The BMW Maintenance Program -
2007 X5 3.0i and 4.8i
The BMW Maintenance Program is a benefit
designed to help reduce the cost of scheduled
and unscheduled maintenance.
Every 2007 X5purchased from an authorized
BMW SAV center in the United States or Puerto
Rico is covered by the BMW Maintenance Pro-
gram for 48 months or 50,000 miles, whichever
occurs first. Coverage begins on the date of first
retail sale or the date the vehicle is first placed in
service as a demonstrator or company vehicle,
whichever is earlier.
Any authorized BMW SAV center in the United
States or Puerto Rico will perform the scheduled
or additional maintenance services on your vehi-
cle at no expense to you. The maintenance
schedule intervals are based on normal driving
conditions and operation.Should you request
more frequent maintenance service, the cost
of these services will not be covered by the
Maintenance Program.
The BMW Maintenance Programcovers all
factory-recommended maintenance, as deter-
mined by the Condition Based Service (CBS)
system. Additional items that need replacement
due to normal wear and tear, and that are not cov-
ered by the original New SAV Limited Warranty -
such as brake pads, brake rotors and wiper blade
inserts - are included, provided wear and tear
exceeds BMW specifications. Any adjustments
required due to normal operating conditions are
also included. See pages4-6ofthis booklet for
additional information.
Maintenance Intervals
Time intervals should be followed using the Con-
ditioned Based Service (CBS) data.
This BMW X5 Service and Warranty Information
Booklet should be presented to your authorized
BMW SAV center when maintenance is required.
Your authorized BMW SAV center will stamp this
book documenting the services or maintenance
Exclusions from coverage
– Items reimbursable under your New BMW SAV
Limited Warranty.
– Gasoline and gasoline additive.
– Windshield washer additive (except when in
conjunction with scheduled maintenance).
– Tires, wheel alignment, tire balance and
– Wear and tear of soft trim items, such as: seats,
carpets, moldings, headliner, door panels and
all chrome trim.
– Damage detected when performing the rust
perforation inspection.
– Damage which results from negligence,
improper operation of the vehicle, wear and tear
or deterioration due to driving habits or condi-
tions, improper repair, environmental influ-
ences, flood, accident or fire damage, road salt
corrosion, alteration, installation of non-BMW
accessories, or use of improper, poor quality or
contaminated fuel.
– Altered or unreadable Vehicle Identification
Number (VIN) or odometer irregularities or vehi-
cles where the true mileage cannot be
– Maintenance or repair after the vehicle is
deemed a total loss.
– Maintenance or repairs performed by other
than an authorized BMW SAV center within the
United States or Puerto Rico.
– Vehicles used in competitive events.
– Oil changes performed outside the recom-
mended maintenance intervals as indicated by
the Service Interval Indicator.
Maintenance Upgrade Option
Please contact your authorized BMW SAV center
for information regarding an optional 6 year
100,000 mile maintenance upgrade.
Maintenance Program
The BMW Maintenance Program has been
devised with the following objectives: to maxi-
mize vehicle safety, reliability, and resale value by
minimizing breakdowns resulting from wear, and
minimizing cost and inconvenience by comput-
ing maintenance intervals based upon the spe-
cific manner in which each individual vehicle is
Maintenance intervals on motor vehicles have
conventionally been specified based upon accu-
mulated mileage. However, driving conditions
have a major influence on routine maintenance
requirements; distance traveled is only one of the
significant factors. A vehicle driven for 50,000
miles of short trips in the city with numerous cold
starts, prolonged periods of idling, stop-and-go
driving, and high engine speeds during accelera-
tion requires more frequent maintenance inter-
vals than a vehicle driven for 50,000 miles for
long distances at low engine speeds primarily at
operating temperature.
The advanced technologies at BMW have led to
the development of the unique BMW Condition
Based Service (CBS) system which computes
the actual optimum maintenance requirements
based not only upon the accumulated mileage,
but taking into account important factors such as
high or low engine speeds, short or long trip driv-
ing, and condition of the engine oil and brake
The BMW Maintenance Program
Condition Based Service (CBS)
CBS is a further development of the Service
Interval Indicator System. Sensors and sophisti-
cated algorithms take even more detailed
account of the various conditions of vehicle use.The remaining times for selected maintenance
tasks as well as any legally prescribed dates are
displayed to you individually:
Engine oil
Brakes - front and rear separately
Brake fluid
Vehicle check
Required State Inspection(s)
CBS thus determines the current and future
maintenance requirements. This data can also be
read from the vehicle key by your BMW Service
Advisor and used to propose the optimum scope
of maintenance.
