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Automatic Transmission
Automatic transmission applications
Automatic transmissions are identified by code letters found
on a data plate located on the side or rear of the transmission
case. See table below for application information.
Automatic transmission applications
Model Year Engine Transmission
5281 to 911999 M52 A4S 310R
5281 from 911999
M52 TU A5S 360R
5251 to 312001 M54 A5S 390R
5251 from 312001 M54 ASS 3252
530i to 312001 M54
ASS 390R
530i from 312001 M54
A5S 3252
540i from 111997 M62
TU A5S 4402
Automatic transmission basic components
The automatic transmission fitted to BMW 5 Series models is
comprised of
3 main elements:
0 Torque converter capable of torque multiplication at an
infinitely variable ratio
Electrohydraulically controlled valve body
0 Gearbox containing 5 forward speeds and reverse
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300-1 0
/Suspension, Steering and Brakes - General
The steering system features variable power assist provided
by an engine-driven hydraulic pump.
Rack and pinion steering
6-cylinder models
(525i, 5281, 5300
Two types of steering systems are used in E39 models. 6-
cylinder (525i, 5281, 530i) models are equipped with a steer-
ing rack system. V-8
(540i) models are equipped with a re-
circulating ball and nut steering gearbox.
Rack-and-pinion steering
Steering components in 6-cylinder models consist of a rack-
and-pinion type steering gear and connecting linltage to the
road wheels.
The steering linkage connects the rack-and-pinion unit
through tie rods to the steering knucltles. The tie rod ends al-
low the wheels to pivot and react to suspension travel.
Recirculating ball and nut steering
V-8 models
Recirculating ball and nut steering
Recirculating ball and nut steering in V-8 models consists of a
steering box with integrated hydraulic control valve and con-
necting linkage to the road wheels.
Thesteering linkageconnects the steering gearbox through a
pitman arm to the wheels. An idler arm maintains correct toe
angle. The tie rod allow the wheels to pivot and react to sus-
pension travel.
E39 cars are equipped with power disc brakes with integral
antilock brakes (ABS). The parking bralte is a dual-drum sys-
tem integrated with the rear brake rotors.
Power assist is provided by a vacuum booster when the en-
gine is running. The brake pedal
pushrod is connected direct-
ly to the master cylinder, so failure of the vacuum booster
does not normally result in total
bralte failure.
Each disc bralte uses a caliper with a single hydraulic cylin-
der. Brake pads in the left front and right rear contain wear
sensors. When brake pads need replacement, the sensors il-
luminate a light on the dashboard.
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1 320 Steering and Wheel Alignment
General ........................... .32 0.2
Special tools
........................ .32 0.2
Steering system
..................... .32 0.4
Steering system variations
............. .32 0.5
Steering system warnings and cautions
... .32 0.6
Steering Wheel .................... .32 0.7
Steering wheel. removal and installation
.. .32 0.7
Steering Column ................. .32 0.1 0
Steering column components .......... .32 0.10
Steering column trim, removing
and replacing
...................... .32 0.10
lgnition switch ring antenna (EWS).
removing and installing
............... .32 0.1 1
lgnition lock cylinder.
removing and installing
............... .32 0-1 1
Steering column lock. removing
and installing
....................... .32 0.12
interloclc cable. removing and installing
(models with automatic transmission)
... .32 0.13
Interlock cable. adjusting
(models with automatic transmission)
... .32 0.14
Steering column. removing and installing
. .32 0.14
Steering column adjustment motors.
removing and installing
............... .32 0.16
Power Steering Pump ............. .32 0.17
Power steering pump. removing
and installing
....................... .32 0.1 7
Power steering system.
bleeding and filling
.................. .32 0.18
Rack and Pinion Steering
(6-cylinder models)
............... 320-19
Rack and pinion steering components
(6-cylinder models)
.................. 320-1 9
Steering rack. removing and installing
.... 320-19
rack boot. replacing ........... 320-22
Tie rod (outer). replacing
.............. 320-22
Tie rod (inner). replacing
.............. 320-23
Steering Gearbox (V-8 models) .... 320-24
Steering gearbox system components
. .
(V-8 models) ....................... 320-24
Steering gearbox, removing and installing 320-25
Pitman arm. removing and installing ..... 320-28
Pitman arm. adjusting ................ 320-29
Steering idler arm. removing
and installing
....................... 320-30
Idler arm bushing. replacing ........... 320-31
Center tie rod. replacing
.............. 320-32
Wheel Alignment .................. 320-33
........................... 320-33
............................ 320-33
Front toe and toe difference angle
....... 320-34
Reartoe ........................... 320-34
Preparing for alignment
............... 320-35
Alignment specifications tables
......... 320-35
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I Steerina and Wheel Alianment
Two types of steering gear are used in the E39 series models.
