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20. Trip Indicator
This light will illuminate when the Trip Odometer is in
21. Temperature Gauge
The temperature gauge shows engine coolant
Normal operating range should be
within one notch above or one notch
below the 200 degree mark. The
gauge pointer may show a higher
than normal temperature when driv-
ing in hot weather, up mountain
grades, or in heavy stop and go
If the pointer rises to theH(red) mark, the instrument
cluster will sound a chime. Pull off to the side of the road
at a safe area. With the vehicle in Park (automatic
transmission), or with the vehicle in neutral and the
emergrncy brake applied (manual transmission), idle the
vehicle with the air conditioner turned off until thepointer drops back into the normal range. If the pointer
remains on the H (red) mark, turn the engine off imme-
diately and call for service.
There are steps that you can take to slow down an
impending overheat condition. If your air conditioning is
on, turn it off. The air conditioning system adds heat to
the engine cooling system and turning off the A/C
removes this heat. You can also turn the Temperature
control to maximum heat, the Mode control to Floor and
the Fan control to High. This allows the heater core to act
as a supplement to the radiator and aids in removing heat
from the engine cooling system.
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the fan control to High. This allows the heater core to act
as a supplement to the radiator and aids in removing heat
from the engine cooling system.
Driving with a hot cooling system could damage
your vehicle. If temperature gauge reads over 250
degrees (in the red zone), pull over and stop the
vehicle. Idle the vehicle with the air conditioner
turned off until the pointer drops back into the
normal range. If the pointer remains above 250
degrees (in the red zone), turn the engine off imme-
diately, and call for service.
A hot engine cooling system is dangerous. You or
others could be badly burned by steam or boiling
coolant. You may want to call a service center if your
vehicle overheats. If you decide to look under the
hood yourself, see Section 7, Maintenance, of this
manual. Follow the warnings under the Cooling
System Pressure Cap paragraph.
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Cooling System
²When working near the radiator cooling fan, dis-
connect the fan motor lead or turn the ignition key
to the OFF position. The fan is temperature con-
trolled and can start at any time the ignition key is
in the ON position.
²You or others can be badly burned by hot coolant
or steam from your radiator. If you see or hear
steam coming from under the hood, don't open
the hood until the radiator has had time to cool.
Never try to open a cooling system pressure cap
when the radiator is hot.
Coolant Checks
Check coolant protection every 12 months (before the
onset of freezing weather, where applicable). If coolant is
dirty or rusty in appearance, the system should be
drained, flushed and refilled with fresh coolant.Check the front of the radiator for an accumulation of
bugs, leaves, etc. Clean the radiator by gently spraying
water from a garden hose at the back of the core.
Check the recovery bottle tank tubing for condition and
tightness of connection at the bottle and radiator. Inspect
the entire system for leaks.
With the engine at normal operating temperature (but
not running), check the cooling system pressure cap for
proper vacuum sealing by draining a small amount of
coolant from the radiator drain cock. If the cap is sealing
properly, the coolant will begin to drain from the reserve
tank. Do not remove the cap when the cooling system is
Cooling System Ð Drain, Flush and Refill
At the intervals shown on the Maintenance Schedules,
the system should be drained, flushed and refilled.
If the solution is dirty and contains a considerable
amount of sediment, clean and flush with a reliable
cooling system cleaner. Follow with a thorough rinsing to
remove all deposits and chemicals. Discard oil antifreeze
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Engine Coolant Disposal
Used ethylene glycol based engine coolant is a regulated
substance requiring proper disposal. Check with your
local authorities to determine the disposal rules for your
community. Do not store ethylene glycol based engine
coolant in open containers or allow it to remain in
puddles on the ground. Prevent ingestion by animals or
children. If ingested by a child, contact a physician
Selection Of Coolant
Use only the manufacturers recommended coolant, refer
to Recommended Fluids, Lubricants and Genuine Parts
for correct coolant type.
Mixing of coolants other than specified (non-
HOAT), may result in engine damage that may not
be covered under the new vehicle warranty, and
decreased corrosion protection. If a non-HOAT cool-
ant is introduced into the cooling system in an
emergency, it should be replaced with the specified
coolant as soon as possible.
