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Spark plugs, replacing
E39 engines use a coil-over-spark plug configuration, with
one ignition coil above each spark plug. Sparks plugs should
be removed only after the engine has cooled.
Remove engine
cover(s) over ignition coils:
Remove acoustic cover over fuel injectors
I intake
6-cylinder engine: Remove oil filler cap.
Remove plastic trim covers (arrows).
Remove cover hold-down bolts. Remove coil
6-cylinder engine: Temporarily reinstall oil filler cap to
keep out contaminants.
Remove ignition coil grounding harnesses (arrows). 6-cylin-
der coils shown,
V-8 engine is similar.
< Remove ignition coils:
Pull up on spring clips to disconnect ignition coil harness
Remove coil mounting bolts. Pull coils up and off spark
- Remove spark plugs.
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Engine identifying features
4 The M52 engine (MY97-98 528i) used a single on-off vari-
able intake valve timing system (called VANOS). The cylinder
block is cast iron and the cylinder head is aluminum. The en-
gine management system is Siemens MS 41
.I and features
NGK-type (0-5 volt) oxygen sensors.
VANOS is an acronym based on the German words Variable
Nocltenwellen Steuerung (variable camshaft timing).
4 The M52 TU engine (MY99-00 5281) and the M54 engines
(MY01-02 525il530i) are fitted with double VANOS. The en-
blocits are constructed of aluminum alloy with cast iron
cylinder sleeves.
4 The double VANOS (variable camshaft control) system incor-
porates true variable control of both the
intake and exhaust
camshafts, as compared to the single VANOS system on the
M52 engine
(onloff control of the intaite camshaft only).
The M54 engines use a fully electronic throttle control (drive
by wire). There is no accelerator cable connecting the throttle
pedal to the throttle housing in these cars.
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I Engine-General
The M62 90" V8 engine uses four valves per cylinder, double
overhead camshafts and light alloy cylinder head and cylin-
bloclc engine construction.
On 1997 and 1998 540i models, Bosch engine management
systems are utilized. Table a lists engine management sys-
tem applications.
4 For the 1999 model year, the M62 TU VANOS engine was in-
troduced to the 540i models. This engine is primarily a carry-
over from the earlier M62 engine, but contains many unique
identifying components and technology:
Variable camshaft timing (VANOS) for the intake valves.
Bosch ME 7.2 engine management system with electronic
throttle control. There is no accelerator cable connecting
the throttle pedal to the throttle housing in these cars.
Compact water-cooled generator (alternator).
E39 vehicles are equipped with sophisticated self-diagnostic
engine management systems. These systems monitor and
store diagnostic fault information. If the malfunction indicator
lamp (MIL) illuminates, the first diagnostic test should be to
connect a dedicated scan tool for BMW automobiles and in-
terrogate the fault memory.
If the malfunction indicator light (MIL) comes on orflashes, it
indicates that an emissions-related fault has occurred and
that fault information is stored in memory within the ECM.
4 The MIL in E39 cars displays one of these warning graphics
in the instrument cluster.
The diagnostic capabilities of these systems have the poten-
tial to save hours of diagnostic time and prevent incorrect
5 placement. See OBD On-Board Diagnostics.
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Engine Removal and lnstallationl
Q Fuel line plugs
(Tool No.
BMW 13 5 281 / 13 5 282)
4 Fuel line removal tool
(Tool No.
BMW 16 1 050)
Disconnecting the battery may erase fault code@) storedin
memoiy Check for fault codes prior to disconnecting the
battery cables.
If the MIL (Malfunction Indicator Light, also may be
called "Check Engine" or "Service Engine Soon" light)
is illuminated, see
OBD On-Board Diagnostics for
DME fault code information.
It orhersysrem faults have been detected, as indicated I
by an ~llum~nated ABS, SRS orASC/DSC ~arning light,
see the appropriate repair group in this manual or an
authorized BMW dealer for more information on fault
NOTE- Engine removal procedures are similar for all 6-cylinder
models. When differences
exist, they are noted at the be-
ginning of each step. Engine are referred to by engine
code. See
100 Engine-General for engine code and appli-
cation information.
