Driver inf ormation di spl ay
You can reset the following values to zero using th e reset button:
• driving time
• average mileage
• average speed
The trip computer will not operate unless the ignition is on. When
you turn on the ignition, the function that was in use the last time
you turned the ignition off, wil l appear in the display . Briefly press
the function selector switch
@ or the reset button ® to set the
driving time
alarm=> page 40.
[ i ] Tips
All stored values w ill be lost if the veh ic le battery is disconnected. •
Applies to vehicles: with trip computer
Cruising range
The cruising range display helps you plan your trips.
The estimated cruising range in miles (kilometers) appears in the
d isplay . Th is te lls you how far you r vehicle wi ll be able to trave l with
the amount of fuel left in the tank and with the same driving style .
The disp lay counts down in 6 mile- (10 km-) s teps.
The cruising range is ca lculated based on the fuel consumption for
the last 18 miles (30 km). If you drive conservatively, the cruising
range wi ll increase .•
App lies to vehicles: with trip computer
Driving time
The driving time display reminds you when it is time to
take a break.
The length of time that you have been driving since you last rese t
the memory appears in this display. If you want to keep track of your driving
time from a given point in time, reset the memory at this
point in time by press ing the reset
butto n=> page 39, fig. 28 @ .
Sin gle -trip m emor y
If you stop driv ing for more than 2 hours , the driv ing t ime value will
be reset automatically .
Complete-trip memory
The driving time va lue remains in memory when the ignition is off.
When you resume driving, t he additio nal driving ti me is added on to
the previous value.
D riv in g time alarm
After you have been driving for two hours, the display wil l automat
ica lly switch to the driving t ime d isplay
2 :00 . The driving t ime
display wil l also flash. This driving time alarm reminds the driver to
take a break fro m driv ing.
To turn off the driving time alarm, briefly press the function selector
switch or the rese t button
~ page 39, fig . 28.
If you continue your trip or take a break o f
less than ten minutes, a
new a larm wi ll be disp layed at driving times of
4 :00 , 6 :00 etc.
However, the driving time alarm counter wi ll be reset if you take a
break of more than ten minutes. •
Applies to vehicles: with tr ip computer
Average fuel consumption
The average mileage indica tion allows you to anticipate
your refueling stops well ahead in time.
Th e average fuel economy i n MPG (1/100 km) s ince you last cleared
the memory appears in this display. You can use this disp lay to
adjust your driving technique to achieve a desired mi leage. I f you
want to determine the fuel economy for a new time period, reset the
memo ry using the reset
button => page 39, fig. 28 . After you have
reset the display, a zero will appear for the first 100 feet (30 metres) . .,_
Clear vision Installing new wiper blades
Wiper blades in good condition help keep the windshield
Removing the wiper blade
Fig . 89 Removing the
wiper blade, driver's
Fig . 90 Installing a
new wiper blade
-Lift the wiper arm away from the windshield.
-Insert your thumb into the small gap behind the blade
clip @==> fig. 89 and push the clip off the wiper
arm end.
-Take the blade off the wiper arm, arrow ®·
Installing a new wiper blade
-Slide the retainer clip on the new blade back to expose
the connector plug .
-Insert the plug into the matching recess on the wiper arm
@==>fig. 90.
-Push with your thumb on the blunt end of retainer clip to
insert the clip with its tab into the wiper arm profile ,
arrow @.
-Keep pushing the clip in until only a small gap remains
between the retainer clip and the end of the wiper arm.
Only after the new blade has engaged with a faint click is
it securely attached to the wiper arm.
-Fold the wiper arm back onto the windshield.
The wiper blade on the driver's side measures 21.65 in. (550 mm) in
length, the wiper blade on the passenger side 22.83 in. (580 mml.
Clean your wiper blades regularly with a windshield washer solution
to prevent streaking. If the blades are very dirty, for examp le with
insects, carefully clean the blades with a sponge or a soft brush.
If the wiper blades begin to streak the windshield, this could be
caused by residue left on the windshield by automatic car washes.
Fill the windshield washer container with a special solution avail
able at your authorized Audi dealer to remove the residue.
Be sure to inspect the condition of your wiper blades regularly. For
safety reasons, replace your wiper blades once or twice a year if
necessary. See your authorized Audi dealer for replacement
blades. ~
______________________________________________ D_ ri_v _ i_ n _, g..,_ a_ n_d _ e_ n_ v_i_r o_ n_m_ e_ n_t _____ ffllll
- Lack of proper maintenance as wel l as improper use of the
vehic le wi ll impair the func tion of the emission control system
and cou ld lead to damage .