Have maintenance and repair work performed by
your BMW center. Make sure that the mainte-
nance work is stamped in this Service and War-
ranty Information Statement. These entries are
the evidence of regular maintenance of your vehi-
cle and a requirement for warranty claims.
Disconnecting the battery during periods
of long-term storage will interrupt the
calculation of time-based services. Have all items
requiring time-based maintenance, such as
brake fluid and coolant, and possibly also the
engine oil brought up to date by your BMW cen-
ter. Also see the section on battery care on page
15 of this statement.
Service Interval Display
Info Display screen contents
The distance remaining until your next service
briefly appears when you switch on the ignition.
The Info Display immediately switches to
its compute mode when you press one of
the two buttons in the turn signal indicator lever.
Control Display screen contents
The current Status of Service items determined
by the CBS are shown in the Control Display.
You can also view additional information on the
service and maintenance requirements.
1. Open the start menu.
2. Press the controller to select the i-menu.
3. Select “Info sources” and press the
4. Select “Service” and press the controller.
5. Change to the upper field if necessary. Turn
the controller until “Service requirements” is
selected and press the controller.
6. Select “Status” and press the controller.
No service is currently required.
The service deadline has already passed.
The deadline for service or a state inspec-
tion is approaching. Please contact your
SAV center for an appointment.You can request more detailed information on
every entry.
Turn the controller to scroll through the list, then
confirm the selected entry.
Confirm to exit the list.
The vehicles current service status is automati-
cally saved in the vehicles ignition key. The Ser-
vice Advisor at your SAV center has a device
called a key reader. When your Service Advisor
inserts your key into the key reader, all pertinent
vehicle and servicing data will be available, and a
customized maintenance checklist is printed out
based on the specific operations called for by the
Condition Based Service.
The performance of certain subsequent mainte-
nance elements, as required by the SAV New
Vehicle Limited Warranty, will be specified at
intervals computed by the BMW Service Interval
Indicator as follows:
– Oil Service: Engine oil should be changed with
the engine at operating temperature.
Note: Change oil at least once a year.
All 2007 model year X5s are factory-filled with
BMW High Performance Synthetic oils. At the
time of the printing of this booklet, the following
oils are strongly recommended and approved by
•BMW High Performance 5W-30 Synthetic Oil
(BMW part number 07 51 0 017 866)
•Mobil 1 5W-30
•Mobil 1 5W-40
It is the owner’s responsibility to have all sched-
uled inspection and maintenance services per-
formed (at the owner’s expense), as prescribed in
the maintenance schedule for the BMW Emis-
sion Control System. Service intervals are com-
puted by the onboard BMW service interval
indicator and displayed on the instrument panel.
The instructions for proper maintenance and use
can be found in the X5 Owner’s Manual. It is
strongly recommended that any replacement
parts used for maintenance, repair or replace-
ment of emission control systems be certified
BMW Service Parts or BMW Authorized
Remanufactured Parts. Without invalidating this
warranty, the owner may elect to have mainte-
nance, repair or replacement of the emission
control systems performed by any automotive
repair establishment, or elect to use parts other
than certified BMW Service Parts. However, the
cost of such service or parts will not be covered
under this warranty, except in emergency situa-
tions. In an emergency situation, where an
authorized BMW SAV center or a warranty
replacement part is not reasonably available
(within 30 days), repairs may be performed at any
available service establishment using any equiva-
lent part. BMW NA will reimburse the owner for
such emergency repairs (including labor, parts
and diagnosis not to exceed BMW NA rates for
labor, parts, and diagnosis in said area) that are
covered under this warranty. Replaced parts and
paid invoices must be presented at an authorized
BMW SAV center as a condition of reimburse-
ment for emergency repairs not performed by an
authorized BMW SAV center.
The use of replacement parts, which are not of
equivalent quality, may impair the effectiveness
of the emission control system. If other than cer-
tified BMW Service Parts or Authorized Remanu-
factured Parts are used for maintenance, repair
or replacement of components affecting emis-
sion control, the owner should obtain assurancesthat such parts are warranted by their manufac-
turer to be equivalent to genuine BMW parts in
performance and durability. BMW NA assumes
no liability under this warranty with respect to
parts other than genuine BMW parts.
