Engine Oil
Checking Oil Level
To assure proper engine lubrication, the engine oil must
be maintained at the correct level. Check the oil level at
regular intervals, such as every fuel stop.
The best time to check the engine oil level is about 5
minutes after a fully warmed engine is shut off, or before
starting the engine after it has sat overnight.
Checking the oil while the vehicle is on level ground will
improve the accuracy of the oil level readings. Maintainthe oil level between the MIN and MAX markings on the
dipstick. Adding one quart of oil when the reading is at
the MIN mark will result in a MAX reading on these
Overfilling or underfilling will cause aeration or
loss of oil pressure. This could damage your engine.
Catalytic Converter..................... 141
CD Changer.........................72,73
CD Player...........................69,71
Center High Mounted Stop Light........... 164
Chains, Tire........................... 111
Changing A Flat Tire.................... 122
Charging System Light................... 65
Child Restraint......................... 35
Child Safety Locks....................... 14
Circuit Breakers.....................160,161
Glass.............................. 159
Headlights.......................... 159
Climate Control......................... 78
Clock................................. 68
Compact Disc Maintenance................ 77
Compact Spare Tire..................... 107
Console............................... 58
Contract, Service....................... 186
Cool Down, Turbo....................... 89
Cooling System........................ 148
Adding Coolant (Antifreeze)............. 150Coolant Level.....................148,150
Disposal of Used Coolant............... 149
Drain, Flush, and Refill................. 148
Inspection........................... 150
Points to Remember................150,151
Pressure Cap........................ 150
Rubber and Plastic Components.......... 152
Selection of Coolant................... 149
Corrosion Protection.................... 155
Crankcase Emission Control System......... 142
Cup Holder............................ 58
Customer Assistance.................... 184
Daytime Running Lights.................. 54
Dealer Service......................... 136
Defroster, Rear Window................... 83
Defroster, Windshield..................44,79
Dimmer Control........................ 53
Dimmer Switch, Headlight................. 55
Engine Oil.......................... 140
Door Locks............................ 12
Door Locks, Automatic................... 13
Downshifting........................... 92
Drive Belts............................ 140
On Slippery Surfaces.................. 128
Electric Remote Mirrors................... 48
Emergency, In Case of
Jacking............................. 122
Jump Starting........................ 125
Towing............................. 130
Emergency Trunk Release................. 15
Emission Control System Maintenance....... 168
Break-In Recommendations............... 42
Checking Oil Level.................... 137
Jump Starting........................ 125
Oil ..........................137,165,166
Oil Change Interval................... 138
Oil Filter............................ 166
Oil Selection......................... 138
Oil Synthetic......................... 139
Overheating......................... 120
Temperature Gauge.................... 67Timing Belt.......................... 142
Exhaust Gas Caution..................... 43
Exhaust System........................ 147
Air Cleaner.......................... 142
Engine Fuel......................... 142
Engine Oil.......................140,166
Flooded Engine Starting................... 88
Fluid, Brake........................... 166
Fluid Capacities........................ 165
Fluid Leaks............................ 44
Fluid Level Checks
Manual Transaxle..................... 155
Fog Lights...........................54,63
Freeing A Stuck Vehicle.................. 129
Fuel.............................. 113,166
Adding............................. 116
Filler Cap........................... 116
Filter.............................. 142
Gauge.............................. 65
Light............................... 65
Octane Rating........................ 113