Downloaded from manuals search engine OPERATION N” MA. 000 : G~~/c~rnl chnracteris/ics Op. MA. 000 3
CX 2000 and CX 2200 SALOON
( Vehicles fitted with M 20/616 1985 cc and M 227617 2175 cc engines )
cx 2000 cx 2200 I
- Official symbol .._... _. .._................. .._. MA series MB MA series MC
- Commercial symbol ., ,. . .._._.._............._........................ cx 2000 cx 2200
Factory symbol
( quarantee ) _._,_..,,.__._..__._..................,.................... . . . . MB MC
- Date of int:oduction . . ..__..._.._....._._..............,.......................,,........,.,...... September 1974 January 1975
- French fiscal ratinq ,.....,...._..._...._,......................,,..,..,........................... 11 cv 12 cv
- Number of seats ._...._...__._..................................,....,...,....................,........ 5 5
NOTE : u CX 2200 1) vi?hicles can be fitted with a gearbox with torque converter
as optional equipment.
Wheels and tyres :
_ Rims ___,._.__.__.__.,.._..._..,. ..,.,,.___..._._.....__.....................,...,...................... .,. _ ..__......_..._ 5 l/2 J X 14 FHA
CX 2000 (rrlith .\fmun/ s/eerir/g 1
- Tyres ( /II/~c~/(~s.s )
Tyre pressures ( in bars, and psi ) ._..__..._._. 2 bars ( 29 psi ) ;I
2.1 bars (30 1/2psi) 2.3 ba:s‘( 33 I/ 7psi)
Authoaized alternative ,
- Tyres ( ~r~l~c~less )
185 SR 14 ZX 185 SR 14 ZX 185 SR 14 ZX
- Tyres with inner tubes 14 F 9 - 13
a) _.., _._. .._,,....___,.__._......................................... 185 SR 14 ZX 18.5 SR 14 ZX 185 SR 14 ZX
b ) . 185 SR 14 ZX 175 SR 14 ZX 175 SR 14 ZX
Tyres ( special equipment ) _...._._,,.....__._......... 185 R 14 X(M+S) 185R14X(M+S) 185R 14 X(MtS)
From September 1976 onwards, Michelin type ZX tyres, have been replaced by t.ype
The size and pressure remain the same.
In case of replacement of two TX tyres by two
XZX tyres, it is preferable to fit the latter at the rear.
All CX 2200 vehicles and
CX 2000 ( with power steering )
- Tyres (tubeless ) . . ..__._._._.___... ..___.__.._......._.._._ I85 HR 14 XVS 175 HR 14 XVS 175 HR 14 XVS
- Pressures __.,._.__.,__...._.,....~.......,...... ._ .___......... l.gbars(27 1/2psi) 2.1 bars(30 1/2psi) 2.3 bars (33 ‘/2psi)
Authorized alternative :
-1 Tyres (tubeless) _._....._..,___._._....,.,...........,..,.... 185 HR 14 XVS
- Tyres with, inner tubes 14 F 9-13
a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..i,..,..___._. .,.._.._.~_..__~.~..~ j.,_~.~._.
b) _____.__,,..,..__.__...................................................
- Tyres ( special equipment ) __...._,.___...............; , .~~~,
NOTE : Tyre pressures are indicated on a label located on the panel at the front of the door on the driver’s side.
Dimensions :
- Front track ..,..,_.__.................. 1:474 m ( 4 ft. 10 ins ) Front overhang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._...... 1~050 m(3ft. 5 l/2 ins)
- Rear track . . . . . . . . . . . .._._.............. 1.360 m (4ft. 5 l/2 ins)
Overall width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.730 m ( 5ft. 8 ins )
- Wheelbase . . . . . . . . . . . . ..____............ 2 845 m (9ft. 4ins ) Height {normal
-- bverall length 1 ( CX 2000 ) __ 4.630 m( 15ft.2 1/2ins) position’) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.360 m ( 4ft. 5 1/2ins)
( cx 2200 ) 4.660 m ( 15ft.3 l/2 ins) Ground clearance (normal
driving position ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.155 m ( 6 1/8th.ins)
Downloaded from manuals search engine OPERATION No MA. 000 : General characteristics Op. MA. 000
o CX 2000 u ESTATE
( Vehicle equipped with M 20/616 1985 cc.engine )
:p> ;firJ:s@ -
. . - Commercial symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..~.................................. I
CX 2000 Estate
- Official symbol . .._._.._._............................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..__......... MA series MD
- Factory symboI ( warranty symbol ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . _..__......................_...._..,.,......, MD
- Introduction date _... . . . . . . .,.,.,.,,..............,.,.,.... January 1976
- French fiscal rating
. . . . . . . . . . . ..~........................................................................... llhp
- Number of seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Wheels and tyres
- Wheel rims . . . . . . .._............................................................................................................... 5 l/2 J x 14 FHA
MICHELIN Type and pressure in bars (psi)
I Rear Spare
Manual 185 SR 14 ZX
Standard steering 2 ( 29 1 2.2 (32 1
2.4 35 I .I ( )
f-itting Power
Manual or
steering 185 HR 14 XVS-TU
119 ( 27 l/2 ) ,I 2.1 ( 30 l/2 ). 1 2.3 (33 ‘l/2 )
185 HR 14XVS-TU
1 I
1.9 (27 l/2) 2.1 ( 30 l/2 ) 2.3 ( 33 .1/2 )
185 R 14 X (M+S)
1.9 ( 27 l/2 ) 2.1 ( 30 l/2 1
2.3 ( 33 1;2 )
NOTE. : - Vehicles are fitted with (( TUBELESS )) tyres as standard equipment. .
- They can be fitted with tyres with inner tubes of the same type, the pressures remaining the same.
- The tyre pressures are indicated on a label located on the panel at the front of the door (on the
driver’s side ).
From September 1976 onwards, MICHELIN ZX tyres are replaced by
XZX tyres.
The sizes and pressures remain the same.
In case of replacement of 2 ZX tyres by 2
XZX tyres, it is preferable to fit the latter at the rear.
I ~.
- Front track
- Rear track ........................ .:.
-Wheelbase .......................................................... ..i ........ ....................................
- Overall length .....................................................................................................
- Front overhang
............................................. ..i ...................................................
- Overail width ......................................................................................................
- Height of vehicle ( in normal driving position ) ............... . .................................
- Ground clearance ( in normal driving position ) ................................................. 1.474 m ( 4 ft. 10 ins )
1.390 m ( 4 ft. 6 3/4 ins )
3.095 m ( 10 ft. 1 3/4 ins )
4.920 m ( 16 ft. 1 3/4 ins )
1.050 m.( 3 ft. 5 l/2 ins )
1.734 m ( 5 ft. 8 l/4 ins )
1.465 m ( 4 ft. 9 3/4 ins )
0.155 m ( 0 ft. 6.1 ins )