1997 ACURA NSX oil

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Page 31 of 1503

ACURA NSX 1997  Service Repair Manual Engine Oi l
Replacemen t
CAUTION: Remov e th e drai n plu g carefull y whil e th e
engin e is  hot , th e ho t oi l ma y caus e scalding .
1 . War m u p th e engine .
2 . Drai n th e engin e oil .
3 .

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ACURA NSX 1997  Service Repair Manual 
The numbers in the middle of the API Service label tell

you the oil's SAE viscosity or weight. Select the oil for

your vehicle according to this chart:

Ambient Temperature

An oil with a visco

Page 40 of 1503

ACURA NSX 1997  Service Repair Manual Shift Contro l Solenoi d Valv e A/ B
Tes t
1. Disconnec t th e 2 P connecto r fro m th e shif t contro l
solenoi d valv e assembly .
2 . Measur e th e resistanc e betwee n th e No . 1  termina l

Page 62 of 1503

ACURA NSX 1997  Service Repair Manual Installation
1. Wit h a  knif e scrap e th e ol d adhesiv e smoot h t o a
thicknes s o f abou t 2  m m (0.0 8 in ) o n th e bondin g
surfac e aroun d th e entir e rea r windo w flange .
• D o

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ACURA NSX 1997  Service Repair Manual 
14. If the adhesive tape is replaced, fold the adhesive

backing of the adhesive tape. Hold the trim up, and

fit all the clips into the holes in the door, then push

on the trim until the clips snap

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ACURA NSX 1997  Service Repair Manual 4. I f th e ol d trun k sub-spoile r i s  t o  b e reinstalled , replac e an y damage d seals .
5 . Replac e th e grommet s wit h ne w ones .
6 . Installatio n is th e revers e o f th e remova l proce

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ACURA NSX 1997  Service Repair Manual Fuel Suppl y Syste m
Fuel Injector s (cont'd )
Replacemen t
Do no t smok e durin g thi s work . Kee p ope n flame s awa y fro m you r wor k area .
1. Reliev e th e fue l pressur e Refe r t o  th e

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ACURA NSX 1997  Service Repair Manual 
13. Install the injectors and fuel pipe assembly in the manifold.

14. Align the center line on the connector with the mark on the fuel pipe.

15. Install and tighten the retainer nuts.

16. Coat new
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