Maintenance Program
The BMW Maintenance Program has been
devised with the following objectives: to maxi-
mize vehicle safety, reliability, and resale value by
minimizing breakdowns resulting from wear, and
minimizing cost and inconvenience by comput-
ing maintenance intervals based upon the spe-
cific manner in which each individual vehicle is
Maintenance intervals on motor vehicles have
conventionally been specified based upon accu-
mulated mileage. However, driving conditions
have a major influence on routine maintenance
requirements; distance traveled is only one of the
significant factors. A vehicle driven for 50,000
miles of short trips in the city with numerous cold
starts, prolonged periods of idling, stop-and-go
driving, and high engine speeds during accelera-
tion requires more frequent maintenance inter-
vals than a vehicle driven for 50,000 miles for
long distances at low engine speeds primarily at
operating temperature.
The advanced technologies at BMW have led to
the development of the unique BMW Condition
Based Service (CBS) system which computes
the actual optimum maintenance requirements
based not only upon the accumulated mileage,
but taking into account important factors such as
high or low engine speeds, short or long trip driv-
ing, and condition of the engine oil and brake
The BMW Maintenance Program
Condition Based Service (CBS)
CBS is a further development of the Service
Interval Indicator System. Sensors and sophisti-
cated algorithms take even more detailed
account of the various conditions of vehicle use.The remaining times for selected maintenance
tasks as well as any legally prescribed dates are
displayed to you individually:
Engine oil
Brakes - front and rear separately
Brake fluid
Vehicle check
Required State Inspection(s)
CBS thus determines the current and future
maintenance requirements. This data can also be
read from the vehicle key by your BMW Service
Advisor and used to propose the optimum scope
of maintenance.
Have maintenance and repair work performed by
your BMW center. Make sure that the mainte-
nance work is stamped in this Service and War-
ranty Information Statement. These entries are
the evidence of regular maintenance of your vehi-
cle and a requirement for warranty claims.
Disconnecting the battery during periods
of long-term storage will interrupt the
calculation of time-based services. Have all items
requiring time-based maintenance, such as
brake fluid and coolant, and possibly also the
engine oil brought up to date by your BMW cen-
ter. Also see the section on battery care on page
15 of this statement.
Service Interval Display
Info Display screen contents
The distance remaining until your next service
briefly appears when you switch on the ignition.
The Info Display immediately switches to
its compute mode when you press one of
the two buttons in the turn signal indicator lever.
Control Display screen contents
The current Status of Service items determined
by the CBS are shown in the Control Display.
You can also view additional information on the
service and maintenance requirements.
1. Open the start menu.
2. Press the controller to select the i-menu.
3. Select “Info sources” and press the
4. Select “Service” and press the controller.
5. Change to the upper field if necessary. Turn
the controller until “Service requirements” is
selected and press the controller.
6. Select “Status” and press the controller.
No service is currently required.
The service deadline has already passed.
The deadline for service or a state inspec-
tion is approaching. Please contact your
SAV center for an appointment.You can request more detailed information on
every entry.
Turn the controller to scroll through the list, then
confirm the selected entry.
Confirm to exit the list.
The vehicles current service status is automati-
cally saved in the vehicles ignition key. The Ser-
vice Advisor at your SAV center has a device
called a key reader. When your Service Advisor
inserts your key into the key reader, all pertinent
vehicle and servicing data will be available, and a
customized maintenance checklist is printed out
based on the specific operations called for by the
Condition Based Service.
The performance of certain subsequent mainte-
nance elements, as required by the SAV New
Vehicle Limited Warranty, will be specified at
intervals computed by the BMW Service Interval
Indicator as follows:
– Oil Service: Engine oil should be changed with
the engine at operating temperature.
Note: Change oil at least once a year.
All 2007 model year X5s are factory-filled with
BMW High Performance Synthetic oils. At the
time of the printing of this booklet, the following
oils are strongly recommended and approved by
•BMW High Performance 5W-30 Synthetic Oil
(BMW part number 07 51 0 017 866)
•Mobil 1 5W-30
•Mobil 1 5W-40
Calling For Assistance
The toll-free BMW Roadside Assistance number
(1 800 332-4269) is answered by a BMW Road-
side Assistance service representative. In order
for you to receive quick and reliable services, it is
essential that you provide detailed and accurate
information to the service representative.
Be prepared to give:
1. Your name and address.
2. Your complete SAV Identification Number
(found on your SAVe registration, your per-
manent Roadside Assistance card or on the
bottom drivers side of your windshield).
3. Model description of your vehicle.
4. Date of purchase.
5. License plate number of your SAV.
6. SAV location (including nearby crossroads/in-
tersections, highway mile markers, street
numbers, landmarks, etc.).
7. Location you are calling from (including a
telephone number where you can be
reached). If you are calling from a public
phone wait there for the return call. Do not
leave this location without informing the
Roadside Assistance service representative.
8. A description of your SAV’s problem. Specific
and accurate information will enable the
Roadside Assistance service representative
to provide the proper help.
Emergency Valet Service.Should there be a
need beyond BMW Roadside Assistance, Emer-
gency Valet will provide a personal assistant who
will help in every way to get you to your final des-
tination. Emergency Valet will help you locate a
rental car or taxi agency, hotel or even help pro-
cure airline reservations. In the event of an emer-
gency, this service will assist you in getting
information out to the proper party whether it is
business or personal. If we are unable to contact
one of your party, the message relay service will
document the information, and will make reason-
able efforts to deliver the message to the mes-
sage recipient.Personal Trip Routing.Leave the planning to
us. Simply give one of our Roadside Assistance
service representatives a call, and well provide
you with detailed, easy to read, computerized trip
itinerary and companion map package. Please
allow two weeks to process your request.
From the information you provide, the BMW
Roadside Assistance service representative will
determine the type of help required.
Dispatch Service
A service provider will be dispatched to the site
of your disabled vehicle.
On-Site Assistance
On-site service for vehicle disablements such as
flat tires, dead batteries, and out of fuel condi-
tions is provided up to a maximum of $100.00
per incident by BMW Roadside Assistance.
The cost for parts and fuel, when used on-site,
are the responsibility of the owner/driver. The
New SAV Limited Warranty does not cover any of
the above on-site services.
Your BMW is equipped with an advanced entry
system, which cannot be bypassed by traditional
locksmith methods without significant damage to
your vehicle. BMW encourages you to always
carry your spare wallet key separately from your
other keys. However, in the even that you find
yourself locked out, a simple telephone call to
Roadside Assistance will help you get back on
the road. A representative will help you find
transportation or arrange towing service to the
nearest BMW center. Related towing costs will be
compensated up to $100 per incident. You, or
the person driving your vehicle, are responsible
for any expenses related to replacement keys.