1985 Citroen CX radiator

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Page 10 of 394

Citroen CX 1985 1.G Workshop Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine 4 OPERATION N” MA. 000 : General characteristics 
Weights in kg ( lb ) 
- Kerb weight ( with full tallk oj fuel ) . . . . . . . . . . 
- Weig

Page 14 of 394

Citroen CX 1985 1.G Workshop Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine 8 OPERATION No MA. 000 : G~v2~~rnl characteristics 
Weights in kg ( Jb ) : 
- Kerb weight ( with /hll fmk oipc~trol ) : 

Page 170 of 394

Citroen CX 1985 1.G Workshop Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine CHARACTERISTICS 
1. Water circuit : 
Self de-aerating type, with header tank. 
- Filling : . . . . . . . .._...................................

Page 171 of 394

Citroen CX 1985 1.G Workshop Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine 6. Electric cooling fans : 
- 16 dm2 (248 sq.in ) radiator ( CX 2000 except optional towing equipment ) ,......... 1 
- 20 dm2 (310 sq.in ) rad

Page 172 of 394

Citroen CX 1985 1.G Workshop Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine COOLING SYSTEM 
L litre enlyne f 
-I l’r’i ) except optional towing equipment (Thermostat closed and heater system open) 
Hot cool.n+ 

Page 174 of 394

Citroen CX 1985 1.G Workshop Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine - 
! Electric fan ( 5) 
I De-oeroting pipe 
I Header tank 
i Thermostot 
I Heater unit 
Inlet manifold 
i Cylinder head o

Page 175 of 394

Citroen CX 1985 1.G Workshop Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine OPERATION No MA. 230.00 : ( i ‘<i,ri<,i ,i\,,< 5 Ni,il ‘,J# <ii// /, N/iii< % i,, li’i <r,o//,,: \, \I, li, Op. MA. 230.00 5 
1 Radiator

Page 176 of 394

Citroen CX 1985 1.G Workshop Manual Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine COOLING SYSTEM 
2 4 litre engine, torque converter and air conditinninq (Thermostat and heater unit open) 
Partial view F 
1 Radiator 
2 Ele
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