2014 BMW 528I XDRIVE SEDAN engine oil

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Page 7 of 273

BMW 528I XDRIVE SEDAN 2014  Owners Manual Addendum
13.At page 224 and page 225, under
the heading: “Fine-link snow
chains,” the text should be
disregarded and the following text
should be read in lieu thereof:
Only certain types of fine-l

Page 9 of 273

BMW 528I XDRIVE SEDAN 2014  Owners Manual ContentsThe fastest way to find information on a partic‐
ular topic or item is by using the index, refer to
page  258.6Notes
At a glance
14Cockpit18iDrive26Voice activation system29Integrated Owner&

Page 12 of 273

BMW 528I XDRIVE SEDAN 2014  Owners Manual pounds. Wash your hands after handling. Used
engine oil contains chemicals that have caused
cancer in laboratory animals. Always protect
your skin by washing thoroughly with soap and
Service an

Page 88 of 273

BMW 528I XDRIVE SEDAN 2014  Owners Manual DisplaysVehicle features and optionsThis chapter describes all standard, country-
specific and optional features offered with the
series. It also describes features that are notnecessarily available i

Page 89 of 273

BMW 528I XDRIVE SEDAN 2014  Owners Manual ▷Messages, e.g. Check Control, refer to
page  88.▷Current fuel consumption, refer to
page  93.▷Navigation display, see User's manual for
Navigation, Entertainment and Communi‐

Page 96 of 273

BMW 528I XDRIVE SEDAN 2014  Owners Manual These messages can be faded for approx.
8 seconds. After this time, they are dis‐
played again automatically.▷Other Check Control messages are faded
automatically after approx. 20 seconds.
They ar

Page 230 of 273

BMW 528I XDRIVE SEDAN 2014  Owners Manual Engine compartmentVehicle features and optionsThis chapter describes all standard, country-
specific and optional features offered with the
series. It also describes features that are notnecessarily a

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BMW 528I XDRIVE SEDAN 2014  Owners Manual Engine oilVehicle features and options
This chapter describes all standard, country-
specific and optional features offered with the
series. It also describes features that are not
necessarily availab
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