However, the use of non-BMW replacement
parts or non-EPA certified parts does not invali-
date the warranty on other components, unless
non-BMW parts or non-EPA certified parts cause
damage to warranted parts.
What is not covered
This warranty does not cover malfunctions
caused by any of the following: accident, flood,
misuse, improper adjustment, modification, alter-
ation, tampering, disconnection, improper or
inadequate maintenance, use of leaded fuel or
fuels containing more than 10% ethanol, or other
oxygenates with more than 2.8% oxygen by
weight (i.e., more than 15% MTBE or more than
3% methanol plus an equivalent amount of
The replacement of maintenance parts, such as
spark plugs, filters and similar items used in
required maintenance services, the repair or
replacement of maintenance parts beyond the
first required inspection/maintenance, or if the
part has been replaced earlier for reasons other
than it being defective.
The SAV or any part of the SAV unless a failure
causes the SAV to fail to conform to applicable
emission regulations.
Any SAV on which the odometer has been
replaced or altered and the true mileage cannot
be determined.
The SAV, if the vehicle identification number is
altered or cannot be read, or if the SAV has been
declared a total loss or sold for salvage purposes.
California Emission Control
System Limited Warranty*
This warranty applies to California certified SAVs
distributed by BMW of North America (BMW NA)
or sold through the BMW NA European Delivery
Program, registered and operated primarily in
BMW NA warrants to the original purchaser and
each subsequent owner that the SAV is:
a. designed, built and equipped so as to con-
form with the applicable California Air
Resources Board emission standards.
b. free from defects in materials and workman-
ship which cause any part that can affect
emissions to fail to conform with applicable
requirements or to fail a California Smog
Check test or EPA approved short test for a
period of 3 years or 50,000 miles, whichever
occurs first.
c. free from defects in materials and workman-
ship in emission related parts, which are con-
tained in the California Emission Warranty
Parts List on page 39, for a period of 7 years
or 70,000 miles, whichever occurs first.
This warranty begins on the date of first retail
sale, or the date the SAV is first placed in service
as a demonstrator or company vehicle, whichever
is earlier.
To obtain service under this warranty, the SAV
must be brought, upon failure of a Smog Check
test or upon discovery of the defect, to the work-
shop of any authorized BMW SAV center, during
normal business hours. The authorized BMW
SAV center will honor or deny your claim within
30 days. If the claim is denied, the authorized
BMW SAV center will notify you in writing of the
reason(s). The authorized BMW SAV center is
required by law to honor the claim if notice is not
given to the owner within 30 days.The authorized BMW SAV center will, without
charge for parts or labor (including diagnosis),
either adjust, repair or replace the defective part
and other parts affected by the failure of the war-
ranted part, if any. If your SAV failed the California
Smog Check test or an EPA approved short test,
then BMW NA will repair your SAV so that it will
pass this test. Items that require scheduled
replacement are warranted up to the replace-
ment interval specified in the Service section of
this Statement. BMW NA may repair a part in lieu
of replacing it when performing warranty repairs.
Parts for which replacements are made become
the property of BMW NA. After 3 years or 50,000
miles, and in accordance with paragraph (c)
above, such repairs are limited to the repair or
replacement of those parts identified in the Cali-
fornia Emissions Warranty List.
If your California registered SAV is between 7 and
8 years old and has been driven less than 80,000
miles, then your SAV is eligible for additional war-
ranty coverage under the Federal Emissions
A repair performed as the result of a smog check
test failure due to a defect in a part, which is war-
ranted for 7 years/70,000 miles, is covered.
In all cases, a reasonable time, not to exceed 30
days, must be allowed for a warranty repair to be
completed, after the SAV is received by the
authorized BMW SAV center.
It is the owner’s responsibility to have all required
maintenance services performed (at the owner’s
expense), as prescribed in the maintenance
schedule for the BMW Emission Control System.
Service intervals are computed by the service
interval indicator and displayed on the instrument
*The California Emissions Control System Lim-
ited Warranty applies to all 2007 U.S. specifica-
tion BMW SAVs sold, leased, and/or registered in
California, Maine, Massachusetts or Vermont.