicle, e. g., because of the selected optional
equipment or country variant. This also applies
for safety-related functions and systems.
Important features in the engine compartment
1Vehicle identification number2Jump-starting, negative terminal3Washer fluid reservoir4Jump-starting, positive terminal5Oil filler neck.6Coolant reservoirHood
Opening the hood Working in the engine compartment
Never attempt to perform any service or
repair operations on your vehicle without the necessary professional technical training.If you are unfamiliar with the statutory guide‐
lines, have any work on the vehicle performed
only by a service center.
If this work is not carried out properly, there is
the danger of subsequent damage and related
safety hazards.◀Seite 224MobilityEngine compartment224
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CoolantVehicle equipmentAll standard, country-specific and optional
equipment that is offered in the model series is
described in this chapter. Therefore, equip‐
ment is also described that is not available in a
vehicle, e. g., because of the selected optional
equipment or country variant. This also applies
for safety-related functions and systems.
Hints Danger of burns from hot engine
Do not open the cooling system while
the engine is hot; otherwise, escaping coolant
may cause burns.◀
Suitable additives
Only use suitable additives; otherwise,
engine damage may occur. The additives are
harmful to your health.◀
Coolant consists of water and additives.
Not all commercially available additives are
suitable for the vehicle. Information about the
suitable additives are available from the service
Coolant level
General information If there is no Min. and Max. mark in the filler
neck of the coolant reservoir, have the coolant
level checked if necessary by your service cen‐
ter and add coolant as needed.
Depending on the engine installation, the cool‐
ant reservoir may be located on the opposite
side of the engine compartment.Checking1.Let the engine cool.2.Turn the cap of the coolant reservoir
slightly counterclockwise to allow any ex‐
cess pressure to dissipate, and then open
it.3.The coolant level is correct if it lies be‐
tween the minimum and maximum marks
in the filler neck.
1.Let the engine cool.2.Turn the cap of the coolant reservoir
slightly counterclockwise to allow any ex‐Seite 229CoolantMobility229
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Emergency start function, en‐gine start 31
Emergency unlocking, trunk lid 38
Energy Control 88
Energy recovery 88
Engine, automatic Start/Stop function 65
Engine, automatic switch- off 65
Engine compartment 224
Engine compartment, work‐ ing in 224
Engine coolant 229
Engine idling when driving, coasting 197
Engine oil 226
Engine oil, adding 227
Engine oil additives 227
Engine oil change 228
Engine oil filler neck 227
Engine oil temperature 87
Engine oil types, alterna‐ tive 228
Engine oil types, ap‐ proved 228
Engine start during malfunc‐ tion 31
Engine start, jump-start‐ ing 241
Engine start, refer to Starting the engine 64
Engine stop 65
Engine temperature 87
Entering a car wash 246
Equipment, interior 170
ESP Electronic Stability Pro‐ gram, refer to DSC 129
Exchanging wheels/tires 221
Exhaust system 187
Exterior mirror, automatic dimming feature 56
Exterior mirrors 55
External start 241
External temperature dis‐ play 87 External temperature warn‐
ing 87
Eyes for securing cargo 191
Failure message, refer to Check Control 85
False alarm, refer to Uninten‐ tional alarm 43
Fan, refer to Air flow 164
Fault displays, refer to Check Control 85
Filler neck for engine oil 227
Fine wood, care 248
First aid kit 241
Fitting for towing, refer to Tow fitting 244
Flat tire, changing wheels 238
Flat Tire Monitor FTM 109
Flat tire, Tire Pressure Moni‐ tor TPM 106
Flat tire, warning lamp 107, 110
Flooding 187
Floor carpet, care 249
Floor mats, care 249
Fold down the rear seat back‐ rest, see Though-loading
system 175
