All around the center console1All around the interior rearview mir‐
ror 152Control Display 163Glove compartment 1514Air vent 1435Hazard warning system 198Central locking system 376Radio/CD/Multimedia, see user's manual for
Navigation, Entertainment and Communi‐
cation.7Automatic climate control 1408Controller with buttons 169Parking brake 62Automatic Hold 6310PDC Park Distance Control 126
Top View 131
Backup camera 128
Parking assistant 134Side View 133HDC Hill Descent Control 11211Driving Experience Switch 114DSC Dynamic Stability Con‐
trol 11012Transmission selector leverSeite 14At a glanceCockpit14
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 902 827 - 07 12 490
Take out the insert.
Connecting electrical devices
Note Do not plug the charger into the socket
Do not connect battery chargers to the
factory-installed sockets in the vehicle. Doing so
may result in damage to the vehicle.◀
The lighter socket can be used as a socket for
electrical equipment while the engine is running
or when the ignition is switched on. The total
load of all sockets must not exceed 140 watts at
12 volts.
Do not damage the socket by using unsuitable
Center console
Press the button.
Remove the cover or cigarette lighter.
In the front passenger footwell
Socket is located below the glove compartment.
To access the socket: fold open the cover.
Center armrest
Remove cover.
Through-loading system
The concept
The cargo area can be enlarged by folding down
the rear seat backrest.
The rear seat backrest is divided into two parts
at a ratio of 60 to 40.
The sides can be folded down separately or to‐
Notes Danger of pinching
Before folding down the rear seat backr‐
ests, ensure that the area of movement of the
backrests is clear. Ensure that no one is located
in or reaches into the area of movement of the
Seite 148ControlsInterior equipment148
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 902 827 - 07 12 490
Folding down
Pull on the opener and fold the armrest forward.
Pull on the handle and fold open the cover.
Clothes hooks
Two folding clothes hooks are provided in the
rear of the vehicle. To unfold them, press on the
top edge of the clothes hooks.
Do not obstruct view
When suspending clothing from the
hooks, ensure that it will not obstruct the driver's
No heavy objects
Do not hang heavy objects from the hooks;
otherwise, they may present a danger to pas‐
sengers during braking and evasive maneu‐
Notes Shatter-proof containers and no hot
Use light and shatter-proof containers and do
not transport hot drinks. Otherwise, there is the
increased danger of injury in an accident.◀
Unsuitable containers
Do not forcefully push unsuitable contain‐
ers into the cupholders. This may result in dam‐
Center console
To open: press on the cover.
In the rear
In the center armrest.
The cupholder can be adjusted for three differ‐
ent container sizes.
To open: press the button.
To reduce in size: fold closed to the desired po‐
Seite 153Storage compartmentsControls153
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 902 827 - 07 12 490
Breakdown assistanceVehicle equipment
All standard, country-specific and optional
equipment that is offered in the model series is
described in this chapter. Therefore, equipment
is also described that is not available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of the selected optional equip‐
ment or country variant. This also applies for
safety-related functions and systems.
Hazard warning flashers
The button is located in the center console.
Emergency Request
▷Equipment version with full preparation
package mobile phone.
An Emergency Request can be made, even
if no mobile phones are paired with the ve‐
hicle.▷BMW Assist is activated.▷The radio ready state is switched on.▷The BMW Assist system is logged in to a
wireless communications network sup‐
ported by BMW Assist.▷The Assist system is functional.
Only press the SOS button in an emergency.
Emergency Request not guaranteed
For technical reasons, the Emergency Re‐
quest cannot be guaranteed under unfavorable
Service contract▷After your contract with BMW Assist has ex‐
pired, the BMW Assist system can be deac‐
tivated by the service center without you
having to visit a workshop.
After deactivation, an Emergency Request
is no longer possible.▷Under certain circumstances, the system
can be reactivated by a service center after
you sign a new contract.
Initiating an Emergency Request
1.Press the cover briefly to open it.2.Press the SOS button until the LED in the
button lights up.▷The LED lights up: an Emergency Request
was initiated.
If the situation allows, wait in your vehicle
until the voice connection has been estab‐
lished.▷The LED flashes if the connection to the
BMW Assist Response Center has been es‐
After the Emergency Request arrives at the
BMW Assist Response Center, the BMWSeite 198MobilityBreakdown assistance198
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 902 827 - 07 12 490
tainment and Communica‐
BMW Homepage 6
BMW Internet page 6
BMW Maintenance Sys‐ tem 189
Bottle holder, refer to Cu‐ pholder 153
Brake assistant 110
Brake assistant, adaptive 110
Brake discs, breaking in 158
Brake force display 109
Brake lamps, brake force dis‐ play 109
Brake lamps, bulb replace‐ ment 194
Brake lights, adaptive 109
Brake pads, breaking in 158
Braking, notes 159
Breakdown assis‐ tance 198, 199
Breaking in 158
Brightness of Control Dis‐ play 85
Bulb replacement 192
Bulb replacement, front 0
Bulb replacement, rear 194
Bulbs and lamps 192
Button, RES 120
Button, Start/Stop 58
Bypassing, refer to Jump- starting 199
California Proposition 65 Warning 7
Camera, backup camera 129
Camera, care 206
Camera, Side View 133
Camera, Top View 131
Can holder, refer to Cu‐ pholder 153
Car battery 196
Car care products 204
Care, displays 206 Care, vehicle 204
Cargo 161
Cargo area, enlarging 148
Cargo area lid 37
Cargo area, storage compart‐ ments 154
Cargo straps, securing cargo 162
Car key, refer to Remote con‐ trol 30
Carpet, care 205
Car wash 203
Catalytic converter, refer to Hot exhaust system 158
CBS Condition Based Serv‐ ice 189
CD/Multimedia, see user's manual for Navigation, Enter‐
tainment and Communica‐
Center console 14
Central locking system 33
Central screen, refer to Control Display 16
Changes, technical, refer to Safety 7
Changing parts 192
Changing wheels 195
Changing wheels/tires 180
Check Control 74
Children, seating position 54
Children, transporting safely 54
Child restraint fixing sys‐ tem 54
Child restraint fixing system LATCH 55
Child restraint fixing systems, mounting 54
Child safety locks 57
Child seat, mounting 54
Child seats 54
Chrome parts, care 205
Cigarette lighter 147
Cleaning, displays 206
Climate control 140 Climate control wind‐
shield 159
Clock 77
Closing/opening from in‐ side 37
Closing/opening via door lock 36
Closing/opening with remote control 34
Clothes hooks 153
Collision warning 99, 101
Combination switch, refer to Turn signals 64
Combination switch, refer to Wiper system 65
Comfort Access 38
COMFORT program, Driving Experience Switch 116
Computer 81
Condensation on win‐ dows 141
Condensation under the vehi‐ cle 160
Condition Based Service CBS 189
Configure driving mode 116
Confirmation signal 35
ConnectedDrive, see user's manual for Navigation, Enter‐
tainment and Communica‐
Control Display 16
Control Display, settings 83
Controller 16
Control systems, driving sta‐ bility 110
Convenient opening 34
Coolant 188
Coolant temperature 77
Cooling function 142
Cooling, maximum 141
Cooling system 188
Corrosion on brake discs 160
Cruise control 124
Cruise control, active with Stop & Go 118 Seite 223Everything from A to ZReference223
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