Capacity of the tank: approxi-
mately 60 litres.
Low fuel level When the minimum level in the
tank is reached, this warning
lamp on the instrument panel
comes on, accompanied by
an audible warning and a message
on the multifunction screen.
W h e n i t fi r s t c o m e s o n , a r o u n d
7 litres of fuel remain in the tank.
Refuel as soon as possible to avoid
running out.
Additions of fuel must be of at least
5 litres to be taken into account by
the fuel gauge. The petrol or diesel engine of your
v e h i c l e i s fi t t e d w i t h a c a t a l y t i c c o n -
verter, a device which helps to re-
duce the level of harmful emissions
in the exhaust gases.
For petrol engines, unleaded fuel
is obligatory.
T h e fi l l e r n e c k i s n a r r o w e r , p e r m i t -
ting unleaded petrol only.
O p e n i n g t h e fi l l e r c a p m a y r e s u l t
in an inrush of air. This vacuum is
entirely normal and results from the
sealing of the fuel system.
Press on the control A , situated
on the control panel on the left
h a n d s i d e . T h e f u e l fl a p a u t o m a t -
ically opens up.
Take care to select the pump
that corresponds to the correct
fuel type for your vehicle.
Introduce the nozzle so as to push
i n t h e m e t a l n o n - r e t u r n fl a p B.
Make sure that the nozzle is
pushed in as far as possible
before starting to refuel (risk of
Maintain this position throughout
the refuelling operation.
P u s h t h e f u e l fl a p t o c l o s e i t .
Fuel cut-off switch
Your vehicle is equipped with a safety
device which cuts off the fuel supply
in the event of a collision.
I f y o u a r e fi l l i n g y o u r t a n k t o t h e
top, do not persist after the third
cut-off; this could cause your
vehicle to malfunction.
After switching off the ignition, the
control A is active for only a few
minutes. If necessary, switch on
the ignition again to reactivate it.
If you have put in fuel that is
wrong for your vehicle, it is es-
sential to have the tank drained
before you start the engine.
Quality of the fuel used for petrol
The petrol engines are perfectly
compatible with E10 type petrol
biofuels (containing 10 % ethanol),
conforming to European standards
EN 228 and EN 15376.
E85 type fuels (containing up to 85 % ethanol) are reserved exclusively for
vehicles marketed for the use of this
type of fuel (BioFlex vehicles). The
quality of the ethanol must comply
with European standard EN 15376.
For Brazil only, special vehicles are
marketed to run on fuels containing
up to 100 % ethanol (type E100). Quality of the fuel used for Diesel
The Diesel engines are perfectly
compatible with biofuels which con-
form to current and future European
standards (diesel fuel which com-
plies with standard EN 590 mixed
with a biofuel which complies with
standard EN 14214) available at the
pumps (containing up to 7 % Fatty
Acid Methyl Ester).
The B30 biofuel can be used in cer-
tain Diesel engines; however, this
use is subject to strict application
of the special servicing conditions.
Consult a CITROËN dealer.
The use of any other type of (bio)fuel
(vegetable or animal oils, pure or di-
luted, domestic fuel...) is strictly pro-
hibited (risk of damage to the engine
and fuel circuit).