@ Be sure to cover all painted surfaces before beginning the
removal procedure. As an aid to installation, label all com-
ponents, wires and hoses before removing them. Do not
gaskets, O-rings or seals during reassembly.
intake manifold must be removed on &cylinder mod-
els before the engine can be removed.
Due to risk of personal injury, be sure the engine is cold be-
fore beginning the removal procedure.
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11 0-4
/Engine Removal and Installation
- Disconnect negative (-) cable from battery.
CAUTION- Prior to disconnecting the
batteg read the battery discon-
nection cautions
in 001 General Cautions and Warnings.
- Remove engine hood, or place in service position. See 410
Fenders, Engine Hood.
4 Remove left and right interior ventilation ducts (lefl side
Release ventilation filter cover latch (A) and remove cover.
Release plastic loclting tab
(6) or release locking tabs on
top of duct (later models).
Rotate duct counterclocltwise to
unloclt from bulkhead and
remove (arrow).
Disconnect electrical harness from hood switch (C).
Release spring
loclt (D).
Slide filter housing away from inner fender to remove.
Removal of right side ventilation duct is similar.
Remove rear bulkhead panel:
Remove rubber sealing gasket (arrow).
- Remove 3 mounting clips (A).
4 retaining screws (6).
Lift off panel.
Remove complete air filter housing:
intalte duct hose clamp (A) at throttle assembly.
Loosen clamp and remove idle control line from intalte duct
(6) and (where applicable) disconnect idle speed control
valve electrical harness connector.
Disconnect harness connector (C) from mass air flow sen-
Remove air filter housing mounting screw (D).
Disconnect vent tube
Loosen air intake duct clamp (F).
Carefully lift air filter housing out of engine bay.
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Engine Removal and lnstallationl
< Remove positive battery cable and intake manifold cover:
Remove protective cover from positive (+)jump start post
Loosen and remove battery lead mounting nut.
Remove lead and push down through intake manifold
Remove trim covers
(arrows) from fuel injector cover.
Remove cover hold down bolts and lift off cover.
Working above engine, disconnect the following:
Vent line from cylinder head cover (A).
M52 engine: Oxygen sensor connectors (8).
Electrical harness connector from intalte camshaft VANOS
solenoid valve
M52 engine: Disconnect electrical harness connectors at
throttle valve position switch
(D), ASC valve position switch
(E), fuel injector harness (F) and vent valve (G).
Be sure to mark oxygen sensor harness connectors so that
they can be reassembled correctly Do not interchange con-
4 M52 TU, M54 engine: Disconnect fuel injector electrical con-
nectors from injectors.
Use small screwdriverto pry one corner of wire lock clip on
fuel injector
1 connector.
Repeat for all injectors.
Lifl off connector loom and lay aside.
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Engine Removal and lnstallationl
BMW uses three styles of fuel line connections; a one-time
single use clamp, a locking fitting that uses special tool
16 1
050 to release, and a quick release sleeve (arrow) that dis-
connects the line when depressed.
Fuel may be expelled under pressure. Do not smoke or work
near heaters or other fire hazards. Keep a fire extinguisher
handy Before disconnecting fuel hoses, wrap a cloth around
fuel hoses to absorb any leaking fuel. Plug all
oDen fuel lines.
< M52 engine: Remove throttle valve and ASC throttle
Disconnect ASC throttle cable
Remove ASC throttle housing mounting fasteners (El).
Clamp off, disconnect, and plug coolant hoses (C).
Disconnect throttle and cruise control cables (D).
Remove throttle housing mounting hardware and throttle
M52 TU, M54 engine: Throttle body is removed with intake
< M52 TU engine: Pull throttle cable out of rubber retainer (A)
and unloclc ball end of cable (6) from throttle actuator.