(5251, 528i and 530i) models are equipped with
rack and pinion steering. The steering rack is mounted to
an aluminum subframe.
(540i) models are equipped with a recirculating ball
and nut steering gearbox mounted to a steel subframe.
At low speeds, maximum power assist is provided to ease
parking and city driving. At high speeds, assist is reduced to
ensure stability. The power steering system varies assist
based on engine speed.
Power boost for the steering is provided by an engine-driven
hydraulic pump. A hydraulic control valve is used to control
boost pressure.
The steering wheel connects to the steering gear via an ad-
justable steering column which incorporates a rubber cou-
pling ("guibo") to dampen vibration and noise.
Power steering fluid is supplied from the fluid
reservoir to the
pump and to the steering gear via rubberlmetal hoses.
The return line from the steering gear to the
reservoir loops
into the airstream in front of the radiator and connects to the
steering fluid cooler. The fluid cooler is attached to a cassette
which also includes cooling coils for engine oil, transmission
fluid and AIC condenser.
The steering gear requires no maintenance other than align-
ment and periodic inspection for worn components. Inspect
rubber rack boots
(rack and pinion system) and tie-rod end
boots periodically for tears or damage. Replace
if necessary.
The airbag system is traditionally referred to as Supplemen-
tal Restraint System (SRS). The
BMW versfon of SRS used
m the E39 models is known as the Multiple Restraint System - (MRS). - -
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Steering and Wheel Alignment
I Rack and r in ion steering 1 Steering system variations
I 6-~~linder'rnodels (525i,>28i, 530i) / 1. Left tie rod
2. Right tie rod
3. Steering rack
4. Steering gearbox
5. idler arm
6. Center tie rod
7. Steering knuckle
Recirculating ball and nut steering
r V-8 models 154Oib
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Steering and Wheel Alignment
Tightening torques
Tie rod
to Steering knuckle (replace self-locking nut) 65 Nm (48 it-lb)
to Steering rack 71 Nrn (52 ft-lb)
Outer tie rod end lock nut 51 Nrn (38 ft-lb)
Refer to the steering components illustration when perform-
ing the procedures below.
Steering gearbox system
(V-8 models
up to
911 999)
1. Tie rod end nut
2. Washer
3. Tie rod end
4. Steering fluid cooler
5. Tie rod end clamp bolt
6. Nut
7. ldler arm
8. ldler arm bushing
9. ldler arm bolt
10. Steering fluid reservoir
11. Hose clamp
12. Fluid supply line
13. Power steering pump
14. Fluid return line
15. O-ring seal
16. Banjo bolt
17. High pressure line
18. Center tie rod
19. Nut
20. Pitman arm
Pitman arm pinch bolt
22. Nut
23. Fluid cooler supply line
24. Steering gearbox
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Steering and Wheel ~li~nrnentl
Steering gearbox, removing and installing
- Disconnect negative (-) battery cable. See 020 Mainte-
Prior to disconnecting the battew read the battery discon-
nection cautions given in
001 General Cautions and
- Remove airbag unit from steering wheel. See 721 Airbag
System (SRS).
Improper handling of the airbag could cause serious injury
Store the
airbag with the horn pad facing up. If stored lacing
down, accidental deployment couldpropel it violently info the
air, causing
- Remove steering wheel as described earlier.
- Drain power steering system reservoir.
- Raise front of car.
Make sure the car is firmly supported on jack stands de-
signed for the purpose. Place jack stands beneath structural
chassis points. Do not place jack stands under suspension
- Remove heat shield from left side of subframe.
- Remove fluid hoses from top of steering gearbox. Immedi-
ately plug all fluid openings.
Remove and discard
pitman arm self-loclting nut (arrow).
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Steering and Wheel Alignment
Press center tie rod off pitman arm.
Remove lower steering column universal joint clamping bolt
(arrow) and slide universal joint up off steering gearbox
Disconnect harness connector for electro-hydraulic regulator
at bottom of steering gearbox
if necessary.
Remove steering gearbox mounting bolts
Remove steering gearbox by sliding it forward and down.
Malte sure all thread bores, bolts, nuts, splines and mating
surfaces are clean.
4 To install steering gearbox, center steering column to gear-
box by aligning universal joint split with tab on steering gear-
(arrow). Install new clamping bolt and self-locking nut.
Make sure the clamping bolt fits into the machinedgroove in
the steering gearbox shaft when mating the universaljoint to
the shaft.
4 Draw steering gearbox into place using bolt A. Hand tighten
only. Tighten bolts
(B and C) to torque specification.
- Install pitman arm on steering gearbox shaft. Do not tighten
pinch bolt at this point.