Page 31 of 1503
Engine Oi l
Replacemen t
CAUTION: Remov e th e drai n plu g carefull y whil e th e
engin e is hot , th e ho t oi l ma y caus e scalding .
1 . War m u p th e engine .
2 . Drai n th e engin e oil .
3 . Reinstal l th e drai n plu g wit h a ne w washer , an d
refil l wit h th e recommende d oil .
NOTE : Unde r norma l conditions , th e oi l filte r shoul d b e
replace d a t ever y othe r oi l change . Unde r sever e condi -
tions , th e oi l filte r shoul d b e replace d a t eac h oi l change .
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The numbers in the middle of the API Service label tell
you the oil's SAE viscosity or weight. Select the oil for
your vehicle according to this chart:
Ambient Temperature
An oil with a viscosity of 10W - 30 is preferred for
improved fuel economy and year-round protection in the
You may use a 5W - 30 oil if the climate in your area is
limited to the temperature range shown on the chart.
4. Run the engine for more than three minutes, then
check for oil leakage and oil
Page 40 of 1503

Shift Contro l Solenoi d Valv e A/ B
Tes t
1. Disconnec t th e 2 P connecto r fro m th e shif t contro l
solenoi d valv e assembly .
2 . Measur e th e resistanc e betwee n th e No . 1 termina l
(solenoi d valv e A ) o f th e shif t contro l solenoi d valv e
connecto r an d bod y ground , an d betwee n th e No . 2
termina l (solenoi d valv e B ) an d bod y ground .
3. Replac e th e shif t contro l solenoi d valv e assembl y if
th e resistanc e is ou t o f specification .
4 . I f th e resistanc e is withi n standard , connec t th e No .
1 termina l o f th e shif t contro l solenoi d valv e con -
necto r t o th e batter y positiv e terminal . A clickin g
soun d shoul d b e heard . Connec t th e No . 2 termina l
t o th e batter y positiv e terminal . A clickin g soun d
shoul d b e heard . Replac e th e shif t contro l solenoi d
valv e assembl y if n o clickin g soun d is heard .
Replacemen t
NOTE: Shif t contro l solenoi d valve s A an d B mus t b e
removed/replace d a s a n assembly .
1 . Remov e th e mountin g bolt s an d shif t contro l sole -
noi d valv e assembly .
Replace .Clean mountin gsurface an d flui dpassages .
6 x 1. 0 m m12 N- m11. 2 kgf-m , 8. 7 Ibf-ft )
2. Clea n th e mountin g surfac e an d flui d passages ,
the n instal l a ne w shif t contro l solenoi d valv e
assembl y wit h a ne w filter/gasket .
3 . Chec k th e connecto r fo r rust , dirt , o r oil , the n recon -
nec t i t securely .
Page 62 of 1503
1. Wit h a knif e scrap e th e ol d adhesiv e smoot h t o a
thicknes s o f abou t 2 m m (0.0 8 in ) o n th e bondin g
surfac e aroun d th e entir e rea r windo w flange .
• D o no t scrap e dow n t o th e painte d surfac e o f th e
body ; damage d pain t wil l interfer e wit h prope r
bonding .
• Mas k of f surroundin g surface s befor e applyin g
2. Clea n th e bod y bondin g surfac e wit h a spong e
dampene d i n alcohol .
NOTE : Afte r cleaning , kee p oil , greas e o r wate r
fro m gettin g o n th e surface .
3 . Instal l th e rea r defogge r sub-harnes s an d groun d
cable/antenn a lea d i n th e uppe r molding .
Right Side :Groun d cable /Antenn a lea d UPPE
Lef t Side :
Rea r defogge rsub-harnes s
Rear Window
Page 258 of 1503

14. If the adhesive tape is replaced, fold the adhesive
backing of the adhesive tape. Hold the trim up, and
fit all the clips into the holes in the door, then push
on the trim until the clips snap into place.
15. Carefully pull the adhesive backing away, then
press the adhesive tape portions to make the adhe-
sive stick.
16. Install the special nuts and screws.
17. Reinstall all removed parts.
13. Set the clips on the door lower trim.
NOTE: Apply liquid thread lock to the front bolt and
rear bolt.
9. Remove the protective tape from the door, and
carefully scrape the adhesive tape from the door
and door lower trim with a plastic putty knife.
10. Clean the bonding surface with a sponge dampened
in alcohol.
NOTE: Make sure the bonding surface is kept free of
water, oil and grease.
11. Apply primer (3M N-200, or equivalent) to the door
lower trim where new adhesive tape will be applied.
12. Glue the new adhesive tape (3M 4211, or equiva-
lent) to the door lower trim as
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4. I f th e ol d trun k sub-spoile r i s t o b e reinstalled , replac e an y damage d seals .
5 . Replac e th e grommet s wit h ne w ones .
6 . Installatio n is th e revers e o f th e remova l procedure .
Trunk Sub-spoile r
Replacemen t
NOTE: Tak e car e no t t o scratc h th e trun k li d an d relate d parts .
1 . Appl y protectiv e tap e t o bot h insid e fac e o f th e trun k li d spoiler .
2 . Ope n th e trun k lid .
3 . Remov e th e trun k sub-spoiler .
- 1 Remov e th e trun k striker .
- 2 Pul l th e rea r edg e o f th e trun k sub-spoile r u p b y hand , the n inser t a plasti c cli p remove r betwee n th e trun k li d an d
trun k sub-spoile r i n th e sequenc e shown to releas e th e clips .
• Tak e car e no t t o scratc h th e painte d surfac e o f th e trun k lid .
• Whe n releasin g th e clip s o f th e cente r area , hol d th e trun k sub-spoile r b y han d t o reven t jumpin g it .
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Fuel Suppl y Syste m
Fuel Injector s (cont'd )
Replacemen t
Do no t smok e durin g thi s work . Kee p ope n flame s awa y fro m you r wor k area .
1. Reliev e th e fue l pressur e Refe r t o th e 199 7 NS X Servic e Manual , P/ N 61SL00 6 (se e pag e 11-132 ).
2 . Remov e th e intak e manifol d covers .
3. Disconnec t th e connector s fro m th e injectors .
4. Disconnec t th e vacuu m hos e an d fue l retur n hos e fro m th e pressur e regulator .
NOTE: Plac e a ra g o r sho p towe l ove r th e hose s befor e disconnectin g them .
5. Disconnec t th e fue l hos e fro m th e fue l pipe .
6. Loose n th e retaine r nut s o n th e fue l pip e an d harnes s holder .
7. Disconnec t th e fue l pipe .
8. Remov e th e injector s fro m th e intak e manifold .
9. Slid e ne w cushio n ring s ont o th e injectors .
10. Coa t ne w O-ring s wit h clea n engin e oi l an d pu t the m o n th e injectors .
11. Inser t th e injector s int o th e fue l pip e first .
12. Coa t ne w sea l ring s wit h clea n engine oil, an d pres s the m int o th e intak e manifold .
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13. Install the injectors and fuel pipe assembly in the manifold.
14. Align the center line on the connector with the mark on the fuel pipe.
15. Install and tighten the retainer nuts.
16. Coat new O-rings with clean engine oil and put them on the fuel hose.
17. Connect the fuel hose to the fuel pipe.
18. Connect the vacuum hose and fuel return hose to the pressure regulator.
19. Install the connectors on the injectors.
20. Install the intake manifold covers.
21. Turn the ignition switch ON (II), but do not operate the starter. After the fuel pump runs for about 2 seconds, the fuel
pressure in the fuel line rises. Repeat this two or three times, then check for