2010 DODGE CARAVAN four wheel drive

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Page 77 of 530

DODGE CARAVAN 2010  Owners Manual The ORC contains a backup power supply system that
may deploy the airbags even if the battery loses power or
it becomes disconnected prior to deployment.Also, the ORC turns on the Airbag Warning

Page 331 of 530

DODGE CARAVAN 2010  Owners Manual CAUTION!
If the transmission operating temperature exceeds
acceptable limits, the vehicle computer will override
DRIVE and select “5” range (on six-speed transmis-
sions) or “3” range (on four

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DODGE CARAVAN 2010  Owners Manual WARNING! (Continued)
•The Anti-Lock Brake System cannot prevent acci-
dents, including those resulting from excessive
speed in turns, following another vehicle too
closely, or hydroplaning. Only a s

Page 345 of 530

DODGE CARAVAN 2010  Owners Manual ESP Partial Off
This mode is entered by momentarily pressing the “ESP
OFF” switch (located in the center switch bank, next to
the hazard flasher switch).When in the “Partial Off” mode, the TCS

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DODGE CARAVAN 2010  Owners Manual 3. Accumulation of excessive snow and/or ice around
the wheels or wheel housings.
4. Using tire chains on the vehicle.
5. Using wheels/tires not equipped with TPMS sensors.
Vehicles with Compact Spare

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DODGE CARAVAN 2010  Owners Manual WARNING! (Continued)
•Make certain that the load is secured in the trailer
and will not shift during travel. When trailering
cargo that is not fully secured, dynamic load shifts
can occur that may b

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DODGE CARAVAN 2010  Owners Manual CAUTION! (Continued)
•Always use wheel lift equipment when towing
from the front. The only other approved method of
towing is with a flatbed truck.
•Do not tow the vehicle from the rear. Damage to