ConnectorUCI ................................ 283
Universal Consumer Interface (UCI) ......... 283
Console .............................. 208
Console, Floor .......................... 208
Console, Overhead ....................... 183
Console, Removable ...................... 212
Contract, Service ........................ 503
Coolant Pressure Cap (Radiator Cap) .......... 451
Cooling System ......................... 449
Adding Coolant (Antifreeze) .............. 451
Coolant Capacity ...................... 477
Coolant Level ...................... 449,452
Disposal of Used Coolant ................ 452
Drain, Flush, and Refill .................. 450
Inspection ........................... 452
Points to Remember .................... 453
Pressure Cap ......................... 451
Radiator Cap ......................... 451 Selection of Coolant (Antifreeze)
Cruise Control (Speed Control) .............. 168
Cupholders ......................... 199,464
Customer Assistance ..................... 501
Daytime Running Lights ................... 159
Dealer Service .......................... 436
Defroster, Rear Window ................... 213
Defroster, Windshield ...............102,300,310
Diagnostic System, Onboard ................ 433
Dimmer Control ........................ 156
Dipsticks Automatic Transaxle .................... 458
Automatic Transmission ................. 457
Oil (Engine) .......................... 437
Power Steering ........................ 335
Disabled Vehicle Towing ................... 426
Modifications/Alterations, Vehicle............. 7
Monitor, Tire Pressure System ............... 364
Mopar Parts ......................... 436,504
Multi-Function Control Lever ............... 160
Navigation System (Uuconnect gps).......... 181
New Vehicle Break-In Period ................ 99
Occupant Restraints ................... 52,74,78
Occupant Restraints (Sedan) ...........70,71,74,77
Odometer ............................. 231
Oil Change Indicator ................ 233,240,247
Oil Change Indicator, Reset ...........233,240,247
Oil, Engine ......................... 437,478
Capacity ............................ 477
Change Interval ....................... 438
Checking ............................ 437
Disposal ............................ 440
Filter ............................ 440,478Filter Disposal
........................ 440
Identification Logo ..................... 438
Materials Added to ..................... 439
Recommendation ................... 438,477
Synthetic ............................ 439
Viscosity ......................... 439,477
Onboard Diagnostic System ..............433,434
Opener, Garage Door (HomeLink) ........... 186
Operator Manual (Owner’s Manual) ............ 4
Outside Rearview Mirrors ............... 110,111
Overhead Console ....................... 183
Overhead Travel Information Center .......... 183
Overheating, Engine ................... 227,406
Owner’s Manual (Operator Manual) .........4,505
Panic Alarm ............................ 23
Park Sense System, Rear ................... 171
Parking Brake .......................... 336
Pedals, Adjustable ....................... 166