Fold-out position, windshield wipers 72
Foot brake 188
Front airbags 103
Front fog lamps 101
Front fog lamps, bulb replace‐ ment 236
Front lamps 234
Front passenger airbags, au‐ tomatic deactivation 105
Front passenger airbags, indi‐ cator lamp 105
FTM Flat Tire Monitor 109
Fuel 204
Fuel cap 202 Fuel consumption, current 88
Fuel consumption, refer to Average fuel consump‐
tion 93
Fuel filler flap 202
Fuel gauge 87
Fuel quality 204
Fuel recommendation 204
Fuel, tank capacity 255
Fuse 239
Garage door opener, refer to Universal garage door
opener 170
Gasoline 204
Gear change, automatic transmission 74
Gear shift indicator 89
General driving notes 186
Glass sunroof, powered 45
Glove compartment 179
Gross vehicle weight, ap‐ proved 252
Handbrake, refer to Parking brake 67
Hand-held transmitter, alter‐ nating code 171
Hazard warning flashers 240
HDC Hill Descent Con‐ trol 131
Head airbags 103
Headlamp control, auto‐ matic 99
Headlamp courtesy delay fea‐ ture 98
Headlamp courtesy delay fea‐ ture via remote control 34
Headlamp flasher 71
Headlamp glass 234
Headlamps 234
Headlamps, care 247 Seite 259Everything from A to ZReference259
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Office, see user's manual forNavigation, Entertainment
and Communication
Oil 226
Oil, adding 227
Oil additives 227
Oil change 228
Oil change interval, service requirements 88
Oil filler neck 227
Oil types, alternative 228
Oil types, approved 228
Old batteries, disposal 239
Onboard monitor, refer to Control Display 16
Onboard vehicle tool kit 233
Opening/closing the trunk lid with no-touch activation 40
Opening/closing via door lock 35
Opening and closing 30
Opening and closing, without remote control 35
Opening and closing, with re‐ mote control 33
Operating concept, iDrive 16
Optional equipment, standard equipment 6
Outside air, refer to Auto‐ matic recirculated-air con‐
trol 165
Overheating of engine, refer to Coolant temperature 87
P Paint, vehicle 247
Parallel parking assistant 157
Park Distance Control PDC 148
Parked-car ventilation 168
Parked vehicle, condensa‐ tion 188
Parking aid, refer to PDC 148
Parking assistant 157
Parking brake 67 Parking lamps 98
Parking with Auto Hold 68
Particulate filter 187
Parts and accessories 7
Passenger side mirror, tilting downward 56
Pathway lines, rearview cam‐ era 152
PDC Park Distance Con‐ trol 148
Pedestrian detection, see Night Vision 120
Pedestrian warning with city braking function 118
Personal Profile 31
Personal Profile, exporting profiles 32
Personal Profile, importing profiles 33
Pinch protection system, glass sunroof 45
Pinch protection system, win‐ dows 44
Plastic, care 248
Power failure 238
Power sunroof, glass 45
Power windows 43
Pressure, tire air pres‐ sure 209
Pressure warning FTM, tires 109
Profile, refer to Personal Pro‐ file 31
Programmable memory but‐ tons, iDrive 21
Protective function, glass sunroof 45
Protective function, win‐ dows 44
Push-and-turn switch, refer to Controller 16
Q Queuing Assistant, see Traf‐ fic Jam Assist 143 R
Radiator fluid 229
Radio-operated key, refer to Remote control 30
Radio ready state 64
Radio, see user's manual for Navigation, Entertainment
and Communication
Rain sensor 71
Rear automatic climate con‐ trol 167
Rear axle steering 133
Rear lamps 236
Rear socket 174
Rearview mirror 55
Rear window defroster 165
Recirculated-air mode 165
Recommended fuel grade 204
Recommended tire brands 221
Refueling 202
Remaining range 88
Remote control/key 30
Remote control, malfunc‐ tion 34
Remote control, univer‐ sal 170
Replacement fuse 239
Replacing parts 233
Replacing wheels/tires 221
Reporting safety defects 9
RES button 139
Reserve warning, refer to Range 88
Reset, Tire Pressure Monitor TPM 107
Residual heat, automatic cli‐ mate control 165
Retaining straps, securing cargo 191
Retreaded tires 221
Reversing lamp, bulb replace‐ ment 237
Roadside parking lamps 99 Seite 262ReferenceEverything from A to Z262
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