Do not use plain water alone or alcohol base anti-
freeze products. Do not use additional rust inhibi-
tors or antirust products, as they may not be compat-
ible with the radiator coolant and may plug the
This vehicle has not been designed for use with
Propylene Glycol based coolants. Use of Propylene
Glycol based coolants is not recommended.
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Adding Coolant
When adding coolant, a minimum solution of 50% eth-
ylene glycol antifreeze coolant in water should be used.
Use higher concentrations (not to exceed 70%) if tempera-
tures below ±34ÉF (-37ÉC) are anticipated.
Use only high purity water such as distilled or deionized
water when mixing the water/antifreeze solution. The
use of lower quality water will reduce the amount of
corrosion protection in the engine cooling system.
Please note that it is the owner's responsibility to main-
tain the proper level of protection against freezing ac-
cording to the temperatures occurring in the area where
the vehicle is operated.
NOTE:Mixing coolant types will decrease the life of the
engine coolant and will require more frequent coolant
Cooling System Pressure Cap
The cap must be fully tightened to prevent loss of
coolant, and to insure that coolant will return to the
radiator from the coolant reserve tank.The cap should be inspected and cleaned if there is any
accumulation of foreign material on the sealing surfaces.
The warning words ªDO NOT OPEN HOTº on the
cooling system pressure cap are a safety precaution.
Never add coolant when the engine is overheated.
Do not loosen or remove the cap to cool an over-
heated engine. Heat causes pressure to build up in
the cooling system. To prevent scalding or injury, do
not remove the pressure cap while the system is hot
or under pressure.
Coolant Level
The coolant bottle provides a quick visual method for
determining that the coolant level is adequate. With the
engine idling, and warm to normal operating tempera-
ture, the level of the coolant in the bottle should be
between the ªFULLº and ªADDº marks.
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The radiator normally remains completely full, so there is
no need to remove the radiator cap unless checking for
coolant freeze point or replacing coolant. Advise your
service attendant of this. As long as the engine operating
temperature is satisfactory, the coolant bottle need only
be checked once a month.
When additional coolant is needed to maintain the
proper level, it should be added to the coolant bottle. Do
not overfill.Points to Remember
When the vehicle is stopped after a few miles of
operation, you may observe vapor coming from the front
of the engine compartment. This is normally a result of
moisture from rain, snow, or high humidity accumula-
tion on the radiator and being vaporized when the
thermostat opens, allowing hot water to enter the radia-
If an examination of your engine compartment shows no
evidence of radiator or hose leaks, the vehicle may be
safely driven. The vapor will soon dissipate.
A. Do not overfill the coolant bottle.
B. Check coolant freeze point in the system.
C. If frequent coolant additions are required, the cooling
system should be pressure tested for leaks.
D. Maintain coolant concentration at 50% ethylene glycol
antifreeze (minimum) in water for proper corrosion pro-
tection of your engine which contains aluminum compo-
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U.S. Metric
Fuel (Approximate)12.5 Gallons 47.5 Liters
Engine Oil
2.4 Liter Turbo Charged Engines 5.0 qts 4.8 Liters
Cooling System *
2.4 Liter Turbo Charged Engines 8.1 qts 7.7 Liters
* Includes heater and coolant recovery bottle filled to MAX level.
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Component Fluids, Lubricants and Genuine Parts
Engine Coolant MopartAntifreeze/Coolant 5 Year/100,000 Mile Formula HOAT (Hybrid Or-
ganic Additive Technology)
Engine Oil Use Mobil 1t10W30 synthetic engine oil.
Engine Oil Filter Mopar 4781452AA or equiv.
Spark Plugs Refer to the Vehicle Emission Control Information label in the engine com-
Fuel Selection 91 Octane.
Component Fluids, Lubricants and Genuine Parts.
Manual Transmission Fluid MopartATF+4 Automatic Transmission Fluid.
Brake Master Cylinder MopartDOT 3 and SAE J1703 should be used. If DOT 3 brake fluid is not
available, then DOT 4 or DOT 4+ is acceptable. Use only recommended
brake fluids.
Power Steering Reservoir MopartATF+4 Automatic Transmission Fluid.