Convertible Tops - 13
At the same time the windows are lowering, the top drive motor is switched on and the ten-
sion bar is raised to a vertical position. The drive lever of the top linkage rotates counter
clockwise to push the tension bar to a raised position.
The control module recognizes the raising of the tension bar by the closed contacts of
micro switch S1 in the motor assembly.
When the tension bar has raised to the full vertical position micro switch S2 closes and the
motor is switched off.
The top storage cover motor is switched on and turns counter-clockwise. This action
releases the locks of the cover via the bowden cables. The locks are forced out of the
clamps by spring pressure.
The drive linkage continues to push the cover to a raised position. A hall sensor integrat-
ed in the cover motor provides status of the storage lid movement and position to the CVM.
The motor is switched off when it reaches the end of its predetermined travel.
S6 also closes the moment the storage cover is released from its locked position. The sig-
nal is provided the GM to prevent the trunk from opening.
The top motor turns clockwise immediately opening S1 & S2. It pulls the top into the stor-
age compartment. The tension bar drive linkage is mechanically released from the top drive
as the motor continues to run. Once the top is completely lowered microswitch S3 closes
signalling the control module to switch the motor off.
The storage cover motor is switched on and the drive linkage pulls the cover down. As the
locking clamps grab onto the cover locks, the linkage engages the bowden cables and the
cover is locked closed.
The CVM monitors the storage lid position via the hall effect sensor signal. When the fully
closed position is detected, the top cover motor is switched off.
If the top switch is held down after the top storage cover is closed, the windows will auto-
matically close. The EM top module signals the ZKE to closed the windows. Once the top
switch is released the window operation is terminated.
Convertible Tops - 14
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