<£> For the sake of the envir onm ent
Even when the Emission Control System is operating properly, the
exhaust gas can have a su lfur -like exhaust gas sme ll under some
operat ing states . Th is depends on the sulfur content of the fuel
being used. Using a different brand of fue l may he lp, or fil ling the
tank with lead -free super grade gasol ine. •
Avoid damaging the vehicle
When you are driving on poor roads, or over curbs, steep ramps,
e tc., make certain that low- lying parts such as spoilers and exhaust
system parts do not bottom out and get damaged.
This is especial ly true for vehicles with low -s lung chassis (sports
chassis)* and ful ly loaded vehicles .•
Operate your vehicle economically
and minimize pollution
Y o ur personal style of driving will determine the economy
of your vehicle, as well as exhaust and noise levels.
Fuel economy, env ironmental impact, and wear on your engine,
brakes and t ires largely depend on three factors :
• your personal driving sty le
• operat ing cond it ions
• technica l limitat ions
Controls and equip
ment Safety first Vehicle operation
If you anticipate what you need to do next and drive economica
you can easily cut your fuel consumptio n by 10 -15 percent . This
section wil l give you some tips on how you can help the environ
ment and your pocketboo k.
[ i ] Tips
The cons umption estimates as pub lished by ENV IRO NM EN TAL
PRO TECTION AGENCY (EPA) and Transport Canada may not corre
spond to your actua l consumption on the road, which wi ll vary
depending upon veh icle load and speed, road and weather condi
tions, trip length, etc. •
Drive smoothly and keep a lookout ahead
Vehicles use the most fuel when they ore accelerating .
-Avoid unnecess ary accelerating and brak ing.
Vehic les use the most fue l when they are accelerating . If you ant ici
pate what is going to happen ne xt, you wi ll need to brake less and,
thus , acce lerate less. Let the vehicle coast whenever poss ib le -for
examp le when you see that the next traffic light is red. •
Avoid full throttle
Driving at moderate speeds saves fuel and improves your
- Try and keep we ll below your car 's max imum speed.
Acce lerating gent ly reduces fue l consump tion , engine wear, and
does no t disturb the environme nt.
Fue l consumption, exhaust emissions and engine noise increase
disproportionately at h ig h speeds . If you drive at approx imate ly
three quarters of top speed, fuel consumpt ion wil l be reduced by _,,,
Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
Tires and wheels 1111
W For the sake of the environment
Use summer tires when weather conditions permit. They are
quieter, do not wear as quickly and reduce fuel consumption. •
Snow chains
Snow chains may be fitted only to the front wheels, and only to
certain tire sizes. Ask your authorized Audi dealer on which tire
sizes snow chains can be used.
If you are going to use snow chains, then you must install them on
the front wheels at least.
The snow chains must have low-profile links and must not be thicker
than 0.53 inch (13.5 mm), including the lock.
Remove wheel center covers and trim discs before putting snow
chains on your
vehicle => 0. For safety reasons cover caps must
then be fitted over the wheel bolts. These are available from autho
rized Audi dealers.
Using the wrong snow chains for your vehicle or installing them
incorrectly can increase the risk of loss of control leading to
serious personal injury.
• Snow chains are available in different sizes. Always make sure
to follow the instructions provided by the snow chain manufac
• When driving with snow chains never drive faster than the
speed permitted for your specific snow chains.
• Always observe local regulations .
0 Note
• Remove snow chains before driving on roads not covered with
snow to avoid damaging tires and wearing the snow chains down
u n necessarily.
• Snow chains, which come into direct contact with the wheel rim,
can scratch or damage it . Therefore, make sure that the snow chains
are suitably covered.
[ i] Tips
Where snow chains are mandatory on certain roads, this normally
also applies to vehicles with All Wheel Drive. •
Wheel bolts
Wheel bolts must always be tightened to the correct
The design of wheel bolts is matched to the factory installed rims. If
different rims are fitted, the correct wheel bolts with the right length
and correctly shaped bolt heads must be used. This ensures that
wheels are fitted securely and that the brake system functions
In certain circumstances, you may not use wheel bolts from a
different vehicle -even if it is the same
model => page 348.
Improperly tightened or maintained wheel bolts can become loose
causing loss of control, a collision and serious personal injury.
