2005 CITROEN C2 steering

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CITROEN C2 2005  Owners Manual II
S: Steering lock
To unlock the steering, gently move the steering wheel while turning the key, without exerting undue force.
When  you  remove  the  key,  turn your  steering  wheel  to  loc

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CITROEN C2 2005  Owners Manual II
Direction indicators
Left, downwards.
Right, upwards.
For  a  change  of  direction,  move the  control  stalk  beyond  the  tight spot.  Stops  automatically  with  the

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CITROEN C2 2005  Owners Manual II
�D �A �S �H �B �O �A �R �D �  �A �D �J �U �S �T �M �E �N �T �S
Seat belt height adjustment
The  correct  positioning  of  the  seat belt is across the middle of the shoul-der. See user preca

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CITROEN C2 2005  Owners Manual 2
E L E C T R O N I C   G E A R B O X   S Y S T E MG E N E R A L
The  Electronic  Gearbox  System  gives  you  the  choice  of  two driving modes:Automatic mode.
Manual mode with two contr

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CITROEN C2 2005  Owners Manual II
E L E C T R O N I C   G E A R B O X   S Y S T E MA U T O M A T I C   M O D E
To select automatic mode
Place  the  selection  lever  in  posi-tion A.
"AUTO" displays on the instrument

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CITROEN C2 2005  Owners Manual -+II
E L E C T R O N I C   G E A R B O X   S Y S T E MM A N U A L   M O D E
Gear controls under the steering wheel
Place the gear lever in position M, and  then  the  controls  under  the steer

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CITROEN C2 2005  Owners Manual II
Parking brake
The parking brake is actioned by pulling on the lever with a force appropriate to any slope.
To  facilitate  the  action  on  the  lever,  you  are  recommended  t

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CITROEN C2 2005  Owners Manual II
ABS system
The ABS system enhances your safety by preventing the wheels from locking in the event of sudden braking or in conditions of poor road adherence. It enables you to retain control
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