2008 Citroen C3 PLURIEL ABS

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Citroen C3 PLURIEL 2008 1.G Owners Manual II
It comes on for a few sec-onds each time you switch on the ignition.
If  either  of  the ESP  or ASR  sys-tems  is  active,  the  warning  lamp �fl� �a�s�h�e�s�.
For a malfunction

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Citroen C3 PLURIEL 2008 1.G Owners Manual II
E L E C T R O N I C   G E A R B O X   S Y S T E M
A U T O M A T I C   M O D E
To select automatic mode
Place  the  selection  lever  in  posi-tion A.
“AUTO” displays on the instrument �p

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Citroen C3 PLURIEL 2008 1.G Owners Manual �5�9� 
ABS system
The ABS system enhances your safety by preventing the wheels from locking in the event of sudden braking or in conditions of poor road adherence. It enables you to retain control of

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Citroen C3 PLURIEL 2008 1.G Owners Manual V
T A B L E   O F   F U S E S
F U S E S   U N D E R   T H E   B O N N E T
120 AWater-in-diesel-fuel sensor
215 AHorn
310 AScreen wash
420 AHeadlamp wash
515 AFuel pump