• Always keep the wheel bolts and the threads in the wheel hubs
clean so the wheel bolts can turn easily and be properly tightened .
• Never grease or oil the wheel bolts and the threads in the wheel
hubs. They can become loose while driving if greased or oiled,
even if tightened to the specified torque.
Vehicle care
lll9....__E_ m_ e_ r
-' g==-- e_n _c_ y,__ s_ i_ t _u _a _ t_ i_o _n _ s _____________________________________________ _
Lifting points for workshop hoist or floor jack
If you must lift your vehicle with a floor jack to work
underneath, be sure the vehicle is safely supported on
stands designed for this purpose.
Lifting points, front and rear
~ w 00 CD
Fig. 239 Driver's side:
front lifting point
behind forward wheel
Fig . 240 Driver's side:
rear lifting point ahead
of rear wheel well
The positions of the front and rear lifting points are indicated by
raised triangular markings below the door sill on either side . The lifting points themselves are located on the floor pan reinforce
ment ribs running along the length of the car.
Lifting with vehicle jack
Refer to=> page 321. •
Lifting with workshop hoist and with floor
- Use lifting equipment with padded contact surfaces to
avoid damage to the underbody or chassis frame.
- Alternatively, cover the contact surfaces on workshop hoist or floor jack with rubber pads before lifting.
- Read and heed WARNING ::}
& in "Important safety
precautions" on page
-Locate the proper lifting points ~ page 336, fig. 239 and
=} page 336, fig. 240 .
- Adjust the lifting arms of the workshop hoist or floor jack to align with the lifting points.
_____________________________________________________ D_a_ t_ a _ ___.11111
Ap plies to vehicles : w ith 2 .0 lite r 4-cyl. engine
200 hp, 2.0 liter 4-cyl. turbo engine
En gin e da ta
Maximum output SAE net
Maximum torque SAE net
No . of cy linders
Stroke Bore
Compression rat io
Dim ensio ns
Length (with licence plate bracket)
Width (across mirrors)
Height (unloaded, incl. roof rails)
T urning circle diameter (curb to curb,
Ca pac itie s
F u el t ank
-Total capacity
- Reserve (of total capacity) approx.
Wind shield and headlight * w as her fluid contain er
Engine oil
approx. fi lter change
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
hp@ rpm
lb-ft@ rpm
C ID (cm
in (mm)
in (mm)
200 @ 51 00 -6000
@ 1950 -5000
121 (1984)
3.65 (92.8) 3.25 (82.5) 10.5: 1
Pr emium unle aded (91 AKI) Recommended for maximum engine performance. Fur
details=> page 267, "Gasoline"
in (mm)
in (mm)
i n ( mm)
ft. (ml
ga l/litres
quarts/I it res
quarts/I it res
180 (4586)
76.3 (1937)
57 .2 (1453)
36.4 (11.1
front-wheel drive
18.5 / 70.0
2.1 / 8.0
5.1 / 4.8
4.5 / 4.5
16.6 / 63.0
Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
llffl __ D_ a_ ta ______________________________________________________ _
Applies to vehi cles: with 3 .2 liter 6-c yl. engine
255 hp, 3.2 liter 6-cyl. engine
En gin e data
Maximum output SAE net
Maximum torque SAE net
No. of cylinders
Disp lacement
Compress ion ratio
Dim ension s
Length (with licence plate bracket)
Width (across mirrors) Height (un loaded, incl. roof rails)
Turning circle diameter (curb to curb, approx .)
Ca pac ities
Fuel tan k
-Total capacity
-Reserve (of total capacity) approx.
Windshield and headlight* wa sher fluid container
Engine oil
approx. fi lter change hp@rpm
lb-ft@ rpm
CID (cm
in (mm)
in (mm) 255@ 6500
243 @3250
190 (3123)
3 .65 (92 .8)
3 .33 (84 .5)
10.1 : 1
P remium unle aded (91 AKI) Recommended for maximum engine performance . Fur
t her
details~ page 267, "Gasoline"
in (mm)
in (mm)
in (mm)
ft . (ml
quarts/litres 1
80 (4586)
76.3 (1937)
57.2 ( 1453)
36 .4 ( 11 .1 l
front -wheel drive
18.5 / 70 .0
2.1 / 8 .0
5 .1 / 4.8
8 .1 / 8 .1 quattro
16.6 / 63 .0